The storm outside raged on. It's force seemed like it was trying to crack the churches back. Father Mculley was finishing up his last chore before going to lock up the church. The giant wooden doors at the front swung open. A tall figure walked in and went to the front of the church and fell on his knees in front of the Father. "Father. Forgive me. For I have sinned." Mculley looked down at him and went to remove the strangers hat. "Don't Father. I'm in no mood for more screaming."

"What is it my child. What is your sin?" The stranger looked up and clasped his hands together.

"For my entire life I have been mocked for my looks. Being born here was never my idea." Mculley nodded and listened intently. "For each person the picked on me I took my anger out on the next."

"My son it is normal to do that. God forgives that sin." He smiled and sat on a step. The stranger hung his head. "Is it worse then?"

"Their blood is on my hands. Whether I killed them or not. I never tried to save them form death. He came and I stood in the shadows with a grin on my face." He cringed waiting for the father to kick him out. Once nothing happened he continued. "Then about 10 years ago. I was able to meet someone. She was like a goddess." Mculley gave a stern look. "I'm sorry father. It's a bad analogy." He looked up his hat and coat covered him up so only two blue eyes showed through.

"I understand. You may go on with your story. I know it's not over is it?" The stranger shook his head and gave a smile. It was blocked by the darkness from his clothes.

"That woman. She became my wife. We loved each other with so much passion. Nothing ever made us mad." A tear ran down his covered cheek. "Then our daughter was born. She made me the happiest man alive. Even though my wife died in child birth and little Lily was alive. 8 years later She's killed. Just cause of her looks. Because of my own DNA she's being persecuted." He slammed his fist into the ground almost breaking the ground below. Mculley looked down and placed his hand on the strangers shoulder.

"She's with God now my son." The back doors burst open and three men holding machine guns burst in. "You! Gut out of God's house with weapons!" The tallest man begins to shout.

"Padre. We are here for the demon. Hand him over and we will leave peacefully." The stranger stood up and let his coat fall down. Out stretched two giant red wings. "I knew you would seek shelter here. We know you to well." The stranger flapped his wings and put one in front of Mculley.

"Father it's time for you to leave. As for you three. Leave. I don't want God's house to be bloody." He held out his hands and this red energy shot out pushing the men out. He jumped and landed in the streets. "I am Nicka Terelo. Demon king of Fire. Whatever hate you have against me we settle this here!" The three men pressed a button on their guns and little hoses popped out.

Nicka looked worried and tried to find a place to run to. "You look frightened demon. Could it be that Holy water burns you? Or is it that fact that we are sending you back to the hell from whence you came!" The men sprayed rapidly towards Nicka.One stream hit his wing. While screaming he took off in a half sprint half fly down the streets. Once making it to a dead end alley. He knew his time was up. The men corned him and held their guns to his face. "Your time is over!"

A flash of light blue light came from behind them and began to freeze them in place. Each one froze with a look of horror in his eyes. The tallest man moved his head to see the light. Another demon walked up to him and grabbed his head and stopped it from freezing. "Young man. Evil begets more evil." He looked over to the other frozen men and shattered them with his scaly tail. "Now for you. A fate worse then death." An evil smile came across his face as the man vanished. Nicka smiled and looked at the other demon.

"Thank you for saving me." He stopped and looked at the demon. "Who are you?" The demon smiled and turned towards the street. He didn't speak, but Nicka knew to follow.

"My name is Asziz Drown. Demon of water and ice." He smiled and in a second he changed and turned to face Nicka. "But you can call me Father Mculley."

Copywrite 2004 Zack Baker