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welcome to me
chat log with 03.
Dec. 11, 2006 at 2.20 est.

Dildo_Baggins90: SILENCE EVERYONE""
dragonmonkey: 03
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: ......
Mingnon: Hi
[Knight Of Cydonia]: greets alien friend
Dildo_Baggins90: hello 03, i missed you yesterday
[Knight Of Cydonia]: how are you
dragonmonkey: I'm sitting..
`Adien_Alexander: 03, what is the matter?
BabyKakes69: hello 03
MayaTH: Hi 03!
heatherb704: hello
Saile-chan: Hello!
Omega Will: You don't like my ship 03?
`taiyou`: shhh
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: .....
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: scanning
`taiyou`: let him speak
`Adien_Alexander: Is there something wrong?
JessicaSephiroth: Good morning 03! Are you searching for items?
Mills Potiron: *raises hand*
Sheshira: Oh!
JessicaSephiroth: I brought some new ones
Sadie Skittles: Hey 03. <3 scans
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: must find the items to scann and take technical readings
Sheshira: Scan me <3
JennyColt: hello 03!
Kurojin_Clover: SSS Agent Clover Reporting.
Omega Will: For your item 03?
[Knight Of Cydonia]: 03 feel free to scan me
BabyKakes69: leave him alone!!!!!!!
`taiyou`: I have some interesting items
Jupiter Lightning: Do as you wish 03, we do not mind...
[Knight Of Cydonia]: im sure aliens will love my btk
JessicaSephiroth: 03 I Brought many items for you. ^ ^
Dildo_Baggins90: stop spamming 03!
dragonmonkey: he likes the ship <3
BabyKakes69: can i get scanned ?
heatherb704: you may scan me too
Sheshira: You have permission ot scan me =)
JennyColt: feel free to scan me
[Knight Of Cydonia]: 03 =[
Dildo_Baggins90: he doesnt want spam
Omega Will: Calm down everyone, 03 is looking for items
Kurojin_Clover: Feel free to sacn us over heere too
Mills Potiron: I've been scaned yet agen I think
Mingnon: You can scan me
MayaTH: Wow, this is the first time I've seen one of the Zurgs!
[Knight Of Cydonia]: scan me if you want
Omega Will: He needs certain ones
BabyKakes69: thanx!
Mutation 42: 03, what are you looking for?
ArtfulDodger: Silence please n_n
Jupiter Lightning: Good luck with finding what you need....
Omega Will: Whatcha building 03?
[Knight Of Cydonia]: so 03 found any good items?
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: any one else want a screen shot of me scanning you
MayaTH: Heeheehee...
Nite Lewis: you can scan me, but I don't know if I have something interesting
[Knight Of Cydonia]: me please 03
Mills Potiron: Whut the...
Dildo_Baggins90: Yo, 03 i thought you didnt like 1919?
Jupiter Lightning: please 03!
Omega Will: I do
BabyKakes69: yes i do again with hearts this time
[Knight Of Cydonia]: id love a screen shot
`Adien_Alexander: 03 please
Kurojin_Clover: I would like a screen shot ^^
`taiyou`: yes may I have another 03
vegasshopgirl: I would like one please
heatherb704: mee toooo
dragonmonkey: brb
Mingnon: okay
Princess_ Lily: you can scan me too if you want
JennyColt: yay I've been screened!
BabyKakes69: thanx!!!
ArtfulDodger: Scan me?
BabyKakes69: wow your nice
Omega Will: Yay!
Mills Potiron: scan please
JessicaSephiroth: Can I screen shot you scanning me 03? ;D
Jupiter Lightning: 03?
Omega Will: Me too!
Dildo_Baggins90: will i told you 03 is cool!
BabyKakes69: can you answer our questions?
Mills Potiron: thank you
[Knight Of Cydonia]: so anyway 03 besides from all this scanning how have you been?
`taiyou`: 03 my I have another scan please?
heatherb704: thank you
`Adien_Alexander: Please remain still
Dildo_Baggins90: he is my all time favourite zurg ^_^
ArtfulDodger: Would you scan me? =)
Kurojin_Clover: I think he's jsut here to scan,...
