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View User's Journal

To my thoughts and the people who want to know
Chapter 1
Ifrit Skull

A gleam in the sky and a black shuttle falls. Faster and faster it falls its right wing on fire as it spirals to the ground. “Hang on!” Lihryc calls as he tries to pull up manually to soften the landing on his shuttle, Black Dash. Faye braced herself for the landing. It came down quickly and crushed into the sand. The front window was covered with sand, which darkened the inside of the pilot room. Lihryc snapped his fingers and lights flicked on; he looked over to Faye, “You alright?” He asked her; looking back she nodded as she took off her seat belt. Lihryc did the same and stood up; he helped her out of the seat and climbed to the main deck. He kicked open the glass plate of the shuttle in the main deck and climbed out.
Getting on the outside, he looked around him his forearm to his forehead. His black trench coat flapped around his waist as he saw a sea of sand. He looked to the distance and saw large building in the distance of the heat waves. He took out his portable QS3 and checked the degrees, the time, and the distance of the buildings from this point. Finding his answers he sighed seeing as they had a long way to go. Lihryc lifted Faye out of the ship and covered her under his trench coat to cover her from the sun placed high in the sky. The wind kicked up hot sand and blew hot air around them, as they traveled to the large buildings in the distance.
The sky was a flushed blue with a puff of a cloud in the sky. Faye’s bare feet burned with every step she took on the sand. Soon Lihryc lifted her on his bare back and put his trench coat over her so she’d be safe from the sun’s harmful rays to her delicate skin. Lihryc’s boots crunched with every step he took in the sand; his body becoming moist with sweat from carrying Faye. “You okay Faye?” He asked. She nodded and rested her full weight onto Lihryc’s back; she was becoming tired from the hot sun and lack of water in her system. Her eyes slowly faded shut. Lihryc checked his QS3 to see how far they were from the buildings. Ten miles it read in cyan. Another sigh passed his lips and he continued on feeling Faye slip slightly from his sweaty body. He gave a slight hop and she propped back up so she wouldn’t slip back down. As Lihryc looked to the right, he saw a sign hanging from a pole.

Ifrit Skull
5 miles away

Lihryc continued on knowing it was only a little ways away now. His breathing grew heavy as dehydration was taking over. His vision grew slightly blurry as his eyes dried up. He wiped his eyes and kept going. Approaching the town of Ifirt Skull the sun was going down. Saw the buildings up close and noticed they were broken down. He looked at the other smaller buildings and noticed they too were run down and in shambles. Lihryc groaned and made his way into what was once an inn. He walked to the broken entrance and made his way to a room. Walking down the hall a cool breeze blew onto his sweaty chest. He closed his eyes and stood there not wanting to pass it by.
As it did blow by he continued down the hall to the first room. He gave the door a little push, but it didn’t budge. Lihryc really wasn’t in the mood for such games. He backed up from the door and gave it a heavy thrust kick. The door rubbed against the hard wood floor making a mark on the floor, but it opened and he walked in. As he walked his eyes began to adjust to the darkness, but still he couldn’t see very well. He snapped his thumb and middle finger together and a small flame burst out onto his palm. A dim light began to glow around the room there was a mattress and a desk with a candle on it. He placed his palm over the wick of the candle and it began to glow bright. He looked at the mattress and laid his trench coat down, then Faye. Her white dress had little bits of sand on it. He dusted it off and watched her sleep. He sat down beside the mattress and lowered his head, as his body grew weary. His eyes fought to stay open, but it was no use as he fell over, resting his head on the mattress, and falling into slumber.

