Secret Assignment #2: Notes to know About Me |
Alright one thing: I'm not the kind of person who's gonna tell you about my favorite kind of flower or food or color, cause that's just plain boring. And my favorite things change each time I see something better anyways. So fat chance that you're gonna know any basic things about me in here. Just some random things really.
Oh and this is all me by the way, it does say journal and I always become truthful when it comes to journals and diary and what's the point of reading about me when...well if it ain't me? Then you'll just know me as a lie, that's why I'm deciding to be ACTUALLY truthful.
1st Fact: I will stand up for what I believe in. This is where my ego comes in, yep, you know the rumor about girls not having an ego as big as guys? Well you're wrong when it comes to my ego and defending what I believe in. You tell me that you don't believe in people falling in love with the same gender, and I'll probably crack and bring out the debate logic. I don't care who you are, I will tell you why I think people should fall in love with WHO THEY WANT TO FALL IN LOVE WITH. Don't discriminate, what's the diffrence between gay love and love between a man and a woman? Do you gay love isn't real because its with the same gender? ******** you b***h. YOU ARE A FOOKER! Don't think that a man in love with a man won't feel pain when their partner breaks up with them. That's just going back to the old ages where they thought someone who had darker skin can't feel pain, DON'T BE A ******** BIGOT! You don't know what that is? Look it up on dictionary.com. And don't even add the Bible into this, the Bible is just scrap paper to me, with its dumb rules. stare Tell me, when you kiss someone, can you tell if its a bisexual lips you're kissing? Or a lesbian's lips your kissing? No you can't, we're all the same, how diffrent can it be if we fall in love with the same gender, its still love. And that's why they say LOVE IS BLIND. You won't know who your true love's personality lies, whethere its in a girl or guy. And besides...guys kissing is hott..*drools*
2nd Fact: I don't care about looks. Don't even get ne going on this subject. I heard one guy say this at one time, "They say that looks doesn't matter. Well how can someone get to know you if you're damn ugly?" Well honey, you just assumed that everyone is like that. Not all people are shallow! Not me, I mean sure I like looking at hott guys, but that's just for fun, not for falling in love.
3rd Fact: Truth only looks good when its far away. That's the truth honey. Well picture this, if you're a guy and you're straight, imagine a girl. Okay so you're in the bus going to where ever you plan you're going, car at the shop cause some jackass decided to get stoned and thought it was soo hillarious to break your window with a bat, anywho... Scenes are passing by your window, shops lined up, the sidewalk with families and couples walking around, minding their own agenda, when the bus stops at one of the regular stops it has to take. You're next to those town central places where there's this small park with the monuments and everything and cars slowly driving by cause of the speed limit and you're just there...sitting and waiting when suddenly... The most gorgeous homosapien just passes by. OMG Its the hottest guy/girl you're ever seen, walking with his mates and laughing, oh the sound... You just sit and stare, mouth hanging, gawking and wondering if you touched him/her would you get burned from the hotness? You jump to your feet, beating the closing doors by a second, he/ she's several feet ahead of you and you catch up... Holy cow his/her breathe stinks! And you're not even that near, brocolli stuck in his/her teeth, one eye drooping, biggest mole on the side of his neck. And yes like I said...Truth only looks good from far away. But then again were all human and we all have our imperfections and flaws that I love and accept. After that disastrous encounter you pump up the courage to talk and find out he's just your type, hillarious, sweet, lovable and all those imperfections start to fade away....
Wash out Memories · Mon Aug 21, 2006 @ 11:27pm · 0 Comments |