Curse you "XD" curse you to hell! |
So where have I been? Well my life turned to crap, wednesday and I haven't felt like sharing untill now. Well I made a thread about it earlier, I'll just copy it to here.
I work at a state forest, it sounds like an easy job, however I got treated like crap there. For instance I just spent the last two weeks cutting trees and pulling them by hand in below freezing weather, it was zero the last day I did it. So about a month ago, I was stuck splitting wood for several weeks as well, it was crap considering, there was other jobs to be done, and I was just put with busy work. Anyways I got tired of it, and so I went out with a friend, we bought some spray paint, and painted "XD" on a couple signs that needed replaced, and "XD PWNS j00" on a bathroom wall.
The point of this was, I'd have to clean it up, giving me a break for an afternoon from the normal work. The park gets hit all the time, and nothing is ever done. However, we timed it wrong, it just so happened to be on the weekend with the opening of deer hunting, so the workers at the forest, saw the paint and jumped to the conclusion, it meant "Anti Deer Hunting", while PWN meant "Protect Wildlife Now" They talked about it, and just reported it, nothing was really done. I cleaned it up, and got easy work for the day, I didn't feel like quitting then, On another note, I've been working there all summer saving, so I could move near my girlfriend, I was about two weeks from leaving.
Anyways, my friend not being so bright, told a couple people, and of course word got around, then several kids started copying. It ended up all over the entire county, "XD" could be seen on most stop signs on back roads, and things like that. Well, my friend and I wasn't ever going to do it again, we stopped the weekend after we first did it, and about a month went by, things quieted down. Work stopped talking about it, people stopped. We though we were in the clear, however wednesday, I was helping cut down trees and pulling the brush in piles, in below zero weather, when I got radioed in, to go back to the shop.
I got back, and the cops were there waiting for me. My first thought was, someone died, or something. But, they questioned me about the spray paint, and said several people told them it was me. A crimestoppers reward was posted in the paper, that morning. I denied everything of course, they had no real proof, and I had no real motive, after all I had to clean everything up. They told me they were going to interview the next guy, and if they didn't find anything else. I was going down with the entire blame.
There was about 2,000 dollars done in damage, thats enough for a felony, since it was state property. They said, if I confessed. I'd get a class A misdameanor. Of course, I still denied and they left. At about noon I was on my lunch break, a coworker mentioned the reward in the newspaper, he left and another guy who works with me, said he knew who did it, he said it was several guys, and he was with them, when they did it. My supervisor over heard, and knew the blame was going on me. She pulled me aside, and told me she heard that, and would talk to the cops. I got off work, and went to the police station, to tell them what I heard, and my super visor heard.
I thought, I was in the clear, that saved us. However, I was wrong. They went to my friend, after me and told him, I confessed. So he broke and told him we did it, he didn't want stuck with the felony, when it looked like I confessed already. So based on the fact he admitted, I wasn't allowed to leave the police station, I held up denying everything, several minutes after they said he confessed, untill I was going to have to stay there untill monday, and probally go to jail for ten years.
So I confessed, to get off and posted a 100 dollar bail. My court date is january 19th, this sucks I was moving after the seventh, and now I can't. I had planned to start college this month, or at least hold off and work a while, now I can't.
So you can see what I mean, but life turning to crap. If I can't move and go to college, it'll be like over for me. I'm serious, I worked so hard over the summer for this... all the crap at work I put up with, so I could move after the seventh. I've been working since may, this sucks and I wish it never happened. I just wish I held my ground, and refused to do anything like this, I've never done anything before. I don't drink, or smoke, infact I hate that. I used to be in a teen mentor group, gawh someone send me money or something!
What a christmas this turned out to be, and I thought it was bad before. But I told Julia, and she's been great with comforting me, and thats been a huge help. I just can't wait to get out of this place... if I can now.
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Sat Dec 25, 2004 @ 12:56am · 6 Comments |