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Journal of Gothprincess331
Haunting Ground Walkthrough-Riccardo
Time to use that key. Return to the well.

[Mansion - Well Well]

Run all the way to the bottom now. There's a door here you can use the
Mars Key on.

[Mansion - Circular Passage]

*HIDING SPOT* is located under the rubble on the left.
*SYNTHESIS ROOM HOLE* is in the circular bit of the room.

Run forward, noting the hiding spot and the hole. Go in - with the
Magists Medallion, you're pretty much guaranteed to make something
with it (No black spots when you use that medallion).

Here you'll be introduced to the "Failures" - the substitute now
for luminescents. These little baby-sized things run toward Fiona,
latch on and start screaming like a Mandragora. Not good news,
kick it three times a la Miss McBeal and press on.

[Mansion - Hall and Stairs]

Those chanty guys are harmless (I think, haven't tried kicking them
yet!) - just go to the left. I would say go to that door, but before
we do that, let's go upstairs... they aren't hard to miss, yet one or
two have told me they did. (No comment.)

[Mansion - Ruined Corridor]

Well, this corridor is well and truly trashed. But...

*SECRET ITEM* - halfway along, order Hewie to "Go!" - he'll sniff
out a PRIMA MAGNESIA. This little baby will prove VERY useful. Anyway,
the door at the end of the hall has rotted. Kick it down and enter.

[Mansion - Decomposer Room]

Machine #2. We probably won't use this one at all. There's a document on
the table, it seems Hewie has been a naughty little boy. Aww well,
Riccardo seems to think Fiona is his true prize. There's a hole here,
which we may use later. Anyway, we're done here, so back downstairs
and take that door for a cutscene.

[Mansion - Artificial Womb]

Poor Fiona. Riccardo goes psycho, end of chapter three, we have a new
enemy now, and this one has a gun! Oh, poopstickles.

-> CHAPTER 4 - Aim: Escape!

This is a very difficult chapter. And Riccardo will be the toughest
yet, obviously. Not only is he a remarkably speedy sort, but he's
got a gun! Riccardo can make mincemeat out of Fiona surprisingly
quickly, despite his poor aim, and because the threat of a gun is
too much, Fiona tends to panic far more quickly. The biggest issue
is that this section is not too big - essentially a bit of a loop,
and with fewer places to hide, Riccardo can find you much more often.
In short, this chapter is a pain. Hold on tightly as I take you
through this chapter...

[Mansion - Impossible Stairs Catwalk]

Riccardo is after you. Logic would dictate you run your pretty
little backside off to the other door. Use Hewie to slow down that
Riccardo if he catches up with you.

[Mansion - Stone Hall]

Run forward, we'll take the turn later but for now, straight ahead
and out the door.

[Mansion - Watchers Room]

*HIDING SPOT* is under the table.

SO USE IT! Evade Riccardo, then return to that dead end - Decomposer
Room. We do actually want Riccardo to be following us here... which
might sound odd but trust me, there's good reason! Just use anything
which reduces panic should the need arise.

[Mansion - Decomposer Room]

Lure Riccardo over that noticably marked square on the floor. KER-
ASSSSSSH! Ain't Karma a *****? We have lost Riccardo for now. Order
Hewie into the hole, and tell him to stay, then return to the Stone

[Mansion - Stone Hall]

Take that turning now. Two 'Failures' will drop down, play soccer
or football with them, depending on your persuasion. Kick the vase
too, then go up the stairs.

[Mansion - Sealed Room]

This, friends, is called "Killing two birds with one stone". Not
only did we manage to lose Riccardo in that room, we also got
Hewie inside the sealed room! Order Hewie to "Come", and he'll
raise the bar on the door. We can now explore the room. There's
a PURIFIER in here (important for later), a shiny object and a
door. Take the door.

[Mansion - Western Alcove]

*CLOCK SAVE* on the left as you enter.

There's an item on the table, and another door. Save first though.
We're going to have to be brave here...

[Mansion - Statuette Room Catwalk]

Hewie will be growling. Uh-oh, not good. Enter the door on the
other side of the catwalk...

