` Real Life Stuffs `
So I saw the BEST commercial since those Capital One commercials with David Spade. It's a commercial for this headache reliever, called HeadOn. It has to be one of the cheapest commercials ever. It just has this lady rubbing Head On on her forehead (it looks like she's rubbing a gluestick on her forehead, but whatever. xD) and there's this other lady's voice saying, "HeadOn: Apply directly to the forehead!" She says that, like, 3 times, and then there's like this 3 second thing that actually gives information. And then the commercial is over. xD NBC Nightly News had a segment on it, saying that it was soooo annoying, and that it gives you a headache which forces you to buy it to relieve said headache, yaddayaddayadda. I don't find it annoying AT ALL. I find it just plain HILARIOUS. xDD Here's some linkage: HeadOn Commercial
NBC talks HeadOn
In other news, I went to Silverwood with Jodie again~ <33 We rode Tremors two times! Tremors is their main attraction (eet bee a rollercoaster. :0), and it was Jodie's first time on it. She said it was, lyk, rad. It's phun. <33 We got pick-a-churs, too. ;D
Andandand, the fair is in, like 20 something more days! My piggy is doing a lot better since I started walking her every morning. :0 Lykwhoa.
` Gaia-Related Stuffs `
So I'm thinking of starting an art auction. ;/ It'll be phun, and it'll get me some extra pocket change!
OMGOMGOMG, my phont works with FireFox again! <3333 I feel so happy! Now I have my green underline again! ;000 omfgyeah!!!1!!shift+1!
I'm still in an art whore mood. xD GIMMEARTS,K!!!?
I'm planning on buying a real-life OMG hat! <33 I'm gonna wear it to school and see how many people call me a complete retard and how many people want my hat. xD Eet'llbeephun!
Kwa herini!
<33- Britt