IF SOMEONES READING THIS PLZ COMMMENt....i want to know my life dosent suck on its own...guess wat i had a stupid therpist session and this time it was for me and my mom and what a little crap she was ' u dont know how to cummincate blah blah but i dont know why u got so upset cuz u couldnt go bak to school and how to do this teleconfernce .. but i only want to cummincate its just u who cant cummincat" WELL POO TO U TOO....................i hate my life i wish i lived with my grandpa like in the summer except FOREVER.. i wish i could talk to my real friends it seems like i barley talk to the b4 i talked to them but its slowing down . I feel so down alot. i made a poem about how i feel i will show u l8er but yaaa. I am going down back to how i use to feel empty i frikin hate my rents ....i cant imagine how long its going to take for me to go away from them maybe i should ask if i could live with my aunts(not the mean ones) or my grandpa but my mmom may say no ....I could get in trouble hmm it shard to say maybe i could ask this week cuz my dads rents are visting so that could give me a advantage or else christmas when my aunt and grandpa come to visit ....that is good thats is great ^^! i need to take a chill pill sometimes cuz my rents take everything out on me like today my mom was on a comp and i said watsup and she said dont talk to me" like a turd
i seem to complain alot hmm thts awesome no its not i guess ...well its almost 10 where i live (its a secretsshhhhhh) but i should get going plus i have to delete the history my mom would kill me saying she was a brat on a thing that can be read but hey i ight not know u guys but i may but we wont know so thats ok....BYE from ME
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