[Mansion - Hall of Doors]

He's back! And he's not happy about how we dumped him last time.
It will take a while for him to get through those doors, but since
there is no-where to hide so far (nowhere that he won't easily find
you anyway), we're going to need to pull him back to the Sealed

[Mansion - Sealed Room]

This is as good a place as any to make your stand. Keep your panic
down, use antimony items and magnesias to wear Riccardo down and
keep Hewie attacking at all times. Heal stamina when required, it
won't take too long to knock him down. Grab the item from him and
run back to the Hall of Doors.

[Mansion - Hall of Doors]

*HIDING SPOT* at the far end, under the chaise.

Get Hewie to attack the failures, kick them as well if they get a
bit too close. Ignore the strange humanoid, run to the end of the
hall (kicking failures as if you need that winning goal!) and take
the door at the end.

[Mansion - The Garden]

You might have been here before if you did all four golem codes.
This is the upper part of the garden, next to the Graveyard. The
door here unlocks onto the Graveyard - which is nice. But before
that, order Hewie to collect the shiny. We receive the key item,
"Prima Materia" - please, no FF7 comments on that. OK, we have a
raw material, now we need to make it into something... and you
remember all those machines? Now we get to play! Now, it's a walk
either way, but we need to return to the Artificial Womb. There,
the first step of the process can begin. I recommend going through
the crypt, through the impossible stairs, south down the Red Window
Hallway, through the Watchers Room (Ignore the chanty humanoid),
through the Stone Hall, back across the walkway of the impossible
stairs, and bingo. We're there.

[Mansion - Artificial Womb]

Here is your first machine - The Extractor. Use your Prima Materia
here, and wait as it turns it into Sulphuric Ore. Why was it
spelled right here and not for the Serpent puzzle earlier? BAD
CAPCOM! NAUGHTY! Anyway, next stop is the Sealed Room.

[Mansion - Sealed Room]

The machine in this room is the Purifier. Use our Sulphuric Ore on
the machine and - wow - we get Silver Ore! I'm impressed. Anyway,
next we need to head back to the Red Window Hallway again, and into
the Machine Room - the next turning in the hall to the right. Not
too far away, and there is a save point near there too. I highly
recommend you use it!

[Mansion - Machine Room]

This machine is the Synthesiser. Yup, use the silver ore here and
marvel as the Silver Ore becomes a White Godstone! OK, one last
machine to go - please, DO NOT return to the Decomposer Room
and use that machine unless you didn't follow these events right.
The decomposer will ruin your hard work and you'll have to start
again. Anyway, back to the Stone Hall. But unfortunately, it seems
Riccardo has found us. He seems to always turn up about now, and
since once again we're short on hiding spaces... retreat to the
Sealed Room. It's quite a run, but remember - Riccardo's aim is
pretty poor in Normal.

[Mansion - Sealed Room]

Once again, we fight Riccardo here. I like it because you have a
little more space to run around him, and since it's slap-bang in
the middle of everywhere, when he does recover chances are he'll
take the wrong way. Keep Hewie attacking, chip in with kicks and
any throwing items you may have. Riccardo falls after a bit, so
heal up Hewie (he'll no doubt have been injured here), grab the
item on Riccardo and quickly back to the Stone Hall.

[Mansion - Stone Hall]

Remember where we kicked the vase in the circle? Remember a doorway
north of it?

[Mansion - Stone Walkway]

Walk across this space.

[Mansion - Closet Room]

*HIDING SPOT* - in the closet. Obviously.

Shiny item, and a door. Take item, use door. Simple.

[Mansion - The Room of Balance]

The statue here requires a counterbalance to solve the puzzle. We're
well on our way to doing that. Take the door to the far-right.

[Mansion - Red Window Divided Corridor]

Run forward, nothing that thing licking up something... OK, let's
just NOT go there, OK? I really, REALLY don't want to know. Don't be
eating when you see this. It's hurl-inducing stuff. Anyway, ignore
the door here, take the shiny, and go around to the other side of the
divide, where there is another door... but first...