MayaTH: I like you, 03, you're nice
Sheshira: 03 is there something you need?
`taiyou`: thanks
dragonmonkey: demonbow can be a wea....item..
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: ok now questions
Sumomo145: im ready to be scanned
JennyColt: you're pretty cool 03
[Knight Of Cydonia]: *raises hand*
JessicaSephiroth: *raises hand*
Sumomo145: thanks 3
vegasshopgirl: Might I be scanned, please?
ArtfulDodger: *raises hand*
`Adien_Alexander: *raises hand*
Jupiter Lightning: Please scan me, 03?
Mingnon: I'd like a scan
JennyColt: yay!
Sheshira: If you need help please let me know...
dragonmonkey: 03!!
vegasshopgirl: thank you
[Knight Of Cydonia]: *raises hand* 03 I have a question
ArtfulDodger: Scan me?
Saile-chan: gwaah
Saile-chan: brb
Mingnon: thanks
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: knight
Omega Will: 03 does not answer questions
heatherb704: *Raises Hand*
vegasshopgirl: If I may ask a question, 03
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: knight then vegas
[Knight Of Cydonia]: have you heard of S.S.S
Omega Will: Oh he does now!
dragonmonkey: claws?
Dildo_Baggins90: -raises hand-
Decht: hi there, 03
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: sss i may have but i dont care about trivial gaian groups
JessicaSephiroth: *Raises Hand*
Jupiter Lightning: *raises hand*
ArtfulDodger: *raises hand*
`Adien_Alexander: *raises hand*
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: im doing mothers orders
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: aslien
Sheshira: *raises hand*
JennyColt: *raises hand*
vegasshopgirl: Does it offend the any of you when people are in the fountains?
`Adien_Alexander: I'm assuming that's me
redtearsofpain: *raises hand*
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: jenny question
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: if they in fountain i no care
JennyColt: arethe zurg gonna kidnap santa?
JessicaSephiroth: *Raises Hand*
. everlasting memories .: O_O
dragonmonkey: stupid thing froze on me
Jupiter Lightning: *raises hand*
Sumomo145: O.o
Sheshira: *raises hand*
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: no comment jenny i dont know who this santa person is
BabyKakes69: *raises hand*
`Adien_Alexander: 03, what item are you searching for?
Underhive: ALIUMNS!
JessicaSephiroth: *Raises Hand*
Dildo_Baggins90: -raises hand-
heatherb704: *raises hand*
JennyColt: okay
redtearsofpain: *Rasies Hand
. everlasting memories .: Greetings 03
Omega Will: *raises hand*
WhiteWolfRider: *raises hand*
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: i am searching for items to scann to build the ultimate hand weap....item that makes people happy and warm
JennyColt: it's just something I heard in the forums
JessicaSephiroth: *Raises Hand*
Sumomo145: awww
Decht: warm too now, hm?
dragonmonkey: warmth and fuzziness to all!
Jupiter Lightning: *raises hand*
BabyKakes69: i can make you warm ;0)
Omega Will: *raises hand*
. everlasting memories .: <3
[Knight Of Cydonia]: you know 03 if you want something warm, i'd suggest a cool hat
JennyColt: *warm and fuzzy*
heatherb704: *raises Hand*
`Adien_Alexander: So... is fire involved?
[Knight Of Cydonia]: like a BTK biggrin i have one
Sadie Skittles: Aww, warm, fuzzy weapon. <3
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: whats a hat?
dragonmonkey: The alien baby. It's fuzzy
Underhive: Ooh hello missus Aliumn 03! Ive always liked the number 3... its all fuzzy and warm....
curt810: your a freak
BabyKakes69: yay!!!
Sheshira: *raises hand politely*
`taiyou`: *raises hand*
Decht: I'm wearing a nice warm hat smile
Omega Will: It goes on your head
BabyKakes69: i think im in love!!!
