So a hippy boards a bus and takes a seat behind the driver and at the next stop a nun come aboard as well.
The hippy looks at her and asks 'Hey baby will you have sex with me?"
"Heavens no!" she exclaims and quickly gets off.
The busdriver turns around and looks at the crestfallen hippy.
"Look," he tells him. "If you want to have sex with her, all you have to do is dress up like Jesus and go to the cemetry where she prays every Tuesday,"
So that Tuesday the hippy dressed up like Jesus and spotted the nun praying, and walked over.
"Hey baby, want to have sex with me?" he asked.
"Sure, but I can only do a**l because I can't loose my virginity," she told him.
After the deed was done, the hippy ripped off his costume. "Haha! It is I, the hippy!"
And the nun ripped off her costume. "Haha! It is I the busdriver!"
Go go Racist Rangers!
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Book of the Forsaken God
Caution: Open at own risk.
Side effects may include nausia,heartburn, loss of organs, and/or death.
In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished to Eternal Damnation.
R.I.P Ethan
R.I.P Ethan