Full Name: Furte Almasy
Meaning of name:If it has a meaning then I don't know it.
Birth date:12.21.***9
How old do you appear?20
Eye Color:Green
Glasses or contacts? Reading Glasses
Weight: 80 kg
Height: 163 cm
Type of body/build:Wiry
Skin tone:Pale
Skin type:normal
Distinguishing Marks: Thin scar along left cheek from cheek bone to jaw line.
Predominant feature: mouth
Hair color: Wheat with gold bangs and aqua tips
Distinguishable hair feature (bald, receding hairline, etc.): none
Type of hair (coarse, fine, thick, etc?)thick
Typical hairstyle:free with bangs scattered into face.
Are you healthy? No
If not, why not? Insomniac, low blood pressure
Physical disabilities: a limp in left leg
Your favorite color?Blue
Your least favorite color? Baby puke yellow
Favorite Music:Everything
Least favorite Music:Whiny "someone shoot me my life sucks" music
Food: yes please
Literature: anything preferably english
Expressions: Innocent Smile tm.
Favorite book:Depends on mood
Expletives: "********"
Mode of transportation:Feet
Daredevil or cautious? Apathetic daredevil?
Same when alone?yeah
What?eh. Blast when their not too expensive.
When and how much?hmmm. A pack a day keeps the creepers at bay.
What?Whisky or a good rum
When and how much?After a long day at work, or when having escaped so called "friends"
Hobbies: Meh. Not really.
How do you spend a rainy day? Cleaning my guns.
Hometown:Outside of Barton
Type of childhood:Lachkey kid
First memory:Hiding out in the backyard with my brother and planning on stealing that new Motorbike from the old guy down the street.
Most important childhood event that still affects you? Watching my brother die.
Why? Not that it's any 'o your beeswax, but he's been there more then sperm doner 1 and egg warmer 2.
Education:Skipped out of highschool after proving the math teacher wrong for the sith time that lesson.
Religion: Waste of time
Finances: skimming it
Mother: Christy Almasy
Relationship with her: Not too good, and that was before she kicked that bucket there.
Father:Neil Almasy
Relationship with him: Distant, but we're still close enough to get along on occasion.
Siblings: Fiore Almasy
How many? Just the one.
Birth order: He's like, 20 minutes older.
Relationship with each: He was the coolest big brother ever, till he went on permanent vacation.
Children of siblings: He'd have liked that I think.
Extended family? Nope
Close?Yeah we where.
Why or why not? I dunno. We just fit together. Fraternal twin thing I guess.
Do you have children? Nu-uh
How many children do you have? Zero
Are all children with the same partner? I don't even have one of those yet...
If no, Why?'cause I don't have one...
If no, what is the custody arrangement? Non existant.
How do you relate to your children? What children?!
Which child is your favorite? The one that apparently doesn't exist.
Why?(admit it or not, we all have one) 'Cause he/she doesn't exist!
What is their most favorite memory of your children? Seriously?
What is their least favorite memory of your children? dunno.
Why? I dunno
Is relationship with children important to you? Kids are okay I guess.
Where do you work? Mechanic. I repare stuff from my garage.
For how long?Since I dumped my school for a pair of overalls. like. 5 years.
How do you feel about co-workers? I guess it be nice to have a few.
Do you get along with co-workers? Don't have any yet.
Do you like your job? Yeah. Otherwise I'd have to have stayed in school.
Why or why not? Engines and Wires and different oils. It's majorly satisfying to get an oldy back into top form.
What’s their dream job?Who's? Mine? What I'm doing now I guess.
What’s your greatest fear?Severed spine.
Why?Not being able to move scares me worse than anything.
What is the worst thing that could happen to you? Not being able to move, or losing the shop.
What single event would most throw your life in complete turmoil? If something happened to my shop.
Why?'cause it's not just an income for me. I live there, and have been since I was small.
You are most at ease when: Under the hood of a car.
You are most ill at ease when: Having to wear expensive or girly cloths.
Depressive or SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? Nah. Though a friend once said that I was asocial.
Priorities:Food, me, sleep. In that order.
Philosophy: The rest of the world's just there to amuse the few of us who care to do what we want.
How you feel about yourself? I'm a pretty cool gal if I do say so myself.
