today, i did something that was unthinkable. i sold a red card. I SOLD A RED CARD!!!.........ur probably confused right now, so let me explain as best as i can. if i still confuse u, i'm sorry. if u shop at target,(who doesn't?) u'll notice that when u checkout, the cashier person will almost always ask u "would u like to apply for a target red card?" or "would u like to sign up for a target visa?". i know, u get irratated just hearing them say it all the damn time, but, just so u know, we hate having to ask all the damn time. if u have n e 1 to blame for that repetative questioning, u should blame corporate, not the sales people........anyways, i usually hesitate to ask people 'cuz the always say "no". well, today, i asked this woman and she said "yeah, sure. what kind of benifits will i get if i do?". i froze for a moment. i was shocked. i asked her "seriously? u actually want to sign up for a red card?", and with a very serious face, she said "yep". since i was still shocked from hearing her say yes, i couldn't remember the benefits, but i remembered the little info card we had by the register and i handed her that. she looked it over and nodded to it and made an "ooohhhhh.....".i panicked and i asked one of my neighbors what to do. she told me to get the registry sheet out and scan it and wait a little while and then the machine would do the rest, but she never told me which machine would give instructions. so, when i scanned the paper and nothing appeared on my screen, i began to freak out. i thought something was wrong with my cash register. turns out, the credit card machine is the machine that does all the work! sweatdrop yeah, i know. i'm a dumbass.probably none of this story made any sense to you, so i'm sorry for my poor story telling skills. i was just happy i did a red card thing today, that's all..... i recently heard from my pops that he's lookin' for a job in raleigh, nc and we might be moving down there. personally, i believe that any place is better than va beach. my brother, like the stubborn a*****e he is, refuses to move n e where out of this state. my mom would probably want to leave if it wasn't for my brother (she says she won't leave another child behind. truth is, he left her behind. my older brother's an a*****e). my dad wants this job soooo badly. my mom wouldn't have to work again and we'ld get to live in a house. a house!!! i wish my brother could understand. my dad, my mom and myself are miserable here. my parents don't have any friends (well, they do, but they're like work friends, and they don't really associate with them after work) and the only friends i got were from high school, and i hardly ever see them. my younger brother says he won't move because he has soo many friends here. well, he can make just as many friends in nc as he could up here. my lil' brother could walk into a room filled with absolute strangers and talk to each and every person and end up befriending about half of the people he had just spoken to. i, on the other hand, could never do that. not in a hundred million years. what i'm saying is my brother would adjust better than i would. if he gave nc a chance, he might like it better there than up here. besides, raleigh isn't a gazillion miles away from va beach. at most, it's a 3 hr. drive (maybe longer than that if traffic is bad). i really hope my dad gets this job.