*SECRET ITEM* and you'd think it's in that pile of rubble, wouldn't you?
Well, even I was wrong, Hewie finds it in the middle of the path. Take
it and use this door...

[Mansion - Room of Metamorphosis]

This is not right. Not right at all. Are they growing these freaks? It's
just a bit too bizarre for me. Anyway, our final machine is here in this
room. The transmuter turns our White Godstone into a Red Godstone. Sweet.
Anyway, you now hear glass shattering. Failures drop in for a not-so-
friendly chat, so run out the room and close the door behind you.

[Mansion - Red Window Divided Corridor]

That door we ignored here earlier can be unlocked from this side, and
takes you back to "Hall with Stairs" - from here, you can n** back to the
Circular Passage and use up those medallions you've been collecting (or
perhaps, hoarding?) - do so, and then return to the Room of Balance.

[Mansion - The Room of Balance]

Statue needs item. We have item. We use item. Way is now open. PLEASE
remember to take the Red Godstone with you! Turns out this room is
the mansion entrance hall, and the door - your ticket out! To coin one
of Strong Bad's lines, "SWEET LADY FREEDOM, LET'S MAKE OUT!" - it's
not over yet however... we've got a little bit farther to go. But since
we achieved our objective to escape, end of chapter. WHEEEEEEEEE!

-> CHAPTER 5 - Aim: Give Riccardo his well-earned come-uppance!

Essentially, that means we're going to make sure Riccardo gets hurt,
hopefully in an equal or greater way than the poor Daniella - she was
unable to tell the difference or feel anything, Riccardo clearly can
and therefore is going to find karma biting his backside soon. This
new area is The Forest.

[The Forest - Mansion Front]

We're out! Down the stairs now, go to the left, grab the paper on
the fence which just happens to be a conveniently-placed Forest Map,
and continue left.

[The Forest - Chaos Forest]

*CLOCK SAVE* is the sundial in the clearing. Hey, a sundial is still
a clock, after all!

Hewie, NO! Bad... bang? But... but Hewie... Hewie... *sniffle*

We'll have to find Hewie... go straight ahead of you to find lots of
pots to kick and a sundial... go back to where you started after
finishing up here, and go to the left...

Chaos Forest is one BIG room, so I'll divide each segment here with
dashes like so: -*-*-*-*-
See those, it means we're moving onto another screen. OK, let us begin
with where we are now.


A T-Junction. Ignore the turn to the left and go onwards.


Whimpering... that's... HEWIE! Go onwards. Follow the path and the
sound of the whimpering... down the path, kick the pot, and onwards...
HEWIE! That... son of a... shot Hewie! And now he's behind us! Up to
you what to do here - you can follow the directions to outrun him, or
use what you got to kick that bung-bandits backside! (I chose the
latter, of course. I have a dog, OK? I was compelled to kick his
backside from here to kingdom come!) Either way, back to the junction.
We must leave Hewie here for now.


Take the left at the junction now.


Crossroads. You've come from the East. Go straight ahead to the
west, and follow the winding path down to another crossroads. Don't
forget to pick up the shiny object here.


You come from the east path. Go north, and follow the path here for
a cutscene which finally explains a few things. Riccardo is not his
real name - it turns out that Fiona's father and himself are in fact,
clones. Watch the FMV which shows how the "accident" happened. Ugo,
Fiona's father, was killed to make sure that 'Riccardo' would be an
original (nice demented logic for you there). Ugo was blessed with
Azoth, while 'Riccardo' was not, and Fiona has inherited that Azoth,
which is what he wants. It's too much for Fiona to take. She faints.

