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Life is an adventure
Live a Little
Prom Night
All the steppers to the floor

Tina was a wreck now. The laughing voice that seemed to follow her around. Before madness was able to pull her down, however, something else had caught her attention. The extremely perky Yinxao was even more hyper than usual with talk of a huge party being thrown at a ritzy hotel. She saw this as an opportunity to get Zee out of their house, and began to rush out the front door, heading back toward her sister's home at the top of that small hill.

Zapook had given up on trying to get Yinxao to confess her secret in fear of ruining their friendship, and spent most of her time in her lab. Though she was working diligently on a way for her to get around with out riding with Tina, or stealing the mini van, her work was soon interrupted by her hyper friend tackling her to the ground.

"You'll never guess what I found out!"

Zapook coughed and growled, "Think you can give me some kind of warning next time you do that?"

"Hee hee...sorry. But they're holding a prom! We should totally go and get you a dress!"

"First off...I have a dress. Second, I'm not going. I got a good project goin here and I'm not gonna stop for some silly dance."

"You have one...?" She turns toward the steps leading up to Zapook's room and skipped up them playfully. Zapook meerly sighed and continued working on her new contraption while listening to Yinxao rummage through her things upstairs. Before long, Yinxao came back out with an extremely short green dress, holding it up with a huge grin on her face. "You...have...got...to wear this..."

"I told you, I'm not wearing it and I'm not going to that dance."

"You'd have fun! And just think, you get to show off that cute body of yours!"

Zapook set her tools down and glared up at Yinxao.
"My body ain't 'cute'...", she growls, then smiles and sits up, grinning, "It's bangin', thank you!"

Yinxao laughs, "Trust me, I won't argue with you there."

Zapook smiled and went back to work, hunching over the so called project she's been arms deep in all afternoon.

Yinxao pouted and plopped next to her, quivering her lips and staring at Zapook with large, watery eyes, "Pwease, Pookie? I no wanna go all by my lonesome..."

Zapook sighs, "Fine...but you'll need a dr-"

"ALREADY FOUND ONE! Tried it on too! But I was short on money so I couldn't get it. Though, if you wouldn't mind loaning me a some..."

Zapook sighed once more, rising to her feet. "Let me get my keys..."

Tina had returned home from an unsuccessful trip to her sister's house. While out, she had done a bit of shopping herself and dropped a small bag in front of Koopling.

<"I aquired you the dress you longed for, as you asked. Though I did not think you were going to such a gathering..."> Tina meowed softly at the grinning white cat.

<"Well, the other preppy peice of work wouldn't shut up about it, and it has been a while since I stretched my human legs."> Koopling gets up, stretching and grabs the handle of her bag with her teeth, dragging it off to an empty bedroom.

Tina headed to her own room to try on her dress in front of her full body mirror.

The night the prom began, Tina, Zapook, Yinxao, and the now human Koopling, pile into the mini van, where she whisked them away to the hotel.
After lots of getting lost and yelling, they finally arrived at the hotel, the group all overwhelmed as they walked in the door. Koopling immediately went off her own way, but Yinxao, Zapook and Tina stayed together.

While exploring the hotel, Yinxao stopped, making Tina and Zapook stopped as well.
Yinxao stood with her mouth open before mumbling, "Oh..my god..."

Zapook grabbed her shoulder, "What? What is it?"

Yinxao only pointed toward the nearest buffet table, where Zee stood, picking at the food in a semi long red and gold, Chinese styled dress on, and a glass of wine in her hand.

Zapook's eyes widened, and she took off running toward Zee. Zee saw her counterpart dashing toward her and welcomed her with open arms. Instead of a hug, however, Zapook snatched the drink from Zee's hand, and guzzled it down, then held the empty glass in front of Zee's face, "You must tell me where to get more of these."

Zee hung her head, "Hi to you too, Bacon butt. Nice dress by the way."

"Heh. I could say the same for you. I thought you hated places like this."

"I do...but hey. Free stuff and free food. Good enough reason to come." Zee gave a slight hiccup and waved toward Yinxao and Tina.

Yinxao practically floated over toward them, "Zeneeba...You...Look gorgeous..."

Zee snarled, "Oh don't give me that s***. I ain't here to catch eyes, I'm here to catch men."

Yinxao blinked a bit. "...Isn't that the same thing?"

Zapook laughed, "Not to us it ain't. I'm guessing the food ain't great here, huh Zee?"