Chapter 2

Opening an eye Lihryc awoke; he looked over to Faye seeing as she was still asleep he stood up and stretched his arms. He checked his QS3 and saw it was still night. Lihryc put it away and made his way outside. He put a hand on the hilt of his dagger and his emerald green eyes vigilant. The winds died down and it had a spine-chilling breeze. His heart sank as he continued to the tavern. His steps were light and his pointed ears twitched to catch every sound. The doors of the tavern creaked with each swing as the wind pushed it open. He made his way up the stairs and cautiously made his way inside. His eyes adjusted to the darkness as he made his first step inside. A low squeak from the floorboard beneath him rose as he continued in. He looked left to right, seeing only tables and chairs. “There’s got to be something here to eat.” He whispered to himself as he released his grip on the hilt of his dagger, seeing as nobody was there.
He walked to the counter and hopped over it and crouched down to see what was in the little cupboards. Opening them he saw glasses, some broken, others dirty. He closed them and walked to the kitchen. He looked around and saw an icebox. He took a look inside and saw a clear glass bottles filled with substances. He flicked his fingers and a palm flame came to it. He held it close to the bottle and examined the substance. “Water.” He murmured. Lihryc took two, “Now what for food.” He said as he looked around more. There were more cupboards and he took a look inside, they were all empty. He set the bottles of water down and did a search through the kitchen. To his surprise he found a hard baguette up on the shelf near the back entrance. With his treasures he was off; he exited through the back entrance and hurried to Faye. As he made his way into the room he noticed Faye was awake. Her gray eyes grew bright as she laid eyes upon him.
“I was out getting food, here.” Lihryc handed her one of the glass water bottles. She reached out for it with her small delicate hands and grasped it. She uncorked it and took sips. A refreshing and soothing taste it had, giving her goose bumps as the bottle touched her bare knees. Lihryc uncorked it and took a swig. He too felt the refreshing hydration of the cold water. He sat on the floor next to the mattress Faye was on. He set down the water and took the baguette by both ends and bent it. It snapped in two with a loud pop and flakes flew everywhere. He handed a half to Faye and he bit into it. It crunched as he chewed it for it was at least a week old. Faye looked at the bread knowing her teeth weren’t as strong as Lihryc’s. She picked up her bottle of water and poured a little into the center of the bread. She waited for a while for it to soften then bit into it. She began chewing slowly to savor the taste of the stale bread.
As Lihryc ate the last bit of his bread he took another swig at the bottle to water down the dry stale taste. He leaned his back against the wall and crunched a knee up to his chest. Faye set her bread and water down on the mattress. She looked at Lihryc and smiled. He looked at her and smiled back, but couldn’t help feeling angry about his ship breaking down on this planet. He let out a sigh and rubbed his arm. Faye picked up her bread and ate a little more; she wasn’t really hungry. Her gray cat ears perked as she heard the sound of a backfire. Lihryc too caught the sound and stood up with his dagger ready. The roar of motorbikes rose to their ears. “I figured this place wasn’t abandoned.” He held his dagger to his side and stepped to the door quietly. “Faye cover yourself with the coat.” He whispered as the engines died and voices where outside. Faye slightly whimpered, reluctant to do as told. “Just do it!” He hissed. She did as told and covered herself completely under the black trench coat. Lihryc turned his head to see the candle was still lit. He gave a quick blow and it went out instantly. He put his ear to the door and heard the voices coming closer. One had a raspy voice that snorted every ten seconds. The other was a low bass that also snorted every ten seconds.
Lihryc held his dagger tighter and crouched low. “There ain’t no loot here.” The raspy voice said to the other. They continued down the hall and at a steady pace their footsteps grew distant. “Faye stay here.” Lihryc whispered and cracked the door and slid out, quickly closing it shut. The hall was dark except for the spots where the moon glowed. Lihryc stayed in the darkness, keeping his footsteps light. He caught up to them quickly yet stayed several paces back. His heart pounded as he felt they’d turn around at anytime. “No sign of the Ifrit scum.” The low bass one said. Lihryc soon realized their small ears on the top of their head twitching. He took a step closer, but the floorboard gave a small squeak. It set them off, “What was that?” The raspy one whipped around and scanned the darkness. Lihryc charged in, his arm holding his dagger close to his face and ready to kill. Lihryc’s green eyes were the only things that shone through the darkness. As he set his eyes on his enemies and looked at their snouts. “Boar men…” He growled as he drove his blade through the stomach of the raspy one. He juddered and Lihryc pulled the dagger out.
“Arv!” The low bass called out, his eyes turned to Lihryc and took out his double-headed axe. “I’ll kill you!” He squealed as he swung his heavy axe down on Lihryc’s head. It was too slow; Lihryc rolled out the way and sprung forward slashing him in the neck. The axe dropped from his hands and the boar man doubled over. Lihryc sheathed his blade and rushed back to the room where Faye was. He opened the door and closed it quietly behind him. “Faye.” He whispered as he saw the lump under his trench coat. He uncovered it and there she was, balled up and shaking. “Its okay Faye, but we have to get out of here.” She stood up, her eyes pale with fear. “Forget the water and bread.” He told her as she reached for them. He held her hand and unsheathed his dagger. She wore his trench coat that brushed against the floor. Lihryc heard the sound of boar men outside. He knelt down, as did Faye. Lihryc peeked up a bit and saw a gray boar talking with three brown and he listened in:

