My Chemical Romance Dream Four.
** Chelle dosen't really like Ray. She dosen't eve like My Chemical Romance, so cha. **
Jazzy, Chelle, and I went on a cruise, and we found out that My Chemical Romance was on the boat. [Even though both Mikey and Ray can't swim and are scared of large bodies of water.]
We were in the dinning room place, and we were eating food. [In case you didn't figure that out.]
Jazzy: Woah!! Hey look!! -points a table over- It's MCR!! OMGOMGOMG
Bob: -points at us and whispers something to everyone at the talbe-
All of MCR: -looks at us.-
Gerard: -walks over to our table- What's up? -sits down.-
Ray: -comes over- Whats going on over here? -sits down-
Frank: -walks over- Hey guys! -sits down-
Mikey: -comes over- How's it going? -sits down-
Bob: Don't leave me alone!!! -runs over and sits in last chair-
After dinner, all we can talk about is what happened at dinner because MCR actually ate with us, and talked to us. All the sudden, the boat hit this under water car, being driven by some mermaids. [O.o Yes I did say mermaids. They also need to learn to park there cars in a more convient place D:] So then the boat starts sinking.
Us: OMG!! We're going down. [Again with the sinking ships!]
Then the boat is gone, and it's really foggy, and no one else is with us, but then we see Frank in a raft. He's reaching in and pulling out the rest of MCR, and as they float by us, they tell us to hurry up and get on.
Chelle: We aren't ever going to see our familys again.
Jazzy: Yeah, we are just going to float on this boat in the middle of the ocean.
Me: We may never be seen again.
Us three: -begin crying-
Frank: o.o It's going to be ok. We can make it out.
Gerard: Yeah. We probably aren't that far off the coast.
A couple hours of floating later, we randomly hit some Island. It's really small, and only have one tree, but we get off the raft and start hugging the tree, and each other, screaming YAY LAND!!
Then I woke up. XD
![]() Purely Katie Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
and again with the hugging!!! lol