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I'm a fangirl. So sue me. x3;
Dragon Lineage. It's the BK Competiton fanfic, pplz!

but other than that, enjoy it. i know i did. i love it! the neding is great! and its so sad. its a deathfic--a DUO deathfic. yes, 2 ppl die. okay, 1 person, 1 not a person, and another nota person. no. not cats. cats live because they are not included in here. so again, BK GUILD PPL! DO NOT READ!!!!

ALSO!! For the readers! This is Kalas and the Spirit talking. i did what i did on purpose. it might take more than one read to get why. the ending clears it up, me thinks. anywho, i love the format, and i triple checked it to be correct. so it's correct this time!

thank you. now enjoy! <3~

Dragon Lineage

“We can’t just leave him here!”
“What else are we supposed to do?”
“Seriously, I’ll be Ok.”
“We. Can’t. Leave. Him!”
“Um, guys?”
“Then tell me what we should do!”
Make them stop…
But, Kalas…
I’ll be fine, I swear. Just make them stop this argument…
Everyone! Please stop and listen to me!

Everyone stopped and turned to look at the guardian spirit, expecting a solution.

We leave him here. He’ll be ok.
“What! No!”
“Why not?”
“Hey, guys?”
“We can’t leave him!”
“We have to!”
“HEY! I’ll be FINE.”

Everyone turned to look at Kalas, who was holding his right hand with his left—it was broken. He had broken it saving Xelha from a large rock aiming at her head. They were all trapped in a cave, and the only way out was up.
“Kalas…” Xelha trialed off. Kalas smiled at her kindly, “I’ll be fine, I promise. Just go on ahead. Come back for me as soon as you have the resources to do so.” Lies; there were words of lies…

“Alright…” the blonde then turned to the rest of the group, “Let’s go.”
Kalas watched as the group worked their way upwards. The fastest way, as they had figured, was through the hole at the ceiling of the cave, which was too far away for a normal jump. Being the strongest in the group, Gibari acted as an extra boost to each one’s jumps. First up was Lyude, followed by Xelha, who gave Kalas one last look before she left, and Savyna. Gibari then made an effort and was able to reach the exit by himself. Mizuto went last, giving Kalas a knowing look before she floated upwards.

Kalas was left alone with his guardian spirit, whom he soon sent away to watch over his comrades in case of danger. The spirit agreed, for reaching the exit was not an easy task. After they had gone through the hole in the ceiling, they had a long climb ahead of them before they reached the surface, and then they had to walk a considerable length to reach stable ground. Before leaving, a promise was made so that the spirit could check in with Kalas every hour…

Kalas sighed; he was left alone in the cave with a broken arm and a lot of thoughts. It had all started with White Dragon disappeared. Xelha didn’t worry at first, yet as the length of time of the disappearance increased, so had Xelha’s anxiety. Finally, after three months had passed, Xelha gathered the group and begged for help. Naturally, everyone agreed to help and decided to set out the next day.

A lot had happened that night. Between the packing and being hosts, Xelha and Kalas got into a severe argument (which everyone overheard), and Xelha went to bed in tears. Kalas had felt terrible about it, and went to his room in anguish. Yet that argument seemed to help rather than hurt, as Xelha bounded up to him happily the next morning, hugging him and thanking him for the night before. A dumbfounded Kalas asked what was up, and Xelha replied that she had a premonition of where White Dragon was.

The Dragon was in a dangerous place called the Cavernous Cliffs (Xelha had dubbed it so). The Cliffs were right outside Sadal Suud, in the Unmapped Regions. Xelha had then proceeded to explain what she had seen. The Cliffs were made of brittle, rocky material, apparently, which would every once in a long while collapse and form caves with cliffs atop of them. The Dragon was a small distance into the Cliffs—a two hour’s walk at most. But it would be a dangerous walk, for the ground beneath them could give away at any time. Yet the group went ahead to find White Dragon where she was hiding without fear. They had survived worse conditions than that, and were more than capable of making it back safely. Yet the real surprises awaited them there…

It was not a hard trek past Sadal Suud to Cavernous Cliffs. As soon as they had reached there, the first surprise revealed itself—a reddish, glowing rock awaited them, a rock right out of Nekton, the Shrine of Spirits…

Curiously, Kalas reached for the rock with Xelha trying to stop him. As soon as he grabbed the rock, he felt a sudden surge of electricity run through his body, and just as suddenly, a voice appeared in his head, Wha?