“Report!” The gray one said
“There ain’t none of them Ifrit Skull bandits.” The first said
“But there is food, but we ain’t found no loot yet.” The second said
“We’ll keep lookin’ though.” The third said
“Go then.” The gray one said
The three squealed and walked off with their axes ready. “There ain’t none of them bandits around so I claim this territory.” The gray boar said as it walked with its hands behind its back waiting for any more news that was to come. Lihryc turned to Faye, “Come on.” He whispered as he began sneaking through to the back exit of the inn. His ear twitched as he heard the sound of footsteps behind them. “Hurry!” He hissed as he let her go ahead. The footsteps were getting closer as they made their way down the hall. It was a dead end, “Damn.” He hissed as he looked around for another escape route, nothing. “Duck down.” He told Faye. She did as told and crouched down, covering herself with the coat. Lihryc pressed himself to the wall in the darkness and waited for the boar men to make their way to the dead end. He kept his eye slightly open to see when they’d make their way down. They snorted, but kept their mouths shut. Their axes were out and a slow steady pace as they walked down the hall, it was another pair. Lihryc tightened his grip on his dagger and readied himself. They took another step and Lihryc sprung out. He caught them by surprise because one stumbled back and the other turned around and ran. Lihryc gave a swift knee blow to the stumbling boars chin and drove his dagger through the top of its head. It dropped its axe and Lihryc chased after the other. The boar ran outside and squealed, “Ifrit skull bandits! They’re here!” He cried.
“How many?” The gray leader roared.
“One.” He called.
“Listen up we got an Ifrit Skull bandit take care of him and lets claim this place in the name of the boars!”
Lihryc made his way outside and hopped on the back of the boar and stabbed him in the back of the head, and hopped off. Lihryc’s heart pounded as he found himself surrounded by the boar clan. He kept his dagger close to his face and looked around him. “Did you really think you could take all of us?” The gray boar walked through the circle of boars and crossed his arms. “Huh Ifrit Skull?” He snorted.
“You’ve got the wrong guy.” Lihryc said as he kept his dagger ready.
“Where’s the rest of them?” He growled ignoring what he said and looked into Lihryc’s green eyes and began to puff up.
“I said you’ve got the wrong guy!” Lihryc repeated with anger in his tone.
“I know you’re lying.” The boar snorted as he looked into his eyes. “Now tell me where they are!” He said taking out a golden double-headed axe. It was bigger than the brown boars axes and jagged from all the battles it had seen. Lihryc wasn’t intimidated, but his attention turned as he heard a boar call out, “Hey boss look what I found.” The boar pulled out Faye by an arm. Her eyes were a beaming gray as she frantically tried to pull her arm free. The gray boar smirked and gestured for him to bring her over. He did as told and the gray boar held her by the neck and brought the golden jagged axe close. Faye looked at Lihryc, tears streamed down her face and she whimpered. She tried to pull herself free of the gray boar’s clasp around her neck. “Tell us where your comrades are…” He paused and brought the axe closer to her neck. “Or I’ll slit this pretty little cat girl’s neck.”