Decht: never go without it
. everlasting memories .: So cute <3
JessicaSephiroth: A hat is an item that keeps your head warm
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: whats afreak some one called me that
Saile-chan: could you scan me too please? :3
dragonmonkey: yo
Mills Potiron: *rasies hand*
curt810: i did
Decht: freak is someone different
[Knight Of Cydonia]: who would dare call you a freak 03
Underhive: Aw ignore the insulting person, a freak is a bad thing
`Adien_Alexander: Please remain stilll Gaians
BabyKakes69: your not a freak your awsome!!!
Jupiter Lightning: *raiseshand*
[Knight Of Cydonia]: the evil fiends!
dragonmonkey: you want a flower?
`taiyou`: Have you heard of the aline probe?
curt810: i did
Dildo_Baggins90: 03, a freak is an insult, it means your an outcast because your weird or different
`taiyou`: alien*
. everlasting memories .: Umm... being called a freak is... not good.
JessicaSephiroth: *Raises Hand*
Omega Will: Freak is something different that disgusts us
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: i have alien eprober item yes
Dildo_Baggins90: however, you are no freak
Sheshira: *raises hand*
heatherb704: *Raises Her Hand Ever So Politley*
dragonmonkey: huh?
BabyKakes69: lol
Underhive: Yum, probage
ArtfulDodger: *raises hand*
BabyKakes69: i want to be probed!!
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: why am i this so called "freak"
redtearsofpain: raises hand
Captain Jessie Hawk: Ye are not a freak 03
JessicaSephiroth: 03 Im sending you some items
Dildo_Baggins90: 03, you are no freak
dragonmonkey: You Aren't!!!
[Knight Of Cydonia]: *raises hand* Sorry 03 i've got another question
Omega Will: Because you are an alien
MayaTH: You're not a freak, 03
Underhive: aw you arent! its just someone being very nasty D:
ArtfulDodger: You are not a freak, 03.
. everlasting memories .: 03 is not a freak!
dragonmonkey: Whomever said you were a freak?
[ Ira ]: hi
Captain Jessie Hawk: A freak be the one who called ye such a thing mate
Sumomo145: 03 you are no freak ^^
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: i dont ask for items if you send its a gift and cant get sent back
JennyColt: some people tink the zurg are freaks because they're different from gaians
dragonmonkey: I said FLOWER
Nite Lewis: people say that to those they do not understand
dragonmonkey: as in rose
JessicaSephiroth: no problem
JessicaSephiroth: ^ ^
Jupiter Lightning: *raises hand*
`taiyou`: hey 03 could I get another screenie with you?
Nite Lewis: you're not a freak 03
redtearsofpain: raises hand
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: jupiter next
Sheshira: *raises hand*
Omega Will: *raises hand*
BuffySlays: scan hug please
JessicaSephiroth: 03 I sent you a mail of over 1900 items, did you not get the mail?
Princess_ Lily: I agree with Nite Lewis your not a freak 03.
[ Ira ]: brb 03
Jupiter Lightning: thank you 03... You nearly said weapon previously, I noted... What do you mean?
[ Ira ]: phone
ArtfulDodger: *raises hand nicely and sits patiently*
Mr Nutt sp: did you know "hackers" found out your plans
Sheshira: ._.
`taiyou`: the last screen ie I took didn't show up
dragonmonkey: are you going to visit the chat forums?
heatherb704: *raises hand*
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: jessica yes but it got deleted by mistake plz send again so i can scan
redtearsofpain: raises hand
Omega Will: *raises hand*
Sheshira: *raises hand*
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: brb afk
Sumomo145: *raises hand* I have a good question
JessicaSephiroth: No problem, anything to help you. biggrin
Underhive: Yeah! Did you know gaians hacked into the whole santa thingy, what are you going to do with santa, oh wonderful 03 :3
Decht: *chuckles*
dragonmonkey: cya
redtearsofpain: raises hand
Dildo_Baggins90: aww, is 03 gtp?
