How am I in this state? What am I going to do? The helmet told me to take the train back to, I can't go back like this. The dark power of the sword still seems to hum through me, even as the sword itself rests on my back...I'll have to go back to the woods again to solve this. Not that I want to, but...
Well, to tell things like they are, I have to tell them in order. To put it shortly, I couldn't stay at Cindy's without putting her in terrible danger. That got proved the night after I last wrote, when, after I'd gotten Cindy to lock me in my room, the monster took over, climbed out the window and down a drainpipe, came back into the house, got into Cindy's room, and...well, it proved that I had some control. Her scream brought me to my senses as I was about to sink my teeth into her shoulder. But it was way too close, and the look of horror in her eyes as I stumbled out the door, to spend the rest of the nightmareish night roaming the woods and scaring the local wildlife...that look will always be in my mind.
Of course, there had to be a million explanations when I came back in human form in the morning. She blew her top, but was only slightly angry at me for not telling her about my monster self. Mostly she was furious at Gambino. Without an explanation, she jumped in her car and raced off. I stared after her, then made my own plans.
Soon I was running through the woods as fast as I could. I wore old shoes and clothes, and the only contents of my pack were my diary and a pencil. Lady Luck was shut in my room. A note on the kitchen table said only to look after her. The only valubles I wore were what was mine: the whip, fastened with the G buckle, and the cloak Yama had given me...and the prop glasses from Halloween, which I'd scooped up on a whim. In short, I was leaving. Leaving for Aekea, the city I'd grown up in, which would have to bear the burden of my monster self, as it had before. If I came back to normal after the kill, I'd come back and try to make up to Cindy. If not...well, I could see my eventual end. The same as what happened to dangerous animals that came too close to the city...unless I was bulletproof. I hoped I wasn't.
I ran around Barton instead of going in, and headed east. Fear and the monster inside gave me speed, and by dark, I was outside the walls of Aekea. I waited by the shore of the river for the monster to come...
It did. I have a very fuzzy memory of that night, but I know I killed. There was a girl, walking down a street so fast she was nearly running... A man stepped from the shadows and grabbed her. His scent drove me on...
The next thing I really know was that I was sitting in the desert east of Aekea, and human again. I could still see the lights of Aekea, so I wasn't going to get lost. And oddly, a little G-Bot was standing next to me. The words "PLEASE DON HELMET" were written in green on its tiny screen. I picked it up, and it transformed in my hands, turning into an interface helmet. The green words still showed on the outside screen.
What else could I do? I put the thing on. "PERMISSION FOR DIRECT CONNECTION?" showed on the inside screen. I was in my element now, since I'd used early versions of the interface helmet at school. Should I allow it to connect to my nervous system? If there was something nasty on it, I could probably break the connection...probably. Deciding to risk it, I said "Yes" the signal for linkup.
There was the usual cold tingle down my spine, and then my senses were linked into the helmet's sensors. Besides, a message was being piped into my brain! "SEEK THE LIGHT" it said.
That was weird. What was weirder was that with the helmet's enhanced vision, I could see something glimmering out in the desert...away from Aekea. Going out there was asking for a nasty death... "SEEK THE LIGHT." The message went through my mind again. I went for the light.
It was a Pixie! I stared in disbelief as it flew around me, shimmering. These things were rare!
Another message was coming in. "FOLLOW THE LIGHT TO THE DARK ONE." The Pixie flew a short way out toward the desert and hovered there, as if waiting. I wondered if I should follow it...this was clearly dangerous, and probably a trap. But... I followed it.
It finally stopped, far out of sight of Aekea, at the foot of a large rock. Just a rock, not even a dark rock, nothing at all. My heart sank...
"LOOK DOWN." I almost laughed at the instruction, so like an old computer game command. But I was the one being commanded! I looked down and saw something sticking out from under the rock. Bending over, I saw that it was the hilt of a sword. The blade was wedged under the rock. How could it have got there? Remembering an old story, I gave the sword an experimental came out from under the rock as if it was sliding out of a sheath! Yet there was no crack it could have fitted into...a chill ran down my spine.
Another message flashed into my mind. "THE GOLDEN ONE DID NOT TRUELY DIE, BUT IS ONLY IN A SLEEP, FROM WHICH HE SHALL WAKE TO HELP GAIA IN ITS TIME OF GREATEST NEED." I shivered, and not just from the cold night. That was the last line of the story of Auther, the Golden One, who was betrayed by the dark sword he pulled from a rock... The message continued. "THE GOLDEN ONE SHALL NOT KNOW THEMSELF WHEN THEY RETURN, BUT THE DARK SWORD SHALL ONCE MORE SLIP FROM THE ROCK INTO THE HANDS THAT SHALL WIELD IT WELL." What?!? Was this thing telling me that I was the Golden One reborn? And was this sword the Dark One? It made sense, in a dreamlike way. There was another message now... "TO MASTER THE DARK ONE TAKES A DRAGON, WHO CAN ONLY BE FOUND IN THE FOREVER WOODS. UNTIL THE DARK ONE IS MASTERED, IT WILL TAKE OVER, AND THE GOLDEN ONE WILL BE DARK. FOLLOW THE LIGHT TO THE FOREVER WOODS."
The Pixie was moving back the way we'd come. Holding the sword and feeling in a daze, I followed.
But I messed up, and I can't even bring myself to write it. I've lost the Pixie and helmet, along with my cloak and whip, and the sword has quite litraly taken me over. I have to go back, and I'll do it now. This time I will succeed, or never return!
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Beware of the fangirl...The diary of a Gaian.
This is the diary of Dawna Celeste, just another ordinary Gaian...or is she?
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