Hahaha ok so I am super bored, and I want to find out how many people can fill this out correctly. I bet no one. xd
What is...?
My full name: My dogs' names: My favorite real movie of all time: My favorite animated movie of all time: My moms name: My dads name: Number of siblings I have: My favorite electronica band: My fav Rock band: My fav Industrial band: My favorite play: My favorite line from a romance film: My number one most turning on artical of clothing to see on a girl: My biggest fear: My biggest turn off: My biggest pet peave(annoyance): My biggest turn on: My favorite food: The type of car I own: My fav coffee drink: My fav alcoholic drink: My fav type of chocolate: My fav non-alcoholic drink: My least fav drink: My least fav food: My fav tv show: My fav love song: My favorite store: My favorite artical of clothing that I own: My biggest regret: My favorite thing to do with my friends/people I hang with: My life's dream: My dream place to travel to: My childhood dream:
Who is(are)...? My idol: My Goddess: My hero: My fav director: My fav author: My fav photographer: My bestest friend that is a girl: My bestest friend that is a guy: My current deep-liking-caring relationship: My ''perfect enemy''? The 5 people in the world I want to have sex with the most in order from greatest to least: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The person who if I could spend one day doing anything with:
Am I..? A positive person: Addicted to anything: A drinker (COME ON I AM HALF GREEK, 1/4 IRISH, AND 1/4 GERMAN): Smart: A Good Influence: A Gamer: A Nerd: A fun person: Ugly: Attractive: Nice: Mean: funny: needy: independent: Creative: Mysterious: A Slut:
Would you EVER...? Hold me: Kiss me: "Hurt me just to hear me screaming your name": Love me: Break my heart: Abandon me: Play a videogame with me: Rescue me: Let me stay with you if I needed it: Take me to a concert: Tell me you loved me: Watch the L word or any other kind of show I'm obsessed over with me: Kill someone for me: Take a bullet for me: Give me your kidney: Dress up like a character from a movie just to piss me off: Knock me out and prance around with me on your shoulder singing "la da DA!"
If you could describe me in one sentence... What would that sentence be..?
Alucarda Incarnate · Tue Mar 20, 2007 @ 11:18pm · 0 Comments |