Jupiter Lightning: Hmmm, avoiding my question
Omega Will: Heh hehheh
[Knight Of Cydonia]: wait he's gone for a zurg
BuffySlays: *raises hand*
Sheshira: LOL
redtearsofpain: raises hand
[ Ira ]: back
Dildo_Baggins90: underhive, he alreayd said he doesnt know...
JennyColt: he said he doesn't know who santa is
BabyKakes69: i would like to ask a question when he c**'z back
Underhive: poopies >.<
Saikii: dot dot dot
JennyColt: maybe some zurg know and others don't
curt810: scan me
Saile-chan: So 03, what's galaxy standard time?
Eryphil: course i come and 03 is AFK
Sheshira: That is so funny... 03 is AFK biggrin
Scorchie: *Eats candy*
ArtfulDodger: *raises hand* 03, I fould love to ask a question.
`Adien_Alexander: Please... cut the spam
MayaTH: Wouldn't it be cool if more Zurgs showed up?
Decht: ;D @ eryphil
Dildo_Baggins90: 03 IS AFK!!!
Omega Will: Hmmmmm
`Adien_Alexander: 03 is curently AFK
Blaid: Oh my. 0_o
Eryphil: shup icecream! *eats decht*
Captain Jessie Hawk: Either that or 03 is laggin?
Mr Nutt sp: wait did he scan me
Decht: ^_^
redtearsofpain: what does afk mean?
JennyColt: what does AFK mean?
Dildo_Baggins90: he said AFK
heatherb704: This iss too confusing...soo many people talking lol
Decht: away from keyboard
Decht: ;D
Metalupis: he probably had to go take a zurg
ArtfulDodger: SSH!
Scorchie: He probably had the same problem I did. Towns froze.
BabyKakes69: away from keys+afk
MayaTH: Away from Keyboard
JennyColt: okay
Dildo_Baggins90: ...ugh i prefer seeing 03 in a small group
Decht: shush, dido
dragonmonkey: I'll move from my spot.
Decht: no complaints razz
Jupiter Lightning: Awaiting your reply, when your back 03
redtearsofpain: hes prob consulting other zurgs
Omega Will: DB, you want 03 all to yoursellf
Underhive: cap'n jessie hawk! 'aint seen ye in nigh' on a yarr!
Scorchie: As would I d***o
dragonmonkey: 03 said he'd brb
vegasshopgirl: I win. being on the fountain doesn't matter
MayaTH: *gets annoyed by the music and puts on Starlight* X3
Sheshira: Guys... please chill on the chatter... XD
heatherb704: yes please
Dildo_Baggins90: Omega, you thought 03 was evil about 10 mins ago
[ Ira ]: shogun over here
Mr Nutt sp: did the triangle die or something
JessicaSephiroth: Im sending you the mail now 03. Tell me what you want scanned and I can come back and bring thouse items with me
. everlasting memories .: Seems so.
curt810: scan me please
Mills Potiron: odd 03 is here but says he is offline....
Omega Will: No I didn't
Dildo_Baggins90: Yes it died when 03 came..people stalk him lol
Kurojin_Clover: hey Knight.
dragonmonkey: yeah. He's processing stuff
Omega Will: 03 is sending me secret messages
Underhive: too many people to make a triangle....... >.<
`Adien_Alexander: AFK
[ Ira ]: *raises hand*
Kurojin_Clover: Are you gonna post the convo or should I?
heatherb704: how do you do a screen shot?
`taiyou`: 03 I have brung a new item for you to see
Underhive: shift and print screen, heather
Kurojin_Clover: cause I kinda already started cutting and pasting ^^:
JennyColt: I got some screen shots
Scorchie: I've got pizza! Who want's pizza?
Jupiter Lightning: 03, you have avoided my question....
Blaid: Shift+Alt+Printscreen for just the window.
[Bloody Angel]: hello
Scorchie: Hello.
