Once you get out of school kids. You'll learn what that really means. It pretty much turns into nearly everything you do. When an old friend calls you up and asks, "Whatcha been up to?" You'll find yourself muttering, "Oh just work." It's depressing really. But alas when you really think about it. It's the same during school, except theres different names to describe each place that occupies every second of our existance.
But how is work for me? To put it quite bluntly, it's fine and dandy. I'm getting 8 bucks an hour now. Managers are begging me to transfer inside the store for a promotion. So I'll make even more, that is if I cave and go inside. I am getting an unpaid vacation soon. I'm going back home to Illinois the 14th through the 22nd. So that will be something to look forward to for sure. Be sure to check back here around then for updates and lotsa pictures. If you've been reading my journal the oh two years I've kept it here. Then you know, theres always pictures to be shared when I do something.
Anyways, I'm off tommorow. I'm going to spend the day relaxing and evening with my super fantablusatic girlfriend. Pffshah! Yeah, I'm allowed to make up words. This is my journal afterall. mad
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Fri Sep 29, 2006 @ 05:33am · 1 Comments |