Well, remember how I was last week....

Well, yesterday, we had our skit squad banquet. And, we had great food....Me and my friends talk about Legato as a child, and Vash and Knives popping out of the ground, and "little Miroku".....We had a blast! And they handed out a lot of awards....I got two books....AND GUESS WHO GOT "BEST ACTRESS"? PENELOPE POINTDEXTER, SNAPPY FLASH, AND SABURUOTA GONDAWARA! I'm so happy!
FYI: All of those names are the same person: Me! heart All my friends got an award too! biggrin
So, now I'm out of my funk I've been in.... biggrin
Oh, and I loathe my family. Well, the guy I have a crush on, got Best Actor. And, I was talking on the phone with my sister, and they first thing my mom tells me to tell her was, "Tell her what ****** got!" And the first thing my sister asked at the same moment my mom said that, "So, what did ****** get?" So, I told her, and she squealed! She said, "Oh! It's a perfect match!!" She's 26, by the way.... whee CURSE YOU EVARA!!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TELL MY MOM WHO I LIKED!!! stressed My sister even got close ups of him at the Big Show! .....Although I'm not complaining.....BUT IT'S JUST WRONG!!!! gonk
Anyways, I was laying in bed last night, watching the freakin` weird begining song for Paranoia Agent.....WHICH IS THE WEIRDEST SHOW EVER!!!(WHAT'S UP WITH ALL THE LAUGHING IN THE BEGINING SONG? IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!! gonk )Anyways, so I was bored, so I started looking through all my books. I was reading some of my childhood books, when I found these old Poke`mon comics. Yes, I was a freak for Poke`mon when I was little, and I'm not ashamed to admit it...*cough*Anelle*cough cough*....So, I started reading them, I had comic number one, two and four...I don't know what happened to number three....Anyways, I was reading number four, when I spotted something amazing! Someone, said "DAMN!" I was so surprised! I started to cry of joy! That's, what started my anime obsesion! But, you wouldn't think they would cuss in a little kids comic, would you? And I also noticed that it was from VIZ, where most of my anime joy comes from! Just thought it was slightly intresting....Cussing in a little kid's Poke`mon comic....I'M SO PROUD!!! (tears of joy)
On another note.....I had the strangest dream last night......I don't remember it well, but I know that Vash was in the whole thing...I remember him being in my garage, staring outside for some reason, so I gave him ice cream....That's all I remember.... confused
Well, I'm going to wait impaitently for the results of a poetry contest I'm in right now, smell ya later!
P.S Argh! pirate I'm a pirate!
Community Member
rofl What's with this guy? How can he roll around like that? Is his head decapitated or something? Weird...@.@
And remember....put on your Legato face!!