My Chemical Romance Dream Three
**Chelle, Tracey, and Jazzy, are my friends. This one is based mainly off The Ghost of You music video.**
Tracey, Chelle, Jazzy, and Me were riding on the boat from the music video, but we couldnt' make it to the shore. We couldnt' make it past this certian point. Then, the boat started to fill up with water. =o
Me: Oh nooze!!! We're going down.
So Tracey and Chelle take off their pretty hats [ones from the music video] and try and scoop out some of the water. Jazzy, though, sees Mikey in the water, and he appears to be drowning. Jazzy then takes off her hat, and jumps into the water. She helps him swim over to the boat, and I help her lift him onto the boat. Then I look up and see Frank flying around in a pink tutu, and I glance over at the beach, and see Gerard. He's singing the part from The Ghost of You, where it goes "Never coming home!" He's saying it over and over. Bob is floating on a plank of wood, playing the drums, and Ray is using his fro as a floation device. Then, Frank losses his tutu, and can't fly anymore, and he falls into the water. I jump in, and it dosen't feel cold, and I get Frank and pull him over to the boat, and Jazzy helps him up. For some reason, both Mikey and Frank are shivering, so we hug them to try and warm them up. [Jazzy hugs Mikey, I hug Frank] Then, they both start singing like Gerard is. So Jazzy and I try and ask them why we can't go home, but they just shake their heads, and slowly float back to where Gerard is standing on the beach.
They all stop singing, and Bob begins to play Taps. [the song the military uses to honor the dead] The boat things begins to sink faster, and Frank and Mikey are watching it.
Frank: Can't we help them?!?
Mikey: Yeah, they helped us!!
Gerard: No this is how it has to be... -he turns around and dissapears into this fog behind him.-
Frank and Mikey stand there, looking extremly confused, and a bit sad. All of us on the boat, take off our hats, and stand in a perfectly straight line, looking at the beach. Soon we are up to our waist in water, and then we are completly sumbermerged. The water was frigid, and unbearable. Our skin turnsed this ghostly shade of green, and our lips turned blue, and we were shivering. We began to try and swim to the shore, and Frank and Mikey had run into the water, and it reaches their waist, and for some reason they can't go any father. Jazzy and I make it to them, and they pull us out of the water, but we can't find Tracey or Chelle. So we run back in and try and look for them, but we can't find them. Frank and Mikey come in, and drag us out again, telling us the water is too cold, and if they hadn't made it by now, they wouldn't make it. Jazzy and I start crying and Mikey and Frank are hugging us, and telling us it was gona be ok. They were trying to make us warmer, too. Jazzy and I sat down on the beach, and they sat down next to us, and were holding us as we cried. [Frank was holding me, and Mikey was holding Jazzy]
Then I woke up.
That one made me sad, but they were hugging us. XD
![]() Purely Katie Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
and you ended up hugging frank again... nice