Lihryc’s blade fell to his side, “Harm a hair on her head and I swear I’ll kill you all.” He murmured. The gray boar laughed at him and brought the axe closer. Lihryc felt a wind blow up; his long black hair began to flow lightly. The surrounding boars kept the axes ready in slight fear of what he might do. The gray boar’s fur slightly brushed against Faye’s face. Her tears slowed as she waited for what he had planned. A sparkle twinkled in the sky and a silver starship came falling from the sky. It fell fast and crash landed into a large tower building. The sand kicked up and blinded the boars. Lihryc projected his dagger into the eye of the gray boar. It squealed and dropped his axe clutching his eye. Lihryc rushed in and snapped the boar’s hand back. He lifted Faye into his arms and barreled his way through the boars and hid behind the inn. He looked at Faye and set her down, “Are you okay?” He asked, seeing as she stopped crying. She nodded rubbing her eyes. “Good.” He said as he sidled the wall and peeked over to see if they’d noticed yet, but the crackling sound of gunfire made him pull his head back. The boars squealed and he heard the bodies drop heavily onto the sand.
The sounds quickly silenced and a small pair of footsteps came. Lihryc readied himself for whatever it may be on the other side of the inn. “Stay.” He mouthed to Faye and she nodded; her eyes a dim gray now as she calmed down. He ducked low to the ground and peeked over. Jerking his head back as a pair of bullets whizzed by. “Come out!” They called. By the sound of their voice Lihryc could tell they were female. He stood back up and got an idea, he made a palm flame and rolled it around in his hand to make a ball. He tossed it out and as soon as it touched the ground it exploded with light. A cry of pain came from the girl around the side of the inn and Lihryc rushed out. Seconds after, he gave her a heavy knee blow to the stomach and disarmed her machine gun and pointed it at her head. His finger on the trigger and ready to pull it. He took a good look at her. Short red hair, black corset with attached sleeves, long pointed ears. Her boots as black as her corset, along with her pants though one pant leg stopped at her knee while the other went down to her shin. He soon began to remember her; there was just one last thing. “Open your eyes.” He demanded.
She didn’t do it, “You might as well shoot me.” She said holding her hands at her sides.
“Open your eyes!” He repeated this time putting the tip of the barrel to her head. She opened them to reveal piercing crystal blue eyes. Lihryc lowered the gun and sighed, “Tetra…” He said, looking at her with his green eyes.
She turned her head and looked at him, “Lihryc?” She asked, as she looked into his eyes. “Is it really you?” She asked.
He nodded and gave her back her gun, “It’s been some time hasn’t it?” Lihryc said with a small smirk. He began walking to the dead pack of boars in front of the inn. He walked over to the gray boar and took the dagger from its eye. She wanted to say something, but nothing would come out. As he made his way to the back of the inn he called for Faye to come. She stood up and walked to him, her feet soft in the cold sand of dawn. He made his way to the front of the inn where Tetra stood. She didn’t know what to say. “Go inside Faye.” He said as he took a seat on the steps and looked at Tetra with a glazed look in the eye. She did as told and walked inside the inn and went inside the room lying on the mattress.

