Oh ******** me Sideways!

Gummie Bears are just an Orgy in a bag.

Silly Rabbi, Preists prefer kids

Holy ******** nuts. I want a horse, or a whore. Whichever is cheaper.

If you want to taste the rainbow, go suck off a gay guy.

The best oxymoron is: A Well Adjusted Transvestite.

Irony is like getting a hearse stuck in a fastfood joint parkning lot.

I think the gays invented the airport. Both like to ******** up the a**.

I'll stop calling your mom a lesbian when she stops eating out.

I swear to whatever god listens, that if you don't stop I'm going to ******** you so hard satan will cry.

Another thing of Irony: Catching someone on fire, then beating them with an extinguisher.

Just think, As you read this someone, somewhere is hanging himself.

Life is Pre-Cancerous

I once found a throw rug in a catch basin.