- ` Real Life Stuffs `
[Yesterday was the day of my first concert EVER! I went with Jodie and Michelle (and Jodie's sister Julie and her friend Crystal) to see Harry and the Potters and Draco and the Malfoys play over in Spokane!!! It was so much fun! Especially since it was an outdoor concert! :0 We also had Subway! I tried their Italian Herbs and Cheese bread with the BMT, and let me say it was the best bread EVER. Lykomg, so yummy! And I had diet Pepsi Lime~ <33 Really, I like un-dieted Pepsi lime, because I can taste more of the lime, but diet makes it taste all cream-soda-like. ;D]
[So yeah, first Draco and the Malfoys played, and it was HILARIOUS! Especially the "My Dad is Rich" song~ I was laughing so much! They had the funniest expressions and some really good voices that went really well with the lyrics~ the music itself was really good, too!]
[Then Harry and the Potters played~ They let us all get really close to the stage! >w< Jodie, Michelle and I all got up really close, and it was so loud! I almost got hit in the face with Year 7 Harry's guitar's handle and everything. xD Ah, it was great! It was funny how nerdy Year 4 Harry sounded~ I loved the "Human Hosepipe" song! <33 Hilarious~]
[After the show, we all got hugs from the band members, and now the shirt I was wearing at the time is totally rad, and it shall be preserved in the future~ <33]
[Soyeah, lottsa fun!]
` Gaia-Related Stuffs `
[I've been whoring art lately. xD I love it when people draw me some artsie stuffs! I'll post the art later, when I get it loaded on Photobucket someday~ Wewt!]
Kwa herini!
<33- Britt