Chapter 3

Tetra put her gun on safety and held it in her hand. His eyes drifted away from her and to the largest building. “Where have you been all this time?” She finally asked.
“Lost in space.” He answered, his eyesight drifting over to her crashed ship.
She wanted to pry more, but she knew it was no use. “Who’s the cat girl?” She asked.
“Faye.” He tossed his dagger up and down a few times then sheathed it. “I saved her from a slave keeper. I kept her with me ever since.”
She nodded and sat next to him and held her buried her head in her arms as she crunched her knees to her chest. “We thought you were dead.” She said lowly. “Why didn’t you try to contact me? Or Sirius, or Xalen?” She paused, and raised her head from her arms. “You know we would’ve searched for you.”
“How are they?” He asked.
“They left.” She said standing up and stepping down from the stairs. “They left and I never heard from them since.” She stopped at the bottom and looked at her ship. “Why did you leave us?” She asked. Lihryc didn’t answer. She turned her head back to him, “Why did you leave us Lihryc? We needed you then more than ever.” She turned her head back, “And you just… turned your back on us.” Tetra tightened her fist and stormed off and opened her ship walked, inside and it closed behind her, knowing it was the only place to get away from him. Lihryc sighed and heard Faye behind him. He turned his head to see her and she peeked her hear over from behind the frame of the inn’s door, with her gray cat ear twitching.
“I’m fine.” Lihryc mumbled running a tanned hand through his long black hair. A bitter sigh escaped his mouth and stood up and walked back to the room. He sat on the floor next to the mattress and growled to himself, but stopped himself before he got too out of control. When Faye walked in the room, he took a deep breath and the anger subsided. Faye crouched down and looked at him, a slight confusion to what he was feeling right now, but she could tell he was hurting. Her eyes lowered to the dusty floor she looked back up to Lihryc with a kind smile on her face.
Lihryc tore himself away from his mind and looked at Faye’s beautiful grin. He couldn’t help, but smile; though it was weak it was all he could dish out at the moment. His eyes left hers and he came back to his mind. Lihryc stood up, “I need some fresh air.” He said as he walked outside and stepped down the stairs. He walked the stairs and too the largest building he could see, an old mill tower. He looked at the bars that lead to the top and began climbing. The wind blew his hair as he made his way to the top. The sun shifted to noon as he sat up there for hours his eyes viewing all of the sand dunes. He could also see where his crashed ship is, though it didn’t seem far from up there he knew it was. The air was hotter and thinner at the top of the mill tower. He let his feet dangle as he sat on the edge. The circular tower came up to fifty-five feet, as he checked his QS3. Soon putting it away he tried to forget about the feeling of abandoning his crew. The hot wind played with his hair, gently pushing it from one side to the other as if fond of him. He let out another sigh, but the wind took it away as it began to sail away. The sky began to bleed of red and orange. The orange glowing sun reflected off of Lihryc’s tan skin, as he looked indirectly at the sun falling over the horizon of the sand dunes in the distance. It slowly made him forgive himself for what he had done.
As the moon began to glow a soft white in the blue star lit sky. Lihryc let out another sigh and laid his back on the tough rock surface of the mill tower. He’d swing his legs every ten seconds and closed his eyes. “Lihryc?” Tetra called softly. “Lihryc you up here?” She asked, as she climbed up the bars to the top. He opened his eyes and sat up.
“Yeah Tetra.” He replied turning his head to see her red hair pop up, then her crystal blue eyes. They were soft and seemed a bit puffy, but he wasn’t sure if they were by moonlight. She climbed all the way up and took a seat beside him.
She paused for a second and looked into his eyes then down at her knees. “I’m sorry for acting the way I did.” She explained, “I just missed you and…” She paused rubbed her arm. “And finding out you were alive still. It just made me happy, but angry because you didn’t give me any notice until you recognized me here.”
He shook his head, “I should be the one apologizing.”
“You’re forgiven.” She said.
“Thank you.” He replied with a quick nod.
She let out a sigh and held her head up with her hands. “I really missed the good old days. When we’d go and fight in space destroy other pirates and make off with their valuables.”
Lihryc smirked and crossed his arms. “Yeah, no mercy and no prisoners.” He said.
“You know, I heard about this new piece, called a Zenthra ruby.” Tetra explained. “Everyone is looking for it said to be somewhere around Larnath.” She looked over to him and leaned her hands back onto the rough gravel. “Worth loads.”
Lihryc’s interest grew when told of its value. “Sounds like quite an adventure.” He said and gave a little chuckle. “Well in order to get it we’ll first need to get off the backwater planet.” He looked over to her, “What’s wrong with your ship?” He asked.
“The main cabin is completely destroyed and its left wing is broken off.” She answered rubbing the back of her neck.
“That’s not that bad.” He said standing up and climbing down the ladder. “Come on we’ve got a lot of work to do.”