Saile-chan: and the screenshot plus widget if you have a mac :3
JennyColt: I'll post them in my journal or you can friend me and I'll send them to you
[Bloody Angel]: HAIL 03
[Bloody Angel]: ^^
Omega Will: 03 is AFK if you just showed up
Decht: 03 is afk, BA wink
[Knight Of Cydonia]: 03 please come back I have an important question
`taiyou`: 03 is offline =o
[ Ira ]: mabie we should conga until he gets back
curt810: 8bow down8
`taiyou`: how is that possible?
Mills Potiron: I just said that 03 was offline
Shogun Tokugawa: smile
[Bloody Angel]: 03 IS SLEEPING?
[ Ira ]: conga?
Dildo_Baggins90: so much spam
Progenii: 03, the spinning top.
redtearsofpain: did we scare hiom away???
Underhive: CONGA!
Blaid: What's awesome is that I have just the right music for such an event (instrumental "Last Firstborn" by Celldweller).
Omega Will: UFO 03 might of gotten lagged
Captain Jessie Hawk: Let 03 go to the bathroom in peace!
Jupiter Lightning: well, I have to go
[ Ira ]: Conga
JennyColt: 03 is afk
Mr Nutt sp: did the mighty 03 scan me or did he not?
Saikii: Te he he
Jupiter Lightning: someone PM me if 03 answers my question
[ Ira ]: line up
[Knight Of Cydonia]: he scanned me twice
[ Ira ]: conga time
Sumomo145: I got scanned ^^
Blaid: I'm willing to conga!
Saile-chan: come on don't lagg the server
[ Ira ]: XD
Kurojin_Clover: he scanned me once.
Scorchie: I was lagging when he was scanning. I'm sad.
`Adien_Alexander: To get 03's attention, hit alt F4
MayaTH: Hi Knight, you a Muse fan then? *shot for obvious question*
. everlasting memories .: calm down people...
JennyColt: will people please sit down? teh lag...
[ Ira ]: conga by the tree
Omega Will: Yes... It would amuse me if everyone got into a line
[Knight Of Cydonia]: yep muse are a great band
heatherb704: it wont do it *cries* why can't I screenshot! ARGH!
Sheshira: Guys please chill on the chatter...
MayaTH: I like them too ^v^
[ Ira ]: fine
[Knight Of Cydonia]: i saw them live and knights of cydonia is my favourite song if you havent already guessed xD
[ Ira ]: party pooper
Metalupis: yeah, good luck with that
Underhive: ok people, calm down, no more spam, only meaningful questions, if you dont have a meaningful question, just shut up or move on
Sheshira: If you want to chit chat, do it elsewhere...
Saile-chan: JUST SIT AND SHUT UP *_*
. everlasting memories .: thank you
Blaid: Are you pasting the screenie onto an image program heather?
Mr Nutt sp: ahhhhhhh so.....meny.....gaians.....dont...know....if..xp...can..take more
[Knight Of Cydonia]: 03 is doing a space poopie
MayaTH: I like Knights of Cydonia, Supermassive Black Hole and Starlight best, but Hyper Music is also good
Teffy: Greeetings 3!
[Knight Of Cydonia]: in the littles zurgs room
Captain Jessie Hawk: Guys!
Dildo_Baggins90: oh god, so much damn spam..
Captain Jessie Hawk: Stop talking! if 03 is lagging at all
Sumomo145: sshhhh plz
Odareu: funny, the only most chatter is coming from people saying shut up
redtearsofpain: sssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Eryphil: hey sexy ;D *at BA*
Captain Jessie Hawk: stop talking so the lag stops
JessicaSephiroth: I sent the mail 03, it should be in your mail box
MayaTH: Sorry ^^;
curt810: I LUV U 3
dragonmonkey: amen odareu
[Knight Of Cydonia]: ill be quiet maybe we can talk more in pms
Captain Jessie Hawk: just sit here quitely
MayaTH: I shut up now
Sheshira: Maybe if we spread out around the fountain... it will alleviate some
Shogun Tokugawa: Oda up by the tree
Eryphil: waa lag
heatherb704: I dont know what I am doing...could someone send a screen shot to me? I'll stand up and someone take a shot...and send to me please..I'll give you 300 gold lol
[Bloody Angel]: ERY! *JUMPS ON*
Omega Will: Please, don't start with the "SHHH"
Decht: lag =D
ArtfulDodger: Ok, Heather.
