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View User's Journal

You love my Yaoi. Stop loving it!!!!
[-Kyo-]: My sister took over the comp D=
MiniDevil: Just don't get drunk on me
Abatheau: Stupid sister.
Jesus 2.0: Poor Kyo
MiniDevil: Or else...I'll make that keyboard REALLLY sticky
MiniDevil: &.&
MiniDevil: &.&
choklit_teddi: o.o
MiniDevil: X3
Jesus 2.0: xD lol
Abatheau: Why not, I hear I'm sexy drunk. ;D
MiniDevil: XD
MiniDevil: Why don't you show me then?
MiniDevil: X3
MiniDevil: Ahh, Teddi, I may be scaring you
MiniDevil: but deep down inside
MiniDevil: you missed my perverted comments
[-Kyo-]: My sister says, "Shut the ******** up you stupid ******** faggots" D=
choklit_teddi: I miss something.. surprised
choklit_teddi: But dunno if its that.
Jesus 2.0: D:& Tell you sister that she's going to burn in the core of the earth becuase of that.
MiniDevil: Tell her to eat a fork
choklit_teddi: Tell your sister teddi is going to appear in her bed one night. cool
MiniDevil: X3
Jesus 2.0: :O Or spork? biggrin
MiniDevil: *Random rape noises occure*
[-Kyo-]: She says, "Go eat your mom." D'= She's making me sad.
choklit_teddi: Nu.. D:& I'm quiet. xD
[-Kyo-]: She says to teddi, "Stay the ******** away from my bed."
choklit_teddi: My mom doesn't like to be eaten.. can i eat her instead?
MiniDevil: Pshhh...quiet X3
Abatheau: Kay, I finally finished watching that video. xD
choklit_teddi: AND SHE KNOWS IT. D:&
MiniDevil: XD
Jesus 2.0: xDDD
[-Kyo-]: She says, "You like it up the a** so shut the ******** up."
MiniDevil: X3
Jesus 2.0: &:OOO
choklit_teddi: Not really.. But I bet she does. :O
Abatheau: Oooo bumsex D:
MiniDevil: XDXD
choklit_teddi: By the way.. how does she know? O.o
MiniDevil: She saw us, Teddi
[-Kyo-]: She also says, "You're a little bit too homo for me."
choklit_teddi: Thats too bad.
choklit_teddi: We woulda made a cute couple.
Jesus 2.0: Indeed
Abatheau: ::pokes Mini:: No bumsex.
Jesus 2.0: xD
MiniDevil: XD
MiniDevil: Awww, dammit
choklit_teddi: As long as she don't mind me ontop. 8D
[-Kyo-]: She says, "Ewww. Ya right you wish."
choklit_teddi: Yeah. I really do.
MiniDevil: That means she's secretly turned on
Jesus 2.0: Looks like you'll be on bottom, Teddi. ;__;
MiniDevil: Kyo, your sister's a homo in denial
Abatheau: This sounds like Tea & my brother's little talk xD
[-Kyo-]: She says, "Sick ********."
choklit_teddi: You know it. :3
MiniDevil: XD
choklit_teddi: Don't forget to dream about me tonight.
Abatheau: "eat my ham arms!" "eat my ham!" xD
[-Kyo-]: She says, "She'll ******** me up if you don't stop"
Jesus 2.0: xD lol Babeh, Jesus loves you. Accept me! &:O OR ELSE!
[-Kyo-]: DX
choklit_teddi: Your sister needs to get laid. D:
[-Kyo-]: She's punching me in the head DX!!
Abatheau: ::sits on Mini::
choklit_teddi: D:&
Jesus 2.0: She's got her panties in a ten times knot, thats for sure.
MiniDevil: *ish sat on*
Jesus 2.0: xD
choklit_teddi: I could fix that but noooo. xDD
Jesus 2.0: Lol
[-Kyo-]: She flipped you off and said, "Peace out. I'm watching degrassi. ******** you guys."
choklit_teddi: Degrassi is love.
Abatheau: Degrassi.. ::giggles::
choklit_teddi: XDDDD
[-Kyo-]: I got beat up D'=
MiniDevil: XDXD
Jesus 2.0: :O
choklit_teddi: Aww.
choklit_teddi: I sozz.
choklit_teddi: -Huggleluffzup Kyo-
[-Kyo-]: Thanks.
Abatheau: The L Word IS LOVE, Teddi.