Chapter 4
The sun was high in the sky as noon rose. Lihryc’s back was sweaty as he pulled his ship from the sand. By the left wing of his ship he hauled it from the sand. It slowly came out as he continued to pull harder and harder. The ship rumbled out of the sand and finally came out. The wing was bent from all of the pull he’d done, but he’d fix it later. Tetra was inside the ship seeing the stats on the screen. Everything else seemed okay, except for that wing. She walked to the main deck and lowered the boarding platform. She hopped off as it came close enough to the sand. “Everything seems to be fine, except that right wing.” He lifted the right wing of the silver fang and took in a deep breath. He raised it to the broken side and blew heavily. As he blew out a large flame burst from his mouth welding them together. He stepped back as his hands went ablaze. It didn’t seem to do much damage to the ship, but caused him to sweat slightly.
He whipped the sweat from his forehead with his arm and placed a balled hand on his hip. “Tetra, check the efficiency of that wing.” He said to her examining the how strong the wing was from a distance. It wouldn’t get them to Larnath, that was for sure, but it would get them off this planet. Tetra boarded the ship and began to do as told. She looked at the wing’s strength and durability. As she checked the durability for departure, it was a 70% chance it would break off. Lihryc let out a yawn and stretched his arms. Tetra went to the main deck and walked over to Lihryc, “There is a 70% chance that it may fall off.”
He smirked and crossed his arms, “Looks like we’ll just have to take that risk.”

Faye walked with cool glass bottles of water in her hands. The black trench coat was over her head and covered her from the sun’s harmful rays to her delicate skin. She hurried to them, for the hot sand stung her bare feet. “I should get you some sandals shouldn’t I?” He said as she made her way into the shade. She sat down on the boarding platform and held out one of the bottles to Lihryc. “Thanks.” He said and took the bottle, uncorked it, and took a few gulps to hose down his burning insides. He looked over to Tetra, “Think fast.” He called and tossed the bottle to Tetra; she caught it by the neck and took a swig. She whipped the access water on her face with her forearm. Lowering the bottle from her face and letting it dangle by her side she placed a hand on her hip. “Well since the wing is done and the black dash is out of the ground. When do we leave this place?” She asked.
“In a week.” He announced, “If we left tomorrow the wing would break off for sure, so in a week it should be strong enough to fly for a while longer than expected.” He stretched his arms up again and let out another yawn. “For now I’m going to sleep.” He laid next to Faye on the boarding platform and folded his arms behind his head, slowly shutting his eyes.

