Okay, so in towns I've encountered any number of idiots. All inclusive, beggars, cybering dunderheads, people asking me to date them, trolls, slaves, elites, noobs, etc. In time, I've come up with standard responses to all of them. This is where they will all be written, because I tend to forget things. Especially on towns. I don't know why. Maybe I had a reason but forgot that too. Who knows...
Beggars, ask: "Can you donate to me? *Insert bogus reason for their not being able to accumulate gold here* I'll love you forever."
Response: "Well, you see, here's the thing. I have plenty of gold, but there's only enough for one of us. And that would be me."
Cyberers, ask: "Hey girl, wanna cyber me?"
Response: "I don't get off on pixels."
Crushes, ask: "Will you go out with me."
Response: "Sorry, I'm destined for the nunnery."
The Press ### Trend: "Unruly slave looking for master, press 666."
Reaction: "Press 404 for ICE CREAM." [Someone presses 404] "You get BOOT TO THE HEAD FLAVOR!"
Trolls say: "Ha ha ha, you're gay." [Out of nowhere]
Response: *Ignores*
Standard Elite Dumbass says: "All of you noobs are ruining my site."
Response: "And I bet someone said the same thing about you way back when."
(Huge argument ensues)
Use them, please. xD I put elites last because they are the lowest of the low, as I have stated before. If Gaia is getting so terrible, they can leave. The less newbies they see fit to harass, the better. Just because they're new doesn't mean they're "unworthy". You're not gods and goddesses, you're humans just like them. Get that stupid idea out of your head that artificially generated "wealth" makes you better than everyone else. You may be able to convert real currency to gold, but you can't ever get it back.
Einhaender · Thu Apr 24, 2008 @ 10:27pm · 0 Comments |