Isn’t it amazing, how a mind works, do you ever open your mind, and see the people around you, what do they think, what do they know? WHO are they? Who are we? What are we? Should we know, should we say hi? What would happen if we did, would it be good, bad? What would are life be like knowing them? That quiet person, should I say hi? What would happen if I did? He seems so shy, should I leave him alone, should I try and see who he is, will it be good, bad? What kind of person will this be, will they be a friend, a best friend? He seems nice, I think I will talk to him, but, how should I act, should I also open up, will he think I am weird, or will he listen, and see what’s is inside of me? Maybe he will help me later, so maybe I should talk to him, or should I stay quiet and walk away, maybe then I will meet someone else, do something else, I think will talk to him…
And he is a great person and a best friend, he is someone I can now trust and who I enjoy being around, he has helped me so much, from just a ‘hi’
Isn’t it amazing, how a mind works, do you ever open your mind, and see the people around you, what do they think, what do they know? WHO are THEY? Who are we? What are we? Should we know, should I hug that person, he seems so sad, should I say hi? Those people, they say he just try’s to get attention, that he has problems, to stay away, I think I should say hi, what will happen if I do? What kind of person is he? I think I’m going to hug him, he seems so sad….
And now he is and interesting person, another person who I can talk to, and he is a great friend,, he said I saved his life, he was going to kill himself, no one seemed to care, he is a great friend, and he is always there to protect me, if I just ask, just from a hug…
Isint it amazing, how a mind works, do you ever open our mind, and see the people around you, what do they think, what do they know? WHO ARE THEY? Who are we? What are we? Shoud we know, should I ask that person, she seems so quiet, should I talk to her? Should I ask her what she is doing? She seems so nice, yet why wont anyone else talk to her? I think I am going to ask what she is working on….
And now she is a great friend, she is my best friend, she is someone who I enjoy being around and I know I can trust, her friends, her whole group, mocked her, and what she thought, the same thoughs I hold in my head. She is a talented writer, who I know will be famous, I enjoy reading her storys, the same ones she was writing the day I met her…
Isint it amazing how a mind works, do you ever open your mind, and see the people around you, what do they think, what do they know? WHO ARE THEY? Who are we?
Just think, from just saying hi, you can get a best friend, from just giving a hug, you can save a life, from just asking a question, you can enter a new world. Just think, all those people you see, you see everyday, who are they? What kind of life do they live? What are they like, what would happen if you got to know them? How would your life be different, what would you learn, there are so many people, and I want to know them all, I want to be friends with them all, aren’t you curious, who that person is, what is there name, who are there friends, what do they think, what will they be like, in a week. Month, a year? What can a simple ‘hi’ do for you, what can a simple gesture of caring do for them, what can something so small and simple change about your life?
View User's Journal
Here's my journal, I'm trying to keep it a daily one, so some days may be weird :sweat: So, I'm either going to put what happend that day, or if it was boring, enter some of my thoughs or how I feel, sometimes just about a person I know, so ya, Thank
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