well i'm real into these "movie" things and so i watched yet another that made me feel funny, not the same as the last one, this one scared me, scared me that people actually are the way many were portrayed in this movie, "A Clockwork Orange" there are bad people out there, sick people, who do and think sick things, and then there are people who think they are right, who think they are so above everyone else, not willing to listen to what others have to say, people who want others to change into what they think and what they see as "right" for example, in this movie, there were people who worked in this hospital type thing where they did research, they took the main character, who had been put into prison for "accidental murder" and changed him into what they say is "good" and "right" they forced his eyelids open and of course put a little water into his eyes so they didn't dry out from being open, and made him watch people getting killed and raped and tortured, and eventually he got to the point where he felt extremely sick each time he was involved in any type of violence, not giving him a choice or a chance, and he couldn't defend himself, he felt sick whenever he so much as thought about hurting someone or fighting back or anything.....they said he was a perfect example of good, but he couldn't do anything, it was sick and disgusting what they did.....but it was such a great and well done movie, when it was made, it was ahead of it's time....and now, it's not so much, but still an AMAZING work of art here are some shots from the movie, i will be making a picture of the man commonly pictured
erinus is god · Sun May 20, 2007 @ 07:14pm · 0 Comments |