well......i just watched a movie......a movie i hate beyond all belief.......but a movie i love, a movie that means something to me, that touches me, that i can relate to....but i don't want to relate to it do i? the characters in it are so well-developed it has an intricate plot and is a meaningful story over all it talks to people, it sees people who they are, it shows life at it's worst yet people at their best. it shows everyone so perverse, the rapists and child molesters, the ones who jack off to child magazines and rape their own child's best friend and it shows those rich beautiful women who don't care about anyone but themselves and pretend to be so happy on the outside, to act like they have everything but on the inside are cold and just want to truly be loved by someone. it shows those women who are not the most beautiful but are very attractive and that don't feel complete, who need something but they don't know what yet but they want more than anything in the world to find out just what it is. it shows the confused young boy who has so many things going on at once and doesn't know what to do with it all, he has friends at school doing things he has yet to do but he wants more than anything to do it but is unsure how yet. it has the housewife who wants to be in love with her husband but she knows on the inside no matter how hard she tries she will never really love him and her love will never be returned. and all the little children who just want to take care of their tamogatchi pets and play games. and the woman that lives next door who is single and who will forever be single because she is insecure and has such an awkward personality that no one can stand to really be with her and eventually she goes insane and stuff happens but doesn't all of this happen to us each and every day? each day, thousands of people die, and each day those deaths are replaces with someone's birth, today will be the first and last one of it's kind, nothing is exactly repeated. what if someone goes to church one day, then the next they kidnap a poor innocent child who never meant any harm and they rape the child, next sunday are they really forgiven? and what about after death? is there really a heaven? is there a hell? i was never taught that there ever was, i wasn't taught s**t about death, no one knows where we go when we die, if we go to church each sunday, just in death to be disappointed that there really is no heaven and we are all juts dead, nothing is next.... seems i have gotten off topic, back to the movie i can relate to one character in this movie, i always imagined my life will be like hers and looking at her and realizing what i thought, everyone hated her, she was so negative and she didn't know what she wanted but she didn't go out of her way to make anything better or to find something she did want. but her and i, have so many similarities, ones i do not wish to list here but they're just all there, and in the movie, there were two of the people i hate the most in the world....the child rapists....and the sick stalker people who plan out everything they want to do to someone and go on to doing it....only sometimes they don't.....and i hate that movie so badly but i can't get away from it, i couldn't stop watching no matter how hard i tried, i cried and i saw through my tears, everything that happened, the scene that the man's son was asking the man if he liked raping the son's friend....it made me break into tears i couldn't help it, they just came out.....and the ending scene when the son finally came.....he was turning into his father right before everyone and they didn't even see it, in fact i'm not even sure if they realized how he meant it.....but it was so well done and so well written.....i just don't know what to think of it, it being the movie i hate the most but love the best as well.....it's just so confusing...if you can even understand this watch it and you'll see what i mean.... it's called "Happiness" and by the same director, two other movies i enjoyed but also made me feel similar, though this one was far more powerful than the rest, which included "Welcome to the Doll House" and "Palindromes"
erinus is god · Sun May 20, 2007 @ 12:50am · 0 Comments |