Omega Will: Every one please quiet down just a bit.
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: sry had to go afk
Decht: welcome back
[ Ira ]: tis okay
BuffySlays: wb
. everlasting memories .: Welcome back, 03
[Knight Of Cydonia]: ah welcome back 03
Blaid: It's all good.
dragonmonkey: wb
MayaTH: That's OK ^^
Dildo_Baggins90: welcome back 03
redtearsofpain: raises hand
Teffy: Welcome back 3! ^_^
Captain Jessie Hawk: Welcome back lad
Saile-chan: wb :3
Underhive: its ok 03 :3 we love you anyways :3 <3
curt810: I LOV U 3
vegasshopgirl: wb 03
Captain Jessie Hawk: mate*
Scorchie: That's okay. Wan't some pizza?
Shamrox: Hello, 3!
[Knight Of Cydonia]: 03 May I ask that you visit Santa's Secret Service, we are very interested to see what you think of the current situation on Gaia.
Mr Nutt sp: hay 03 if you zurg are gonna atack start with gambeno or how ever you spell his name
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: redtear is next
Sumomo145: welcome Back 03
[ Ira ]: I have a question for you
JennyColt: heather, PM me and I'll send you the screen shots
Omega Will: Small Bladder?
. everlasting memories .: -raises hand-
Teffy: *raises hand*
`taiyou`: 03 I have a new item for you to scan
dragonmonkey: reader. your turn
Blaid: *raises hand*
redtearsofpain: are you awar that we have ur plans and we hacked in to ur system?
Kira Noelle Helyean: x.x
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: what what????
BabyKakes69: do i have any items you want?
heatherb704: thank you Jenny
Underhive: tear, already been answered, he doesnt know
`Adien_Alexander: *headdesk*
MayaTH: Zurgs are so cool...
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: must check with mother on that and must defend the system
[Knight Of Cydonia]: 03 i've got some cool items to scan
BuffySlays: *raises hand*
Kira Noelle Helyean: xD
Dildo_Baggins90: -raises hand-
ArtfulDodger: *raises hand*
curt810: SCAN ME
Mr Nutt sp: i have so seen your plans
vegasshopgirl: could I bother you for another scan 03? I didn't get a screenshot of the first one
`taiyou`: ok
Saile-chan: Umm 03?
Shamrox: I'm actually a prominent member of the Zeep hacking thread in the GCD. Do you have any special information you would like to share with us?
Omega Will: *raises hand*
[Bloody Angel]: DO YOU WANT TO SCAN MY KATANA, 03?
[ Ira ]: *hand is risen*
Kira Noelle Helyean: *raises hand politely*
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: must go tell others that you have accedd our plans
Teffy: 03, would you please scan me?
dragonmonkey: we know about the stargate.
Dildo_Baggins90: knight you said 03 scanned you twice..if he was interested he would ahve said soemthing
Sumomo145: *raises hand* I have a question
vegasshopgirl: btw you were my first
Sheshira: *raises hand*
BabyKakes69: your hott!!
Decht: they already know, 03... most of them don't care very much
BuffySlays: scan please
Saile-chan: What is standard galaxy time?
dragonmonkey: noobs. *sighs*
Kira Noelle Helyean: Hug me 3 smile
Teffy: Thank you very much 03!
Mills Potiron: gah they didn't know and it's all over the pace
[ Ira ]: Do you approve of 06 and 09's Zurg Hive?
. everlasting memories .: -raises hand-
`taiyou`: may I have a scan hug?
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: must go now and tell others you have hacked our system
[Knight Of Cydonia]: *raises hand* other than having things to scan, 03 May I ask that you visit Santa's Secret Service, we are very interested to see what you think of the current situation on Gaia.
Blaid: *raises hand*
Dildo_Baggins90: gah decht, how irritating is this spam?
curt810: scan
[NPC] alien_ufo_03: farwell

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