[-Kyo-]: She says, "Anime faggots don't float my boat."
choklit_teddi: I don't watch anime. biggrin
choklit_teddi: &3
[-Kyo-]: I'm really hurt now.
Jesus 2.0: ... Man, Then she doens't like Jesus, then...
Abatheau: &(._.)&
choklit_teddi: XD
choklit_teddi: -Huggles aba-
Abatheau: ^^
Jesus 2.0: Ha! now she's gonna get tenticle rappored!! &:OOO
choklit_teddi: SHe'll like it. 8D
Jesus 2.0: *hugs Abath*
[-Kyo-]: My sister scares me.
Abatheau: I'd pay to see that..
choklit_teddi: XD
[-Kyo-]: We're twins and I fear her DX.
Jesus 2.0: D:
choklit_teddi: D:
[-Kyo-]: Brb. I must protect myself.
choklit_teddi: ._.
Abatheau: ::pokes Mini:: Quiet?
choklit_teddi: -guilty feelings- ..
Jesus 2.0: Grab the torches, Kyo! The torches!
choklit_teddi: Loli? -looks around-
Jesus 2.0: ... -gives Teddi a Loli- biggrin
choklit_teddi: &3
MiniDevil: I'm trying to write a song...but apparently my english skills ran awy from me O.o
choklit_teddi: -Huggleluffzup Jesus-
MiniDevil: away**
Jesus 2.0: biggrin DD 'cha!
Abatheau: Aw ::pets::
[-Kyo-]: *dies*

.R..J.: Oh no
Jesus 2.0: Kyo!!
.R..J.: She was nice
[-Kyo-]: Oh noes.
Abatheau: Kyo :i
[-Kyo-]: Yo.
Abatheau: Sup? ^^
[-Kyo-]: I've been looking for this room for a while.
[-Kyo-]: Nothing much. You?
Abatheau: Haha, why?
Jesus 2.0: biggrin
[-Kyo-]: "I liked kuroneko....He maade me happy.......Like when I'm tying children up and burning there toys in front of them....."
Abatheau: Nothing, I'm just sleepy & have like.. 13 people stuffed into my room.
.R..J.: Oh
.R..J.: That sounds kinda arousing
[-Kyo-]: Boredom. That, and all the other rooms rejected me and flamed me.
Abatheau: What does?
.R..J.: Tying up children
.R..J.: And burning their toys
[-Kyo-]: Kuro Neko from Trigun.
Jesus 2.0: xD
Abatheau: Aw, other Bi/Les rooms? Or just regular rooms?
[-Kyo-]: Bi/Les rooms.
Jesus 2.0: Poor Kyo. ;__;
[-Kyo-]: Most of the other rooms were cool.
Abatheau: Aw ::pets Kyo::
[-Kyo-]: *purrs* But you people are cooler than thm.
[-Kyo-]: them*
Abatheau: But not AS cool.
Jesus 2.0: -Gives Kyo a lolipop-
[-Kyo-]: *Licks the lolipop* Yum.
Aibi-Chan: ::Stares.:: My p***s senses are TINGLING.
[-Kyo-]: Jesus loves me this I know...
Jesus 2.0: ....
Abatheau: Aibi..
Jesus 2.0: biggrin
Abatheau: I think I may go back to my old hair.
[-Kyo-]: For the Jesus tells me so.
.R..J.: I wish I had p***s senses
[-Kyo-]: Lol.
Abatheau: Jesus loves me yes I knoooow.
mkairi: lol
[-Kyo-]: Um I have Gaydar. Does that count?
.R..J.: Damn it
Abatheau: Gaydar&3
.R..J.: Someone send me Love Island please smile
Jesus 2.0: :3 Jesus loves all his.. er.. her children & biggrin
Abatheau: I almost wanna name my kid Gaydar.
Jesus 2.0: xD
[-Kyo-]: Lol.
mkairi: lol
[-Kyo-]: No.
[-Kyo-]: Gaylord Focker.
Abatheau: Jesus.. We're GODS children. =/
[-Kyo-]: Loved that movie.
mkairi: me too
[-Kyo-]: I'm Jesus's child.
Abatheau: We're your brothers & sisters.
[-Kyo-]: No way in hell god gave birth to me.
Jesus 2.0: D:& Gods children. PSHAW!!
[-Kyo-]: I'm all evil n' stuff.
Abatheau: DUMMY
[-Kyo-]: XD!!!
Abatheau: Did you go to private school?!
