And demons burn.
Fly up into the blood red sky,
That rains a hell to earth.
Fight forward through the night,
So that things will be set right.
Become a hero evermore,
And a savior forevermore.
Now cast the die,
And choose your fate.
User: Vega-san
Name: Von Darkheart
Age: 18
Grade: junior
Dorm: put me in one don't care which
Race: vampire
Appearance sad (Anime-Pic Perferred))

Dislikes: being pestered
Likes: pocky, blood, killing, and girls
Bio sad (Try to use ur Imagination People no 2 sentences)) Born from the most prestieged family of vampires, he has sent out to see why terrans enjoy life. Thus from being in school for a couple years he has learned little. He is still one of the most feared vampires alive and commands the respect and loyalty from most demons.
Pets sad (Optional))
Other sad (Optional)) carries two .454 longslides, can't be killd like a normal vampire
Name: Von Felix Falcus Grand Master of the League of Tainted Souls and Fallen Gods
Age: 16
Village: Sand
Rank: (someone needs to tell me other wise i'm an Anbu Black Ops like in the other)
Currency: 100 NP
Special Jutsus or abilities: can create hawks and falcons out of chakra and can summon a Rok (a really big bird that looks like either a Falcon or Hawk depending on breed) and few more that i would like to keep secrect, the ace up the sleeve if you will.
Bio about yourself: As a child, Death surrounded him and he soon came to love and enjoy the meaningless masacures he and others created. As a ninja he takes great pride and joy at watching his enemies die by the hands...well claws of his warbirds. Few have survived him and friends are not well made, so little is know about his origin and abilities.
Has recently become consumed by darkness in the form of the deadly sins.
(more possably to come)
what he looks like:

and, this restraint release 40%


this is release restraint 100%
always uses the sythe