sanity n
1. the condition of being mentally healthy and able to make rational decisions
2. common sense, reasonableness, and predictability

That is what my dictionary says it is. But what happens when one loses it. They become insane. One question for those who are sane. Can you give me a definition? What if all the sane people were not as they seem. What if the insane were really the ones who knew.

My story of insanity begins when I was in a car accident. We were driving along not paying attention. I saw the curb my friend didn't. After smashing into it the car flipped and flew onto the road over. We both broke our seatbelts and landed on the cold concrete. I was bleeding from all my cuts the glass gave me. I moved my head to see Stacy. She was dying I could tell. This demon walked up to her. I was screaming for it to leave. It looked at me and laughed. It reached over and snapped her neck. It vanished with the sound of sirens. After months of rehab I was let go. I went back to school and got back into the normal conformity.

Weeks passed and my dreams were still the same. I could see the demon killing her. I would wake up in tears. Each time I woke up I was found closed to her grave. My doctor said it was just sleep walking caused by her death. I went along with it until the visions started. I would be in a daydream and then the demon would walk into the room holding Stacy's head. I scream and begin to run. My teachers all stop me and tell me to get a grip. I eventually ignored it till they stopped.

Two weeks passed and the demon never came. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I looked down and spit, but when I came up I saw him in the mirrors reflection. I turned around to face him but he was gone. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. I looked back and he was in the mirror. The demon looked me in the eyes and began to speak in a language I have never heard of. He stopped and threw a brick at me. The mirror shattered and I fell to the ground with the brick in my hands. My dad rushed in and began screaming at me. I tried to tell him what happened. But when I got to the demon he just flipped out.

That was the last straw for my family. I was sent to North-Woods House For The Mentally Unstable. I arrived and was put in my cell. At first it was horrible, but then the demon stopped. He never came anymore. I began to adapt to the place. It was odd but still fun. After talking to the other abs (Abnormals) I found out that others have seen the demon. We formed a group to go and find the demon. Of course the white coats never cared as long as we took our meds they were happy.

Four weeks of planning and we made our move. We followed the reports of the demon. Our group of three made it to the cellar. We walked around and into the storage room. There in the corner was Stacy. She was sitting there tossing a ball. I walked up to see if it was her. A blast of light hit me sending me backwards. She stood up and began to glow. The demon walked over and patted her head. His mouth moved and only the sound of bones breaking could be heard. I turned to see if the rest were okay. They were on the ground convulsing. My good friend Ricks legs shattered and turned into dust. I closed my eyes and started to scream. My voice was cut off by something. I opened my eyes to see what was going on.

What I saw changed my life from bad to ohh hell, Stacy was kissing me. She stopped and began to speak the same language as the demon. I tried to understand but it was like nothing I knew. They both looked at me and held out there hands. I touched them and I knew what they were saying. They told me that I was one of the few that could live in the new world. He told me that he recruits new souls to join him. Stacy smiled and told me that the new world was perfect and she wanted me to come with her. I smiled and nodded.

A portal opened up and a light shined through. It turned into a mirror and flashed. The demon walked into it and changed into an angel. He smiled and said everything would be alright. I smiled and stepped towards it. A gunshot rang out and everything disappeared. The lights turned on and I saw the white coats. They pointed the gun at me and screamed. There voices were loud and still I listened with all intent. "DO YOU KNOW THE CRIME OF KILLING OTHERS?" I was looking around the room and saw all the bodies. In my hand was a ax. I dropped it and fell down. It all hit me. I killed everyone. There was never a demon. It was all in my mind.

CopyWrite 2003 Zach Baker