Username: Voilet_Valentine Posting: 5 a week
Name: Tayuya Clan: yashasairen demonicsiren Age: 17 Gender:Female~Appearance~
Height:5"6" Weight:110 Hair: in pic Eye: in pic Clothing: school uniform at most times Physical Description: Background: her clan was a very powerful clan binding demons to them to use to fight through sound. When the death gods heard of this they attacked and killed of the clan on Tayuya's comming of age birthday party when she was ten. The party is acually a ritual where three humans have there mouths sown shut there eyes slit then blind folded these three humans are then put in three circles around Tayuya in a traingle form ((the circle seal)). The circles are then conected by a traingle drawn with Tayuya's blood the 3 points connect to the circle then go inward to form a new circle around Tayuya ((circle seal around tayuya)). After this is done her faimly performs the ritual causing the 3 to be bound to Tayuya forever. after wards Tayuya was put in a tomb to rest that is when the death gods came and killed the clan, Tayuya looked out in horror seeing her mother and father killed by a death god she creid the whole night but once she was awake she wanted revenge. Calling forth her new blind spirt summonings that where now alterd to be bigger and stronger they where trance formed into oni demons. Tayuya practiced day and night playing the flute she had gotten for her birthday her last preseant from her parrents gave her using the flute she controled the blind spirts she prateced till her fingers bled and her lips hurt and where cut up from the flutes pipe. Tayuya now travels the lands searching for death gods to kill Personality: likes a good fight determend to win Other: hates death gods Powers: Tayuya's powers are based around her flute by playing different songs combind with her spirt energy she can manipulate the sound waves to make powerful illusions to confuse her foe ability list: Makyou no Ran(Disorder of Demonic Haunts)-her most powerful song this song calls forth the spirts from the oni's sealed mouth
Mateki • Mugen Onsa - Demon Flute • Illusion Tune Chains-a song illusion that binds the enemy in chains and makes there skin feel like its melting off
Mateki Genbusoukyoku(Magic Flute Phantasm Warrior Manipulation Melody)-controls the oni demons through this song
Mateki - maindo fantomu - magic flute -mind phantom- a sound tec. that uses sound to cause illusions in the enemys mind that heard them Mateki - oto shindo - demonic flute - sound devistation- a sound tec. that she puts her lips to her flute and sends out a sharp c wave at the enemy it travels in a straight line and move at the speed of sound
Mateki -horaa gekimetsu himei- demonic flute- Horror destruction scream - a sound tec. that Taya uses an a,b, and c note at the same time causing a large ear piercing screech to all those around her
Mateki - oto bariaa - magic flute - sound barrier- a sound tec. that uses all notes in a raped susesion causing sound to rotate around Taya forming a barrier of sound it can block most long range attacks but not many close range
Mateki -yasha naibuteki horaa - demonic internal horror- a sound tec. that is used by sending a sound wave through the air at the enemy it is as fast as the speed of sound once it hits the enemy the chakra in the sound vibrates the internal organs causing internal damege oni summonings~ - this oni attacks the enemy with increadible strenth and powerful claws - this oni attacks the enemy with a gaint club using the club with its insane strenth make it able to crush anything - this blind spirt attacks with its legs through kicks as well binding the enemy with the bandeges that its wraped in - These are the spirts that come out of the oni's mouths these spirts eat at the very soul and spirt energy of the enemy with its many mouths
Violet_Valentine · Fri Nov 24, 2006 @ 05:59pm · 0 Comments |