"Depends, do you mean this food?" She points backwards toward the spread behind her, "Or...that food?" she grinned, pointing to a crowd of men who were talking amongst themselves.

"It figures..." Zapook sighs, "Even though the appearance is somewhat different, you are definitely the same."

"Wanna snag a few and lure them out back? You get the juice, I get the meat.."

Tina was about to speak up, only to be cut off by Yinxao, "Ooo!!! I want to watch! You got to, like, let me join you too!"

Zapook rolled her eyes, "We're not doing anything like that! Just eating them! She was referring to me draining their blood and her eating the body."

"Oh.." Yinxao paused, then smiled. "Can I watch anyway?"

As Zapook and Yinxao went back and forth, Tina smiled waving and trying to get her sister's attention silently. Zee looked her way only once, before sneering and quickly turning back toward the buffet table. This practically broke Tina's heart...

Zapook, noticing the tention between the sisters, finally convinced Yinxao to hang with Tina for a bit while she caught up with Zee.
It was settled and the two groups went thier ways.

Koopling had groups of men following her, waiting on her hand and foot. Needless to say, she enjoyed humiliating them in every way she could think of. With that in mind, Koopling spent most of her time in the limo, hogging the jacuzzi and having 'her men' bring her food, and drinks to share with a few of them.

As for the two look-alikes, the back alley lounge had loads of people gathered in the center of the room. In the midst of the crowed, Zee and Zapook were dancing together. Saying that they were in sync with each other was an understatement to what they were doing. It was as if one girl were dancing beside a mirror, and stranger yet, it was completely off the top of both their heads. Zapook was having the time of her life, while Zee was too drunk to even realize there was a crowd around her. The two continued to dance until the random rap song that had been playing in the background had stopped. One official looking guy sprinted toward the two holding two golden crowns and happily offered them to the girls. Zapook lit up and leaned forward, allowing him to put the crown on her head. After giving Zapook her crown, her turned to Zee, who merely flipped the guy off and headed toward the nearest food filled table. Zapook sighed, and kept Zee's crown with her until they found their own room to crash in while in the hotel.

Yinxao was trying her best to cheer Tina up Tina on the first day, but was too distracted by the dancing girls of the deco lounge. Seeing that she so desperately wanted to join them, Tina convinced Yinxao that all she needed was some time alone.

As Yinxao did her partying on the second day of their stay, Tina once again sat at an empty table, still upset at the cold look her sister gave her. As she watched the crowd, a very small girl with a short blue stressed skipped past her, giggling. Tina watched the girl skip by, and realized two things. The first was that the crowd seemed to ignore her, as if she wasn't even there. It was as if she didn't exist to anyone by her at the time. The second thing she noticed, however, was even more disturbing then the first. Tina recognized her giggles as the laughter that echoed her in her head for a few days.

She immediately followed the girl. The girl giggled, seeing that she succeeded in getting Tina's attention and turned toward her, floating backwards toward a nearby closet. Tina called out to her, warning of the wall behind her, but the girl passed through the closed door. Tina stopped in front of the closet door, and carefully opened it. It was pitch black in side. Not like a dark room, but actual darkness. The giggling echoed inside the room, and she looked around, seeing that this sight didn't even catch anyone else's attention, and with that, she stepped into the closet.
As soon as she was clear of the door way, the door slammed shut behind her, leaving her in darkness. As far as she could tell, there wasn't even a floor, let alone walls or a ceiling, yet she felt as if there were some kind of surface beneath her. All she saw was darkness as she looked around....that, and the girl small girl, who mysteriously appeared behind her.
Tina jumped in a squeal, the girl practically glowing with her own light.
"Heya!" She shouted, looking up at Tina with an innocent grin.

"...Um...H-hello...Where is..."

"Your mind."

"...My mind...?"

"Yahuh! We're in you!"

"...How...? And...if this is ..my mind, as you say, why is it so dark...?"

"Because everyone has darkness in them! Don't you know anything? Silly kitty!"

"Are you the one who's voice follows me around like a shadow?"

"Yup! You like my voice don't you? Daddy says my voice is like an angel's voice!"

"...I see...I am fairly convinced you are not angel though, correct?"

"Yes I am! I'm my daddy's angel!"

"...Well...Why are you following me?"

"I like you!" the girl cheers, while playing with the lace on her own dress.

"...You...like me? Surely there is a more logical reason behind this little act of yours..."