Kalas instantly recognized that voice to belong to his former guardian spirit, and proceeded into happily greeting the spirit and announcing the news to the others.

Kalas…The spirit voiced
How’s everything down there?...
It’s fine,
Kalas winced, My arm hurts, that’s all.
Kalas…I’m sorry…
For what? Don’t worry, we’ll make it.
Alright. With that, the spirit left Kalas to his thoughts again.

Happy with their new company, the group proceeded to White Dragon, who was quite visible from where they were, her size increasing with the more ground they covered.

The second surprise came to them when they reached White Dragon. Xelha had rushed up happily to the dragon, squealing happily. The dragon didn’t reply, but eyed Xelha with wariness and suspicion. Xelha noticed that, and stopped her happy approach to ask what’s wrong. The dragon still didn’t reply, and she didn’t change her look. As Xelha slowly approached, White Dragon became more and more wary and uneasy. Xelha was about to touch the dragon when Savyna shouted out that White Dragon was going to attack Xelha, but it was too late. White Dragon let out a roar of rage and unfolded her wings, getting fully into attack position.

A fight had ensued after that. Xelha barely managed to duck out of the way when the dragon breathed fire at her. She still tried to talk with the dragon, but to no avail. White Dragon raged, deep anger showing in her eyes. Multiple times, Kalas saved Xelha, only for Xelha to run right back up close to Dragon and talk to her. In the meanwhile, Gibari smashed at the dragon, Mizuti blaster her with spells, and Savyna fought to keep them safe. Only Lyude did not take action…

They tired while the dragon still raged, never moving from her spot. Kalas’s movements slowed, and rescuing Xelha was becoming riskier and riskier. White dragon was now missing by hairs instead of by feet or inches. Kalas was dreading the save where he wouldn’t be able to save Xelha in time…and it came too quickly. Kalas dove in to save Xelha, he grabbed her, but there was no way to make it out on time. White Dragon attacked with her tail, lashing at the two of them, Kalas held Xelha protectively and watched in silent horror as their death came it closer...
It happened so fast that Kalas couldn’t tell what had happened. White Dragon’s tail landed a few good inches away from them—they only felt the wind and the tremor of the attack. White Dragon then trembled, gave a final, remorseful roar, and fell over backwards, crashing ungracefully to the ground.

Silence took over the group as they stared at the body, everyone in a different level of shock. Kalas snapped out of it faster than Xelha, who was still in his arms, and looked around. He was surprised to find that Lyude was in his attack position, aimed directly at where White Dragon’s chest was just a few moments before…
Everyone seemed to be looking at Lyude now. There was no sound, just staring. The first thing that broke the silence was Xelha’s scream. It looked as though the death of White Dragon just registered within her. She collapsed to the floor, sobbing terribly. Kalas bent down to her and wrapped his arms around her, comforting her. Gibari just stood there, staring at the dragon’s body. Lyude and Savyna were packing their weapons away. Only Mizuti moved, she walked towards the spot White Dragon was guarding, as to look at what was there. As she edged closer, she saw that there was what seemed to be like a nest made of rocks. In the nest, there were two perfectly spherical rocks, almost shiny in nature. Mizuti tensed, Kalas sensed it. He also sensed his spirit tense. What? he asked, but it was Mizuti that answered.

“This be Atria,” Mizuti had said, “We be in grave danger. This place be—”

She was instantly cut off. Xelha had finally stopped crying, and she jumped out of Kalas’s arms and ran as to attack Lyude with a fierce (for her) battle cry. Everyone was startled by her behavior, which didn’t last long. She didn’t even manage to make it halfway to Lyude when a loud, thunderclap sound cracked the earth underneath their feet. And since it was a cliff, the ground collapsed, and a cave was under formation.

It was at that time that Kalas broke his arm. And a little after that, when the dust and the fear of more crumpling occurring, they learned White Dragon’s secret.

Kalas…It was his beloved guardian spirit again that snapped him out of his reverie.
I’m worried.
Don’t be.
Kalas…are you planning to die?
Of course not!
This was so much of a lie…
Then why’d you vouch to stay behind?
Because they needed to get going. How far are they now?
They’ve just reached the top. They’re starting the walk back.
I trust you so much, you know that?
Yeah. Now go look after the others. Keep them safe.
They had to keep going, no matter what the cost…
Of course…The Spirit was now gone. Kalas went back to his thoughts.