[-Kyo-]: Maybe ninja
Abatheau: &.&
Abatheau: &.&
Abatheau: o.o
Jesus 2.0: &:[ tell!
[-Kyo-]: I'm putting this in my journal next to the other convo I had last night.
Aibi-Chan: ::Sits.:: My lag sucks D:&
Jesus 2.0: biggrin D
.R..J.: Sorry these are so tiny
Abatheau: Aw, Aibi&33333
[-Kyo-]: Brb.
Jesus 2.0: Leave, then re-enter the room. No lag. & biggrin
[-Kyo-]: Don't type anything so I can copy it &=D
Aibi-Chan: : razz ets Rj. Pets Aba.:: D:

[-Kyo-]: 8 n00bs.
Jesus 2.0: D: "U R Neet" DDD:
[-Kyo-]: 8 of em'.
Jesus 2.0: & biggrin Great!
[-Kyo-]: All reported.
choklit_teddi: xD
choklit_teddi: nice. &3
Naru Chan69: *laughs*
[-Kyo-]: Indeed.
[-Kyo-]: I can't wait until later.
[-Kyo-]: There'll be more to hit.
Jesus 2.0: Lol
[-Kyo-]: This is sooooo effing fun!
Jesus 2.0: So.. are they saying: "LOL Kyo.. lets cybrz! :BBB"
Naru Chan69: I bet
[-Kyo-]: One room was wierd though.
[-Kyo-]: No. They're already cybering once I enter.
Jesus 2.0: D:
Jesus 2.0: Gross. razz
[-Kyo-]: But I entered it and there was a huge fight going on.
Naru Chan69: XP
Jesus 2.0: Hmmm.... Fight you say? Go on. :3
[-Kyo-]: I was like, "Damn. You people are violent. Like....Worse than rape violent."
Jesus 2.0: :O
[-Kyo-]: They were like, "Wtf? Get out!"
choklit_teddi: The creepiest thing is where theres literate cyber n00bs. D::
choklit_teddi: xD
[-Kyo-]: And I'm like," Peace bitches."
Alexandera Ayame: XD
[-Kyo-]: XD
[-Kyo-]: That's even worse.
Jesus 2.0: Myabe they were faking a fight and then going to have make-up sex? xDD
Naru Chan69: Oh god
[-Kyo-]: Cause then you can understand what they're saying as opposed to guessing.
[-Kyo-]: XD!
[-Kyo-]: They knew I was coming!
Alexandera Ayame: lol
[-Kyo-]: You gave them the tip, didn't you Jesus?!
[-Kyo-]: Don't lie!
Jesus 2.0: ...D:& Helping people?! PSHAW!
[-Kyo-]: Lol.
choklit_teddi: -Chews on a noob- ..
Naru Chan69: *giggles*
Jesus 2.0: I thought you said "-ches on a boob-" at first xDD
Jesus 2.0: *Chews
[-Kyo-]: Should I go stabbity some more bitches.....
[-Kyo-]: Chess on a boob?
[-Kyo-]: Knight to left n****e.
choklit_teddi: xD Oh yeah. I chew on boobs all the time, didn't I tell you?
Jesus 2.0: xDDD LOL
Naru Chan69: XD
Naru Chan69: you guys are funny
[-Kyo-]: Thank you. I'll be here all night and maybe until the next halocaust.
Jesus 2.0: Pawn to upper cleavage. xDD
[-Kyo-]: Thank you Naru.
Naru Chan69: any time
[-Kyo-]: You're one of the few people, besides these guys, who didn't dis me for being in here.
[-Kyo-]: Cause you're cool like that n' stuff.
Jesus 2.0: biggrin Ya.
choklit_teddi: I wasn't too peachy the first time o.O
Naru Chan69: I am older and wiser then most here on gaia
[-Kyo-]: I know.
[-Kyo-]: You made me sad and made me leave.
choklit_teddi: I know.. &.&
[-Kyo-]: Then you asked me to come back.
choklit_teddi: But of course.
[-Kyo-]: And now you're all cool n' stuff too.
[-Kyo-]: Cause your teddi.
choklit_teddi: xD
[-Kyo-]: And I think I've seen you around Naru.....
[-Kyo-]: You sound familiar.
Naru Chan69: More then likely
Alexandera Ayame: *yawns*
[-Kyo-]: Brb.
Naru Chan69: I am well known
choklit_teddi: Never seen chu before..
choklit_teddi: lest I don't think so.
