My life is incomplete
There is no hope for me in sight
The ones I thought who cared, don't
The ones I thought knew what I was going through
Aren't there
My heart has felt the last touch of love
My heart is a blacken void that can never be filled
No matter where it lies
It engulfs me no matter how hard I try
No matter hard I try to escape
I'm just a faceless mask waiting in the darkness
Not know where to go or what to do
People walk by and I seem like a lifeless piece of flesh
No heartbeat
Not anything
I'm stuck haunting the shadows
Living a hopeless dream
I'm the face in the shadows
I am their nightmare
I am my nightmare
My life is complete
I'm incapible of fullfilling my dreams
That were everyone's dreams for me
I can't live to that standard
I can no longer dream anymore
What my heart says to me
Means nothing at all
I've tried my best for it not to hurt
Everything is going wrong
I'm breaking up inside
My life is complete
I feel as though no one cares
I'm their dummy
Doing their will
I have no control
Everyone is laughing at me
No one is there to grasp my cold hand
No one can hear my silent cries
I am dead to them
Help me live
My voice is calling
They all pass by
I stand alone in the darkness
Alone and forgotten
By everyone
I'm hiding my thoughts
Keeping them in a box
No one truely sees me
They see only what they want to see
What the want me to be
I can't go on much longer
Pretending to be who I'm not
My heart can't take the pain inside
It has taken over
I can't get free
My life is incomplete
The void is still there
Consuming what there is left of me
Every emotion and happy thought
Soon I will be nothing
I'm being eaten up
Not by the pain or anger
Not by others
But me
I'm making me disappear
My life is incomplete
No one can change that
No one will ever change it
I'm tired and need to rest
I'm tired of being what I'm not
I'll just be overthrown by the darkness inside of me
The darkness within my soul
Wednesday 4:50am
July 20th, 2005
There is no hope for me in sight
The ones I thought who cared, don't
The ones I thought knew what I was going through
Aren't there
My heart has felt the last touch of love
My heart is a blacken void that can never be filled
No matter where it lies
It engulfs me no matter how hard I try
No matter hard I try to escape
I'm just a faceless mask waiting in the darkness
Not know where to go or what to do
People walk by and I seem like a lifeless piece of flesh
No heartbeat
Not anything
I'm stuck haunting the shadows
Living a hopeless dream
I'm the face in the shadows
I am their nightmare
I am my nightmare
My life is complete
I'm incapible of fullfilling my dreams
That were everyone's dreams for me
I can't live to that standard
I can no longer dream anymore
What my heart says to me
Means nothing at all
I've tried my best for it not to hurt
Everything is going wrong
I'm breaking up inside
My life is complete
I feel as though no one cares
I'm their dummy
Doing their will
I have no control
Everyone is laughing at me
No one is there to grasp my cold hand
No one can hear my silent cries
I am dead to them
Help me live
My voice is calling
They all pass by
I stand alone in the darkness
Alone and forgotten
By everyone
I'm hiding my thoughts
Keeping them in a box
No one truely sees me
They see only what they want to see
What the want me to be
I can't go on much longer
Pretending to be who I'm not
My heart can't take the pain inside
It has taken over
I can't get free
My life is incomplete
The void is still there
Consuming what there is left of me
Every emotion and happy thought
Soon I will be nothing
I'm being eaten up
Not by the pain or anger
Not by others
But me
I'm making me disappear
My life is incomplete
No one can change that
No one will ever change it
I'm tired and need to rest
I'm tired of being what I'm not
I'll just be overthrown by the darkness inside of me
The darkness within my soul
Wednesday 4:50am
July 20th, 2005