Age: 15
Appearance: She stands at five-foot-two, has a small-framed and short torso with ample breasts, wide hips and long legs, giving her an hour-glass figure. Her hair reaches her shoulders and is curled in nearly perfect ringlets. She has very light blue eyes and pale skin. She has a heart-shaped face and long lashes. She's almost always wearing white of some sort.

Personality: Very sweet, innocent and honest. She isn't seductive or flirtatious in any manner, and she knows her manners and how polite she should be. She's a proper "lady", and refuses to be anything else. She's a very delicate creature.
Biography: She was born and raised in Texas. She's practically obsessed with the early years, when ladies were ladies and men were men, hence why she never wears pants or shorts, always a skirt or a dress, one that is probably styled like those in the 1800s.