Naru Chan69: tis ok
Naru Chan69: I normally don't hang out in the chat rooms
Jesus 2.0: Oh.. ;__;
Alexandera Ayame: I remember almost every one....
Naru Chan69: yeah chat rooms are for when I have nothing else better to do
Naru Chan69: No offence
Jesus 2.0: ._.
Jesus 2.0: I like talking to people faster than PM's ;D
choklit_teddi: razz
Naru Chan69: seriously I come online and I usually have 2 people at all times demanding my attention
[-Kyo-]: I demand no one's attention.
Naru Chan69: that is good to know
[-Kyo-]: I give attention...And sometimes other things that I'm not at liberty to discuss.
choklit_teddi: -snickers-
Alexandera Ayame: lol
Jesus 2.0: xD nice, Kyo.
Naru Chan69: *grins*
[-Kyo-]: Shhhhhh!
choklit_teddi: I give attention to those who seek it. :3
Jesus 2.0: & &;;
[-Kyo-]: I don't want people to know!
Naru Chan69: Hey to each their own
choklit_teddi: My kitty is going "mmmm.. mmm.."
choklit_teddi: Tis cute. biggrin
Jesus 2.0: &w& aw.
Alexandera Ayame: XD awww
[-Kyo-]: My dog is....fat....and...asleep.
[-Kyo-]: *kicks it*
choklit_teddi: He's laying on the couch doing that. surprised
.R..J.: Kiss him
choklit_teddi: I went over and cuddled him. xD
Naru Chan69: There are three adults 3 kids 3 cats and a dog here in this house
[-Kyo-]: Brb. Mail from my friend.
Jesus 2.0: My kitty is fat and asleep -_- Seeminly she only pounces during the day & biggrin ha ha!
Naru Chan69: *sighs* I have to get my own place
Jesus 2.0: *seemingly
choklit_teddi: Theres a dog, a cat, and my brother an my mum at my place o.o
choklit_teddi: My kitty sleeps in my bed all day. D:
choklit_teddi: I swear he doesnt move ..
Jesus 2.0: xD lol
choklit_teddi: Like.. when he does, he goes downstairs and rests every 20 feet before he gets to his food dish.
choklit_teddi: Tis hilariously pathetic.
Naru Chan69: wow don't umm become too sexually active. Don't want you worried about him peeing on stuff
.R..J.: Does he sleep with you?
Jesus 2.0: My kitty likes me jaket then gets it all hair, because sh has long hair... and then I go outside and it looks like i'm wearing a fur coat ;__;
.R..J.: I wish mine would sleep with me
[-Kyo-]: My cat hates people.
choklit_teddi: Mine snuggles under my blanket with meh.. D:
[-Kyo-]: It's her world. We just live in it.
choklit_teddi: xD
choklit_teddi: And you feed her. razz
Naru Chan69: Nice
[-Kyo-]: Her theme song is I'm just a kid.
choklit_teddi: Haha.
Jesus 2.0: xD
[-Kyo-]: I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare!
.R..J.: You're so lucky Choklit
[-Kyo-]: I'm just a kid and I know that it's not fair!
.R..J.: My kitty won't even sleep at the foot of my bed normally
Alexandera Ayame: *Still holding Laxgal's Kiya Kitty*
choklit_teddi: Nobody knows cause i'm alone in this world!
[-Kyo-]: My cat doesn't sleep.
choklit_teddi: Everyones having more fun than meeeee. tonight...
[-Kyo-]: Lol.
choklit_teddi: xD
[-Kyo-]: She's too hyped up on some kind of illiegal substance.
Jesus 2.0: :OO
.R..J.: What kind?
[-Kyo-]: I don;t know.
Jesus 2.0: LSD &:OO
[-Kyo-]: I suspect crack.
choklit_teddi: xD
[-Kyo-]: Maybe some weed.
choklit_teddi: My kitty got caught with catnip. D:&
[-Kyo-]: I know she found a bag of catnip.
Alexandera Ayame: XD
choklit_teddi: Such a little druggie.
[-Kyo-]: She's probably rolling joints with it.
Alexandera Ayame: XD
Jesus 2.0: My kitty ate the catnip and started chasing nothing D:
[-Kyo-]: Lol.
choklit_teddi: XD
[-Kyo-]: My cat rolls on the ground meowing like she's on fire.
choklit_teddi: My cat zooms up and down the stairs when hes on catnip
choklit_teddi: Its weirdly freaky.