"You sure are a grumpy kitty aren't you? Well, since you want to be a spoil sport, I'll tell you! I have many reasons for following you!"

Tina became a bit more uncomfortable then she had already been now, and was doing a poor job of hiding it. "Um...Is that ..so?"

"You have three things I want! I want Miaow back!"

"Excuse me? Your....what?"

"My Miaow! Are you deaf? You must be an old kitty. Maybe thats why you're hair is so white."

"Excuse me!? I am an al-"

"A rare albino cat demon of the Peruix clan?", the small girl interrupted.

"..erm....yes....How did you..."

"My daddy says that a creature's mind is like an open book! I try to imagine them as the fun books with the pretty pictures. You have lots of pretty pictures in yours!"

"...I...am confused..."

"I also want your mew mew!"

"My...Mew mew?"

"Ya huh! And you're a mew mew too! If i can have more mew mew, It'd be lovely!"

"...and this third thing..?"

The girl merely smiles, "Well...your dress is perty..."

"It is also mine..."

"Not for long! Hee hee! But that is for later! This is for now!" The girl smiles and grabs Tina's hands, her eyes now glowing white. "I think I'll stick around for a little while longer. You're a fun mew mew!"

Before Tina could find out what she meant, the flash from her eyes grows immensely bright, blinding her for several minutes.
Her vision slowly came back to her, and she found herself among a bunch of hung coats, jackets and vests. After stumbling about in the dark for a few seconds, she finally stumbled out of the closet, and looked around. It's as if she wasn't missed. No one noticed her go in or come out. She looked back at the dark room she stumbled out of, and saw that it was just an ordinary closet now. She turned toward where she last saw Yinxao, hoping to share her experience, but only saw Yinxao dancing next to a bar table with two girls dumping champagne on her. It was clear that she'd have to wait.

The last night of the prom went by extremely fast, and the group decided to get a picture to remember the fun they had in the hotel.

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After a small photo session, they mingled for a bit more before finally leaving the hotel. Tina was still a little shaken up, but did her best not to let anyone know just yet. Koopling had the biggest smile on her face, strapped in the passenger's seat of Tina's car. Zapook and Yinxao climbed in back, and Zee, still drunk and now bloated from claiming one last victim before leaving, laid herself across Zapook and Yinxao's lap. The whole ride home, Zapook kept slapping Yinxao's wandering hands away from her counter part's body.

Everyone immediately headed to their rooms when they got in. Everyone except Zee and Yinxao. Yinxao eagerly followed Zapook into her bedroom, staying in her room for the night. Zee, who couldn't really find her way to a bed in her state, fell asleep on the lounge room couch.

Tina sat up that night, pondering to herself of that one event. She finally gave herself a rest, checked on the spore that was given to her by the tree, and plopped herself down on her bed.
"...why do I feel heavy headed all of a sudden...And that girl...what did she want....So many...answers...must...find...Zzzz..."

User Comments: [5]
Community Member

Wed May 28, 2008 @ 10:13am

I'm taken over for Koopling this time. First off, I know i'm extremely late with this entry, but considerin the fact that i had to rewrite it four times....yeah...
if there's grammer mistakes and crap like that..ignore it. I really don't freakin care at this point. Already started a new one and i'm gonna try to get that up soon. Key word... try

If you can guess what pookie's workin on, you get a cookie.

Yinxao's still nuts.

Tina's goin nuts.

Koopling's still a skank.

There. End of story.

Community Member

Wed May 28, 2008 @ 10:19am

...You b***h... stare

Community Member

Wed May 28, 2008 @ 05:50pm

Eria: Oooofo! OOOFFFFOOOOO!!!! *smacked by ZuchaX III*

Right then. You got drunk at the party?! How dare you get drunk without me! T.T

At least Pookie looks out for you, Zee.... and Yinxao is about this close to stealing your Hymen.

eek Tina's... too sleepy to finish sentences?!

Community Member

Thu May 29, 2008 @ 12:34am

*Gives eria a cookie*

I know...but..it was a party! and...and....happy fun time! and i'm watchin her from now on.... stare

Dragon student
Community Member

Thu May 29, 2008 @ 05:24am

And I had to go and get my a** kidnapped by mana vampires.

Do you have the song set up yet? I've got those guys with the nice white coats and pretty butterfly nets on speed dial.

Nogard Because you need them all the time?

Xangord No, little sister, because of you.

Nogard *flips Xangord the bird, dragon style*

User Comments: [5]
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