[Tower - Cells]

We pick up the action now as Fiona comes to - Hewie is here again!
HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! Umm... why is Fiona now wearing that snappy
little ensemble? Why did Riccardo redress her? And why does Fiona
look hotter with her hair down? Hmm. Lots of questions. Anyway,
notice the documents to the side? Take the TOWER SKETCH, and yet
another memo from our 'friend', Lorenzo. Seems that the tower is
sealed off bar one exit - which takes us to the place in which
Lorenzo resides. Interesting. Also, take note: Riccardo seems to
be MUCH more dangerous now than before. I suggest running away for
now, he'll get his soon enough. Now, Hewie, be a darling and fetch
those keys for us, you sweet mutt, you. Now we're out, walk onward,
and take the BRONZE FIGURINE from a recess in the wall on the left,
and the sparkly item. There's a machine here - the reason I said to
take the Red Godstone with you was to use here. It is turned into
the Philosophers Earrings, which calms you faster and slows the
rate of panic. Nice deal, eh? Anyway, now we leave here.

[Tower - Base]

Take the passage. Scene kicks in where Riccardo gets a little TOO
obsessive over his niece (Being Ugo's brother, that does make Fiona
technically his niece!) - RUN! Through the passage, all the way.
You will not be able to see Riccardo, but you DON'T want to get
too close. Keep Hewie attacking and run, up the stairs, to...

[Tower - Entrance]

*CLOCK SAVE* by the big doors.
*RECOVERY POINT* is the old water fountain, it is lit up.

Keep Hewie attacking and run up the ramp... suddenly, Riccardo
fades away and leaves you alone. Suspicious, no? Either way, now
is a VERY good time to save, don't you think? Outside the doors
is an item, but we'll be here later. With Riccardo gone, go back
to the Base...

[Tower - Base]

There are pipes here to kick away. Look around, kick them all, one
has a shiny item and one has a MINITURE BRIDGE, which we'll be using
in the very near future. Anyway, back to the Entrance now, and up
that ramp!

[Tower - Corkscrew Ramps]

Halfway up, Riccardo will surprise you. Just take some time and
avoid him, seems he fades away again pretty soon after a couple of
Hewie attacks. He seems to be vulnerable in this state, which is
good because he seems to run at the slightest hint of trouble.
DON'T KICK THE VASE! It conceals a Luminescent, which is the last
thing we need here. Once Riccardo goes away again, presumably to
set up another surprise for us, run to the top and hit the lever.
Now we can continue up.

Near the next circular platform, Riccardo will drop a barrel near
you. Stick Hewie on him again a few times and once again, the mad
Riccardo goes away. Take the slightly-concealed path under the
obvious ramp, kick this vase for an item, and up that ramp to pull
the lever. Go back and take that other ramp upwards now.

Luminescents! Lots of 'em! Panic at this point is dangerous, so
lure them to the side on the ramp a bit, then run past them, across
the platform and up the other ramp... whew.

[Tower - The Planetarium]

*CLOCK SAVE* Just as you enter this chamber.

Whew. We made it. And into a nice, fun, easy puzzle. This chamber
has several "buttons", and you have to stand on them when they
are lit. This is a joint effort between Fiona and Hewie, so find
the first lit button and stand on it. Another button lights up.
Face in it's general direction, and order Hewie to "Go!", and he
will go stand on it. Tell him to STOP and STAY, then move Fiona
onto the next lit panel. And so on. Essentially, one of you must
be on the last lit panel for this puzzle to be solved. When all
panels are lit, a spiral ramp descends. I guess that's our cue to
go up then... open the door...

[Tower - The Top]

This is important. Next to the door is a hole. There are two
others, but this one is the one you need to be aware of. Also,
around the rim are three weakened sections of wall. You can
kick all three down, but you need only kick one - the wall
that is opposite the Diorama Model. That is also important, not
that there's... oh, you know what is coming now. Use the model
bridge on the diorama, and place it from the tower to the
manor. Success! The bridge is now up! Of course... did you
REALLY think we were going to get away that easily?


Riccardo is a very easy boss when you know how. and
have prepared for it in advance.

Order Hewie into the hole by the door, and he'll pop up in a window,
just above the diorama model. With the wall kicked down beforehand, this
fight is now about merely lining up Hewie, Riccardo and the now-exposed
gap. BE SURE to use the "Attack" command, when Riccardo is in the right
spot, Hewie will leap down and attack from above. Watch as Riccardo now
plummets like a depressed lemming to his miserable doom. Satisfying?

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