Jesus 2.0: xD
[-Kyo-]: All i can think is, "STOP DROP AND ROLL!"
Alexandera Ayame: XD
choklit_teddi: XD
Jesus 2.0: Like... kitty grudge sort of Lol
[-Kyo-]: Lol.

[-Kyo-]: Yo.
Jesus 2.0: Hullo
Quest Doctor: you didn't get me
Alexa18: hey
[-Kyo-]: I know.
Alexandera Ayame: Hey Alex
Quest Doctor: hello Alexa
[-Kyo-]: You didn't do anything as far as I can tell.
[-Kyo-]: So you're cool in my book.
Quest Doctor: I got kicked out of a charity guild for giving out gold
Jesus 2.0: ... Whoa...I just thought... this room has been running for... a whole day?
[-Kyo-]: And you're also protected from my rampaging reporting sprees.
[-Kyo-]: Wtf?
Quest Doctor: and I ogt banned nine times
Quest Doctor: got*
[-Kyo-]: That's.....Effed up.
Quest Doctor: yea I know
[-Kyo-]: That's kinda effing stupid. You want Kyo to slap a b***h?
Quest Doctor: naw
[-Kyo-]: Ok then.
Quest Doctor: this was some months back
[-Kyo-]: No word from Dei yet.
[-Kyo-]: I want to call her Deiko or Digiko.
[-Kyo-]: But I can't.
[-Kyo-]: Cause....I'm wierd like that.
Quest Doctor: I asked Dei for her name and she got mad
[-Kyo-]: Lol.
[-Kyo-]: Nice.
Quest Doctor: So ,I left the room
Jesus 2.0: I could imagine that
Alexa18: oo;
[-Kyo-]: Me too.
[-Kyo-]: Yo Alexa.
[-Kyo-]: Join in the convo.
Quest Doctor: I dont know if it was the same person
[-Kyo-]: We don't bite....Well, I think teddi and Jesus do...
Jesus 2.0: > >;;
Jesus 2.0: < <
Alexa18: lol
Quest Doctor: we know teddi bites
[-Kyo-]: I know teddi does.
Jesus 2.0: Teddi is makin' munchies.
Quest Doctor: and she comes at you hard as hell
[-Kyo-]: Lol.
Jesus 2.0: :3
choklit_teddi: Teddi bites. cool And people like it. shh.
[-Kyo-]: And Jesus is just crazy.
Jesus 2.0: xD
Quest Doctor: I said one thing wrong and she started flaming me
Alexa18: who is teddi?
choklit_teddi: Me.
[-Kyo-]: choklit_teddi
[-Kyo-]: Her.
Quest Doctor: p2
[-Kyo-]: She bites.
Jesus 2.0: One thing wrong is too much wrong. -_- duh.
[-Kyo-]: And I like it.
choklit_teddi: I made some french toast. <3
Jesus 2.0: :OO
[-Kyo-]: Yum.
Alexandera Ayame: yummy
[-Kyo-]: Can I have some D confused
choklit_teddi: -Feeds you a peice-
choklit_teddi: ^-^'
Jesus 2.0: Meh too. biggrin
[-Kyo-]: *eats it happily* Yummeh^^.
choklit_teddi: -Feeds Jesus a peice- surprised
[-Kyo-]: *dances*
choklit_teddi: <3
[-Kyo-]: *grabs a bottle of water* Jesus! Do your magic trick!
Jesus 2.0: > biggrin -eats frech toastie- OKay! -turns water to wine- >:3
Quest Doctor: turn water into wine
choklit_teddi: -Cracks up=
[-Kyo-]: SWEET! *chugs it*
choklit_teddi: *-
Jesus 2.0: :3 Wewt!
[-Kyo-]: *is officially s**t faced and passes out*
Quest Doctor: that would be a badass skill and away to make big money
Jesus 2.0: xDD Poor Kyo... lets draw on him! > biggrin
Quest Doctor: just grab a bottle of water, turn it into wine, and sell it
choklit_teddi: Haha. <3
Alexa18: who`s bi or les here?
choklit_teddi: I'd get drunk every night. <3
[-Kyo-]: *twitch twitch*
[-Kyo-]: I'm a dude.
Quest Doctor: everyone
[-Kyo-]: And I'm bi.