Past failure you would be embarrassed to have people know about: You seriously think I'm telling you? Tch! It involves a razor and puberty, that's all the clues I'll give.
Why? 'cause your "people" and telling you would be hella weird.
If you were granted one wish, what would it be? To be truly free.
Why? 'cause the only thing that matters in this world is money and how free you are.
What’s your greatest source of strength in your personality (whether you see it as such or not): Sarcasm
What’s your greatest source of weakness in your personality (whether you sees it as such or not): My self reliance
What’s your soft spot?Pitiful puppy look.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Hopefully not.
If not, how do you hide it?by being me.
What’s your biggest vulnerability: Nonya
Which of the 7 deadly sins do you fight (or give into, willingly or not)?(lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride) Psh. Pride I guess.
Which of the 7 virtues do you have (or fight against)?
(chastity, abstinence, liberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility) Patience.
Are you optimist or pessimist? Eh. the glass' half full
Why? Nunya
Are you Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Why? Because I'm noone else's buisness.
What are your drives and motivations? Once again. Nunya.
What are your talents? Writing and repairing stuff.
What are you extremely skilled at? Tinkering
What are you extremely unskilled at?singing. *grins* wanna hear?
What are your good characteristics? Dunno
What are your flaws?Depends on who you ask.
Peculiarities:Fidget alot
What’s your biggest regret? Not telling
What are some of your minor regrets?Also nunya.
What’s your biggest accomplishment? Restoring a sweet little Mini Coop with all the fixin's.
What are some of your minor accomplishments? Nothing worth mentioning.
What’s your darkest secret? umm. Pass.
Does anyone else know?nope, and neither will you.
If yes, did you tell them? no.
If no, how did they find out? They didn't.
One word you would use to describe yourself: Precarious
What do you consider your best physical characteristic? eh. my hands.
What do you consider your worst physical characteristic? Boobs
Are these realistic assessments?Yep.
If not, why not? They are.
How do you think others perceive you? Don't know don't care.
What four things would you most like to change about yourself? (#1 most important, #2 second most important, etc.)
1. Nothing
If change #1 was made, would you be as happy as you think? yup
If not, why not? cause nothing got changed
Are you divorced?nope
Why?'cause I'm not.
If divorced, how many times? I'm not.
Have you ever cheated on your significant other? I don't have one.
How do you relate to others?Sparingly.
How are you perceived by...Strangers? I dunno. One called me the "hottest weirdo ever" That count?
Friends? Aquaintances
Hero/Heroine? Hans Bethe
How do you view your hero/heroine? He had some awesome ideas
First impression:eh. never met him. He's long dead.
Why? 'cause he got old?
What happens to change this perception? nothing, 'less he comes back as a zombie to disprove his theories.
What do family/friends like most about you? Dunno. Never asked dad.
What do family/friends like least about you? see above.
What are your immediate goals? Making it to the diner for Kung Pow Chicken before the dinner rush tonight.
What are your long range goals? Finally getting that chopper I've been wanting.
How do you plan to accomplish these goals? Save myself skinny.
How will other people around you be affected? Not at all.
How do you react in a crisis? Cuss alot.
How do you face problems? head on
What kind of problems do you usually run into? things blowing up or catching fire.
How do you react to NEW problems? dumb shock followed by cussing
How do you react to change? with a smile
What’s your favorite clothing? Loose and well worn
Why? new things don't last long around me
What’s your least favorite clothing? fancy dress
Why? It's too posh
Jewelry: my earings and my bro's ring on a necklace.
Other accessories: small tattoo
What do you drive? Whatever I can get my hands on
Where do you live? In my garage/shop
Where do you want to live?where I am now
Spending habits (frugal, spendthrift, etc): depends on what I'm buying
Why? some things aren't important
What do you do too much of? stay up late drinking I guess.
Too little of? drinking...on the roof?
What’s your most prized possession? My bro's ring
Why? 'cause it's important. shove off!
Do you play musical instrument? sometimes.
How did you learn? My dad brought one home and i got bored.
Who’s the person you secretly admire? no one right now.
Who’s the person you were most influenced by? My bro
Why? just because!
Who’s the most important person in your life? me.
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