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View User's Journal

Here's my journal, I'm trying to keep it a daily one, so some days may be weird :sweat: So, I'm either going to put what happend that day, or if it was boring, enter some of my thoughs or how I feel, sometimes just about a person I know, so ya, Thank
Dream avatar 1 completed 10-22-06
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Donnators fom Fox Ear Quest:
Newpetterz 2000g
Sandman482 anti-bite mask
SeiSan 500g
Pink Hurricane sweet heart earings
sandman482 reinder collar
Pink Hurricane Fox ears!! ya!

Donations from fox tail quest:
Pink Hurricane gwee
[Melancholy..Smiles] 150g and a lot of flowers!!
God_of_Death_Anubis 500g
Teazer4u22 5500,red wulf gloves
Thank you!

Donations/Donators for Whip of FLame Quest:
BubbleGum_Rain 128g
Dark_Whisperer 500g
melarush lost of ranodom stuff! ya random stuff!
Humaj 500g
lord squirrlius 200g

donators for nitmare collar:
killerinthedawn/ 1000g
ChaosThePowerful/ 500g
lord squirrlius/850g
poku_312/ 150
*wags tail*

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