Quest Doctor: except me
Quest Doctor: I'm just some dumb ******** skimming through areas of gaia
Jesus 2.0: -puts a girnat heart on Kyo's forehead in sharpie- Aw, purty. :3
[-Kyo-]: Where's Johny Quest?!?!?!
choklit_teddi: Yep.
Jesus 2.0: *giant
[-Kyo-]: I'm so cracked out right now from lack of sleep.
Quest Doctor: and teddi is my cousin
[-Kyo-]: Coolio.
Quest Doctor: my very distant cousin that no one knows about or speaks of
Jesus 2.0: Me too...6:45am haven't had any sleep and got up at around 8ish. D:
[-Kyo-]: I'm....Jesus2.0's son?
choklit_teddi: Of course.
choklit_teddi: Thats what they all say.. D:< Until they find the bodies.
[-Kyo-]: 5:42AM and I woke up around.....Noon?
Quest Doctor: I knew teddi was a serial killer
Quest Doctor: wait she still is
[-Kyo-]: I had about 4 hours of sleep the night before
choklit_teddi: XD
Jesus 2.0: Yeah... 5:45 not 6. biggrin
[-Kyo-]: Teddi's coming to get you Jesus!
Jesus 2.0: Wha?!
Alexa18: i went to bed at three am last night, so yeah....
[-Kyo-]: That's why your lights flickered!
[-Kyo-]: Me too.
Jesus 2.0: :OO Ho s**t!
[-Kyo-]: RUN!
Jesus 2.0: WHERE!?!
Jesus 2.0: DDd:
Jesus 2.0: *DDD:
[-Kyo-]: I don't know!
choklit_teddi: Come into the closet. 8D
[-Kyo-]: I'm 15!!!!!
Jesus 2.0: *crycrycry*
[-Kyo-]: Oh. Secretive.
Jesus 2.0: I don't have a closet =/
Jesus 2.0: xD
choklit_teddi: o.O.. Then where am I?
Jesus 2.0: .... Uh
[-Kyo-]: "RUN b***h! SHE GONNA KIIIIIIIL YOU!"-Malibu's most wanted.
Quest Doctor: last time someone told me to go into the closest they kept hitting be with a bat
Quest Doctor: me
[-Kyo-]: My sister punched me in the head D:.
choklit_teddi: D:
choklit_teddi: Tell your sister she gonna get raped if she keeps that up.
[-Kyo-]: And she said bad things about my friends here.
Jesus 2.0: My cousin... tackles people.. ;__;
choklit_teddi: But then again.. you can't rape the willing, can you?
[-Kyo-]: Lol.
Jesus 2.0: To the ground.
Quest Doctor: sounds like fun
[-Kyo-]: XD
choklit_teddi: I don't think your sister likes me. 8D
[-Kyo-]: No you can't.
Jesus 2.0: You sister is in denial! >:O
[-Kyo-]: She doesn't like anybody who's my friend.
choklit_teddi: She is.. surprised Jesus, we should open her mind. 8D
Alexa18: why not?
[-Kyo-]: XDDDDD
Jesus 2.0: Oh.. was she PMSing? Or it like.. a year-round thing?
[-Kyo-]: She's like this all year round.
Jesus 2.0: xDD
choklit_teddi: Poor kyo.
Jesus 2.0: Yes, Teddi... Yes we should. >:3
[-Kyo-]: Aunt flow came to visit and she won't leave.
Jesus 2.0: Aunt flow moved in?! D:
[-Kyo-]: Yup.
[-Kyo-]: I'm in hell right now.
[-Kyo-]: I figure she's stabbing right now and I don't know it.
choklit_teddi: xD
Jesus 2.0: Aw -pats Kyo on the head-
[-Kyo-]: *purrs*
[-Kyo-]: Nyaaaa~
Jesus 2.0: :3
choklit_teddi: Kitty kyo..
choklit_teddi: Awww..
[-Kyo-]: *plops onto the floor*
Quest Doctor: anyways want to buy a ancient katana for half price
Alexa18: depends on how she is
choklit_teddi: -Snuggleluffzup Kyo-
Quest Doctor: nvm
[-Kyo-]: *Snuggleluffzup back*
choklit_teddi: <3
[-Kyo-]: *purrs and squirms a little*
Alexa18: what`s the price, quest?
choklit_teddi: How much you selling it for, Quest?
Quest Doctor: Well, I'm off to randomly give s**t away
Quest Doctor: have fu neveryone
[-Kyo-]: Dr.Quest!
choklit_teddi: Buh byes.
choklit_teddi: Nice hatin.