They were eggs. Dragon eggs. White Dragon’s eggs. And they made it to the bottom with the others unharmed, and that was trouble. As Mizuti explained, the eggs will take the longest time to hatch, but no more than a year. First, there was the cracks, then the eggs would glow, the closer they are to hatching, the faster they’ll glow, until they hatch…which was, in reality, an explosion of a gargantuan scale…death for whomever is foolish enough to be in the vicinity, including dragons…and the process from after the cracking took about three hours…

This was where Kalas was now. The group had found a small tunnel leading out, but it was in the roof of the newly formed cave. No one would have had a problem of making it out, except Kalas, and they had no rope. Kalas barely managed to get them to leave…he and Mizuti knew where the thunderclap sound came from, they knew why the ground collapsed. The eggs had started to crack…and an hour had already passed…

Kalas knew that his comrades were safe, unless they were to have an accident on the way back. Which was why he kept sending his guarding spirit away, she was more help to them than to him right now…

…and the eggs were glowing moderately now. Kalas gulped, he was getting nervous. He didn’t exactly want to die, but there was no other choice. This is how he saw it: 1) He was going to die, no matter what. No help was going to get there fast enough. 2) The moment the eggs hatched/exploded, the cave was going to collapse, effectively killing the frail hatchlings (he knew enough about dragons from Xelha to know this by now). Thus, 3) He could save the hatchlings. If he was right, then he could protect the hatchlings from the explosion and provide them with an opening to fly out while the whole cliff crumpled to the ground—

Kalas, we’re almost there. The guardian Spirit was back, he hadn’t realized it’s been a full hour…The eggs were glowing manically.
Has it really been a full hour?
Hm? Oh. No. I just wanted to tell you.
Okay, thanks.
…Are you hiding something?
Me? Nah. I’m just getting tired. Maybe I should get some sleep.
Eternal Sleep.
That’s a good idea.
Cool. So I’ll get some sleep, and I’ll see when I wake up.
In the afterworld…maybe.
Kalas…the spirit was uneasy, he could tell.
I’m worried. And scared. I can’t help but feel as though I’ll never see you again!
Yes you will!!
Though I most probably won’t be alive…
You promise?
Lies…why did he lie so much? And so well?
Alright…The worry was still there.
…Hey, how long until this hour’s up?
A few minutes…three, approximately.
Okay…good night.
I’m going to miss you so much, my dear friend.
Good night.

Kalas gulped. How time flew when one was about to die…he was very afraid, but he knew what he had to do. He couldn’t live, but there was hope for the hatchlings. He walked towards the eggs, which glowed with craziness…he took a deep breath and held it. Then he gathered his courage and threw himself on top of the eggs, effectively making a shield.

Before the hatchlings flew out of the ground and became visible to everyone’s eyes, before the frightened and shocked looks on everyone’s faces came, before the tremor of the ground came, and before Mizuti’s pained, knowing look and the whisper of “three” with her comrade’s confused stares directed at her, but right after they had reached the outskirts of Sadal Suud, the Spirit’s face twisted into utmost horror, quickly shouting Kalas’s name out in deep grief while the spirit’s soul was jerk back from the world of which it came.


;o; okay, i feel bad now. poor, poor, favorite character of mine. well, okay. i love every good guy from BK and BKO. so they're all my faves. but Lyude...so awesome! so bishi! so cute!!!! heart
right, read and review. thank you. PBS kids...oookay...what was that about?

User Comments: [6] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 03:15am
I can't read death fic, they get me depressed. 3nodding Even if I don't care or even KNOW the people involed. xd

commentCommented on: Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 04:38pm
they y comment? blah on u!!!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 07:01pm
To show, that yes, I actually do care. xd

commentCommented on: Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 11:46pm
GAH how can you put it up and tell me not to read it?! D: Me love Zazu's writing!

...I was good and didn't, but I read some of the stuff before it and now I wanna read it so badly...

Moonlit Star
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 12:26am
xd thanks Moonlit. now go and rush and work on your fanfic for the competition, yes?

and thanks to u too Veggie. 3nodding

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 18, 2007 @ 08:14pm

Very good, very good~ <3

Moonlit Star
Community Member
User Comments: [6] [add]
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