Tetra took another drink from the water and walked over to the boarding platform and leaned against one of the legs. She looked at Faye sipping lightly from the other bottle she had. A low sigh came from her and Faye peeked up to her; her knees huddled to her chest with her toes playing with the shaded sand. “So, how did Lihryc come across you?” Tetra asked sipping a bit of the bottle of water she had in her hand. Faye said nothing, but looked at her sipping a bit of the water. “Aren’t you going to say anything?” She asked. Faye’s eyes shifted to a faint gray of insecurity. Faye rubbed her arm gently unsure of what to do. She pause and got ready to do something, but stopped feeling her thought fall through.
“She’s mute Tetra.” Lihryc said; his eyes still closed and arms still folded behind his head. He let out louder yawn and shuffled slightly to become more comfortable. Tetra sat down and leaned her back against one of the legs of the boarding platform. She took another drink from the glass bottle of water and set it by her side. Faye moved the coat from the top of her head and set it beside her. She looked over to Tetra and her eyes brightened as she gave her a soft smile. Tetra gave a weak smile back, sitting with a leg stretched out and the other to her chest. She curled her arms around and it rested her head on top. She let out a sigh and looked over to Lihryc as he slept. “He’s so patient. A whole week.” She murmured to herself. Pieces of sand kicked up as faint wind blew through. Faye’s stomach grumbled and she rubbed it gently. “Hungry eh?” Tetra said to her, as she stood up. “Come on I have food in my ship. Its not a lot, but it’ll take the edge off your hunger.”
Faye stood up, picked up the trench coat, covered her head with it, and followed Tetra. “Lihryc is so lazy.” Tetra growled walking through the hot sand. Her boots crunched with every step she took. Although Faye disagreed, she knew she was entitled to her own opinion. “He always lays around doing nothing and expects us to do everything for him. He should get off his butt and be able to at least get his girlfriend some food.” She looked back at Faye and sighed making her way into the town. Faye sensed her sadness, anger, and longing. She followed on; her feet didn’t hurt as much as she got to the shade in the town. The sky began to mix of pink and orange as the afternoon faded away and formed evening. Tetra turned the corner and there was her ship, the silver fang. Faye stood behind her; she couldn’t help but keep thinking about what Tetra was going through right now.
Tetra opened the door to the main deck and went inside. “Come on.” She said unenthusiastically, gesturing for her to come in. Faye did as told and the lights flicked on. It was larger than Lihryc’s ship by a little, but it looked a bit less detailed. Tetra climbed into her room and took out all her food: A basket of assorted apples, a loaf of sliced bread, a box of bottled waters, two bottles of wine red and white, and two glasses. She had it all in a large crate. “Take your pick.” She said lowly. “I’ve been needing to haul this over there anyway.” Tetra took out an apple and bit into it and chewed it slowly to savor the flavor. Faye took a green apple, nodded to Tetra with thanks, and bit into the apple. To her surprise it was fresh. It was soft and easy to chew for her. It had a sweet and sour taste that made her made her taste buds tingle. She took a seat on the cold metal near the entrance to the main deck and continued eating the apple.
Every bite she took was a small one chewing it slowly to let the sweet and sour juices of the apple touch her tongue. Tetra pushed the crate out of the ship with the apple in her teeth. It slid down the ramp and outside to the nightfall of Ifrit skull. Tetra let it stay there and went to take a jet-black pistol with white inscriptions on the barrel and a tanned machine gun with a blue trigger. She put it in a holster strapped to her hip. With the machine gun she strapped it to her back and began pushing the crate of food. The night was mild and a bit breezy. “Come on Faye I got to get this food over to Lihryc’s ship.” Faye nodded followed behind her. Tetra grabbed hold of the crate and hauled began hauling it out of the town to the black dash. As Faye came to the core she snapped the apple in two and removed the seeds and finished it off. She began to help Tetra haul the wooden box over to the ship. Knowing she wasn’t much help she would at least try. They made their way to the half point of where the ship was when they heard, “Looks like you could use some help.” Lihryc chuckled and smirked taking hold of the crate and lifting it to the ship. He set it down heavily and gave a little stretch and leaned against a leg on the ship.
Faye was breathing heavily from the hauling the crate. She sat beside the nose of the ship in the sand. Tetra put the crate on the boarding platform and put it in the storage compartment of the ship. The storage compartment had cyan lights and five large crates. When setting her crate aside from the rest and putting the lid on top she took a gander inside the others. The first held dry foods such as: pasta, cereal, and rice. The second contained jewelry and valuables. The third contained weapons of large varieties. As she looked closer at the weapons she found her pulse machine gun. It was a faded red two-handed gun with two small canisters of a luminous blue fluid in the back of the gun. The countless times she’s used this gun. She gave a soft smile as the memories of the old days came back, but her smile came down and put the gun back in the crate and put the lid back on.
She walked out of the storage compartment and walked over to the boarding platform. She pressed the down button and it began to lower. She noticed Lihryc looking at her with his arms crossed, “What?” She asked.

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