Quest Doctor leaves the chat.
[-Kyo-]: Ok. Listen to this:
[-Kyo-]: "Hi! Do you remember me?"
[-Kyo-]: "Hell ya I remember you! You broke the bed!"
[-Kyo-]: And then silence fell upon the room =o
choklit_teddi: LOL
Jesus 2.0: . . . xDDD
Alexandera Ayame leaves the chat.
Alexa18: lol
Jesus 2.0: D: Ayame! ;__;
Alexander Ayame enters the chat.
Jesus 2.0: biggrin
[-Kyo-]: Woah.
Alexa18: what happened then, kyo?
choklit_teddi: I need to pee.. surprised
[-Kyo-]: That's it so far.
[-Kyo-]: I just started the PM
[-Kyo-]: I'm waiting for a reply.
Alexa18: oh, ok
Jesus 2.0: Wait... whoa! ALEXANDER AND ALEXANDRA! :OO
Jesus 2.0: Ca-oool
Alexander Ayame: yes?
choklit_teddi: o.o
[-Kyo-]: She said, "Wow. What a way to be remembered.
[-Kyo-]: XD
Alexa18: XD
Jesus 2.0: Lol
Jesus 2.0: xDD
choklit_teddi: :O
choklit_teddi: O_O
Jesus 2.0: Nothing, Ayame. :3
choklit_teddi: Ayame=dude?
Alexandera Ayame enters the chat.
[-Kyo-]: I'm gonna say, but it was fun, wasn't it?
choklit_teddi: Meh wtf?
Jesus 2.0: Wait... :O
choklit_teddi: -Rubs eyes-
Alexandera Ayame: ummm....
Jesus 2.0: .... OMg Ima 'splode.
Alexander Ayame: yes lol
[-Kyo-]: Ok.
[-Kyo-]: I'm bored now.
Jesus 2.0: Teddi... Kyo... I'm confused. T___T
choklit_teddi: teddi needs more munchies.
choklit_teddi: R brb
Alexandera Ayame: *pokes alex*
Alexander Ayame: ?
[-Kyo-]: No n00bs to bust, my pms are slow, I have this thing in pants that wo't go away,
[-Kyo-]: won't*
Jesus 2.0: ...
Jesus 2.0: D:
[-Kyo-]: Oh. The thing in my pants was $20.....Oh s**t.
choklit_teddi: Stab it and see if it does..
Jesus 2.0: xDD
Alexander Ayame: >_>
Alexandera Ayame: <_<
[-Kyo-]: I'm afraid now.
Jesus 2.0: *Pokes girl Ayame... then pokes Boy Ayame* ... =A=;;
[-Kyo-]: Which one of you gave me buttsecks?!
Alexander Ayame: *what?
Alexandera Ayame: yea whaaa?
Jesus 2.0: . . . . . . .
[-Kyo-]: Was it you Jesus?
[-Kyo-]: Or maybe Teddi?
Alexander Ayame: >_>
[-Kyo-]: No. Teddi wouldn't do that to Kyo.
Alexandera Ayame: <_< stop looking at meh
Jesus 2.0: Brother... sister? And no, it was not me. That twentie was stolen, can I have it back xDD
[-Kyo-]: O_O
Jesus 2.0: It was stolen! D:<
[-Kyo-]: NEVER! *runs around in circles and trips over his own tail*
choklit_teddi: Ow..
Alexandera Ayame: ............
Jesus 2.0: Aw... poor Kyo... -pets Kyo-
Alexander Ayame: ......
[-Kyo-]: *holds his tail and his face*
choklit_teddi: Teddi has tummy aches.. D::
Jesus 2.0: ;__; Tums?
[-Kyo-]: She says, "Ya I guess. But my butt still hurts!!!
Alexandera Ayame: *stripps nurse hat off of alex*
Alexander Ayame: Ahem....
choklit_teddi: o.o
Jesus 2.0: . . .
Alexandera Ayame: idiot...
Alexander Ayame: baka....
choklit_teddi: -Momentarily speechless-..
choklit_teddi: K.. I brb.
Alexandera Ayame: thats the same thing!!!!!
Alexander Ayame: cha
Jesus 2.0: LIke... brother and sister?! D:
Alexa18: seems like it

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Choklit Teddi
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Aug 26, 2006 @ 07:12am
Oh yeah. XD

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