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he he he (i am so jaded!)
chapters 4 and 5 written by lovedory
Chapter 4

Becka awoke the next morning to the sun shining down on her face. She frowned in confusion at where she was. Then she remembered Jareth and the events that happened the night before. Instantly she sat up looking around the room. Thankfully she was alone. Wasting no time, she got up from the bed and went to the door of her room. She grabbed the doorknob and tried to turn it, only to find that the doorknob was locked. Becka rattled it in frustration. Finally she screamed at the door and flung herself around to lean on it. She was fuming with rage at how Jareth had locked her in her own room like that. Becka looked around the room and found a purple rose with a note attached to it sitting on her vanity table. She walked over to it and picked up the purple rose. Then she read the note. The note had beautiful, elaborate cursive, hand writing that could only belong to one person. The note read:

Dear Becka,

When you read this note you with probably realize that your door has been locked. This is so you will not try to escape. When you wake all you have to do is mention Lassia’s name and she will arrive to help to get ready. Once Lassia arrives you will have one hour to prepare for breakfast. See you in the dinning room.


Becka read the note, and crumpled it in her anger. ‘how dare he do this to me!’ she thought furiously. Finally she decided that it was no use staying locked up in her room the entire day, so she reluctantly called on Lassia. “Lassia,” Becka said out loud. “my lady?” came Lassia’s silvery voice from behind. Becka turned to see Lassia standing behind her. She may be angry at Jareth for everything that has happened, but she had still missed Lassia. Becka couldn’t help but smile. They ran and embraced each other. It had been so long since they had seen one another. “my lady! It is so good to see you again.” Lassia said into Becka’s ear. Becka smiled. “I’m glad to see you to.” she said. They parted and Lassia noticed the ugly wound on the side of Becka‘s face. Lassia gave a quick gasp when she saw the bruising and blood on her face. “my lady, what has happened?” Lassia asked, her voice filled with concern.

Becka turned away. “it’s nothing.” she said quietly, feeling uncomfortable with the topic. Lassia noticed this and went to the bathroom to start a hot bath for Becka. Even though Becka hadn’t been there for a year she was familiar with the routine. Becka bathed and dressed in a gown Lassia had given her. ‘Jareth probably picked it out’ Becka thought in annoyance. She only sighed and put the dress on. The gown had a white poets shirt with a pink corset to go over it that was laced with pink ribbon. The skirt of the gown touched the floor, and was made of satin that was a lighter shade of pink. It was a beautiful gown, but Becka wore it reluctantly.

Becka met Jareth in the dinning room exactly on hour after she had called Lassia. Once she entered Jareth looked up to see her and smiled. He stood from his seat and walked over to greet her. He took both her soft hands in his gloved ones, and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. “good morning.” he said softly next to her ear. Becka pulled her head away, making it clear she did NOT like the affection he was showing. Jareth drew back, slightly hurt by this action, but brushed the thought away and escorted her to her seat. They began their meal, and Jareth tried to bring up topics of conversation, as though she had never left. Becka only gave a frequent nod here and there. She didn’t want to associate with this man at all. Finally when there long meal had ended Jareth stood up and extended his hand to Becka. “come. The garden needs a touch of beauty in it.” Jareth said smiling, hoping to flatter her. She only responded with a reluctant look and took his hand, standing as she did so. Instantly Jareth transported them to the lovely garden that Becka had not seen since she left the Underground. Hoggle and Lassia watched from a window high above the couple walking in the garden. “do ya think she’ll ever love him?” Hoggle asked Lassia hopefully. He had learned long ago that Lassia had a knack for noticing stuff like this. Lassia smiled. “I think she already has, she just doesn’t want to admit it. But she will soon enough.” Lassia replied continuing to watch the couple in the garden.

Chapter 5

Casey heard a knock on the door of her tiny, dank apartment. She had been crying on the couch over her lost friend. Wiping her tear stained face she walked towards the door. Opening the door, with the chain latch attached to it she peered outside through the crack in the door. Carson immediately tried to push his way into the room. He would have made it in, if not for the chain latch. “where is she?” he growled darkly. “Carson.” Casey whispered in shock horror. She quickly closed the door and unhooked the chain latch. Barely giving Casey any time to react, Carson swung the door open with such force that Casey would have been knocked down by the force of it, if she had not stepped to the side. Carson glared at her as he walked into the room. “where. Is. She?” he asked menacingly. Panic began to rise up inside of Casey at Carson‘s evil glare. “I-I don’t know. I-I was hoping y-you would know.” Casey stammered in her fear. Carson turned away and scowled at the floor. “there was a man here last night. He forced me out of the apartment after I tried to h- get him off of her.” Carson caught himself before he told Casey the whole truth about the night before. He didn’t want Casey to know he had been beating Becka.

Casey looked at him confused. “keep him off of her? What happened?” Casey’s voice was filled with concern. “a man was here last night and…he…attacked Becka. I heard her scream from down the hall. I rushed back in to protect her but he forced me out of the building and said if I came back then he would do serious harm to her. I had no choice but the leave.” Carson lied to Casey. Casey put a hand to her mouth the stifle a gasp, as tears welled up in her eyes. Carson saw her tears and knew that she was buying his lie hook line and sinker. Carson only nodded to confirm Casey’s worries. Casey had to wait a moment before she could speak. “did you get a good look at the man?” she asked Carson coming to her senses. Carson paused for a moment and then spoke. “yeah. Yeah he had like an 80’s style hair cut, and the freak was wearing tights and gloves. And, I can’t say for sure but I think his eyes were different colors.” Casey froze. “what did you say?” she asked barely above a whisper. “I said, I think his eyes were different colors. And he wore the weirdest make-up, and-” “it’s him.” Casey whispered interrupting Carson. Carson gave her a confused look. “who?” he asked firmly.

Going white in the face Casey answered. “I thought he was only a figment of her imagination.” she whispered ignoring Carson. Carson grabbed Casey by the shoulders shaking her out of her trans. “who is he?” he growled. A look of terror painted Casey’s face, and she gave a small cry of fear. “I don’t know where she is! But I have an idea. Let me go and I’ll show you.” Casey told him. Letting her go Carson growled. “show me.” Casey nodded, still frightened. She lead Carson into Becka’s bedroom. She sorted through Becka’s nightstand drawer until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a little red leather book and handed it to Carson. Carson glared at her. “I said where is she?!” he snapped. He was growing impatient. Casey shook the book at him, her voice rising with fear. “take it! She always talked about it. She used to read it every night! She used to speak of someone that you just described. She said he was, a goblin king or something. I didn’t pay much attention to it until now. I always thought it was one of her imaginary friends. But now I’m afraid that… just take the book! If there is anything about that man it’ll be in there!” Casey spoke frantically, with fear and worry.

Carson gave one last glare at Casey and then snatched the book from Casey’s hand. He shook it in her face. “I’ll read it, but if I find out that this is some sort of sick joke, which I am sure it is, you’ll pay for this.” he said in a low deep voice that sent shivers down Casey’s spine. And with that Carson stormed out of the apartment. “oh Becka what have you done.” Casey whispered.

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