I'm dreaming
Suddenly falling
I can feel your touch
Such warmth...
I arise
You start to disapear
I dont feel any thing
I close my eyes
It was a dream
My feet arise off the ground
I gain my wings
And sore into the sky
If only you were there
To see me
To see me happy and flying
My wings turn grey
As i start to fall
A face appears
Is it you?
It isn't an angel either
I dont understand
More people appear
They're so beautiful
Like my friends
Who erased all the dirty feelings
That arose in my heart
I love you
That's what i wanted to say
My wings turn white again
Because of the strength
My friends gave me
They helped me
Understand that you were gone
And i still had faith
So i'm going to keep on flying
The path of my heart
But then i realized
You are still with me
No matter how far apart we are
I know your watching over me
Can you promise you will protect me?
My heart knows
It leads the way
To you
So i will wait
When my wings are strong enough
So promise me that..
You will wait for me
When the last tear
Drops from my heart
Chibi-Freya Community Member |