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To my thoughts and the people who want to know
Hey people this is Bitter_Loveless here... and its about that time for me to show more of my work. Lately I've been into Kingdom Hearts and I've been enjoying it lately. I've RPed a lot on it, so I've taken the time out to make my own little type of story about it (although there are many pieces that come out of the game.) I find it interesting and I hope you do too. I also hope you enjoy it (although its only the first chapter). So read! Enjoy!


As you may have heard the story of the heroic trio of Sora, Donald, and Goofy. Another tale rises, a new Organization has risen and the keyblade has chosen new wielders. The worlds as before are plummeting into darkness once again, who will save them? Who will seal the door to Kingdom Hearts... again? Who will protect the light?

Chapter One (The Awakening)

Celia's dreams where filled with cries of her parents. The thought of her loss made tears slide down her face. Her heart ached, wishing she could be held by them one more time. Then the sound of heartless surrounded her. Celia's heart pounded heavily and she shot up as her eyes popped open. Her breath was heavy and sweat trickled down her face. The star blankets had been thrown off of her and at the side of her bed. Her heartbeat grew less rapid, looking around the room only to realize it was another nightmare. Lately that's all she's ever had, nightmares. "Another one." She whispered gently, rubbing her left arm. Celia's eyes began to well up with tears, but fought them back by blinking them away. Minutes passed as she reminisced on the sound of her father and mother's cheerful voices singing in her head. When they began to fade she crawled out of bed. She'd only gotten out of bed so much lately. Celia stood hunched over the side of her bed tired from the nightmares. Her white long locks flowed over her face as she slipped on her soft star slippers. They sparkled lightly with little pieces of glitter on the fuzzy blue exterior. She leaned against the lime green wall and pressed her smooth soft hand to the wall to keep her balance as she walked, because of morning dizziness. She staggered over to the door keeping her hand against the wall. When she came to it she twisted the knob and walked out to the orange colored hallway. She rubbed her face with her left hand to wipe the tears that came from her nightmare. She took a few steps out to the hallway and closed the door behind her. She let go of the wall felling the dizziness lighten. She began to walk sturdily down the hallway, as she came to the three pictures of her family she stopped. Gazing at the second one with her soft dark hazel eyes, she thought about it. It was a picture of her parents and her when she was only a baby at the beach. In the picture she was slung up on her father's shoulder and her mother was beside the father kissing him on the cheek. While Celia had her arms in the air and a cheerful expression on her face. Celia smiled at the picture, tracing her fingers over her mother and father. She wanted to go to the place that made her happy. "Maybe today I'll go outside." She said to the picture softly, before walking away up to the living room. She sat down on the crescent moon shaped couch and curled her feet up to her chest while resting her head on her knees. As she began lose herself in her thoughts, a knock came to her front door. They knocked three times and waited ten seconds, then knocked again. Celia didn't make any attempts to go to the door for she wanted to be alone and soon they'd get the message and leave.

"Celia?" The familiar dull male voice called from the other side of the door, as they continued to knock. By the sound of the dreariness Celia could tell it was her friend Zaladin. Without hesitation she hopped up from the counter and strode over to the door. Her soft fuzzy blue house shoes, patted the wooden floor with every step. She unlocked the door and twisted the knob and the door slowly creaked open. "Hey." She said gently, with a soft smile on her face. He nodded back, "How've you been?" He asked her, as she stepped to the side in invitation for him to come in. She didn't answer knowing if she'd lie he'd call her out on it. With the silence she held to the question Zaladin knew she was sad, lonely, and with an all around depression. Zaladin felt the same way. His eyes drifted to the couch. "Just thought I'd see how you were doing." He said to her, taking a seat on the couch. Celia closed the door behind him and walked over to the couch and took a seat. She sat as she did before; with her knees scrunched to her chest and her chin on her knees as her arms were wrapped around her shins. "I don't know what to do lately, Celia. I've got only my research to look to about these... these people. Are they some kind of cult?" Celia shook her head, "They're an Organization." She said as she recalled what her father had told her before he disappeared. "There was one before, but they were wiped out. Now there is a new one, and they're intentions are much bigger than the last." Celia explained. "Thats all I really know though." Celia's theme began to play softly in the background. "Thats why there are heartless roaming around so much." Zaladin nodded, but in his mind he was furious with this Organization. They took away his family, and he would get his revenge. "I plan to go to the beach today." Celia said trying to change the subject. Zaladin shook his head, "Stay inside. Its too dangerous out nowadays. The only reason I go outside is because my magic harms the heartless. Other than that I stay inside." With that said Zaladin began to walk to the front door, but Celia grasped his wrist. "Can you go with me?" She asked him. Zaladin shook his head, "I can't I have to research more." He said taking her hand from his wrist and walking to the front door. He looked over his shoulder to her, "I'll check on you later on okay?" He said, opening the door and leaving without her reply. He closed the door behind him and began walking to his house. Celia sighed, with a small frown on her lips. The thought of her plans to go to the beach didn't change though, as thoughts of her happy family began to rise once again. She stood up from the couch and walked off to her room to get dressed. She took off her star pajamas and put on her regular clothes. The theme began to fade as she left the room she walked to the front door. Stopping in front of it she reached for the silver knob. She stopped midway, thinking about what Zaladin had said.Its too dangerous out. Her thoughts began to cloud her about what was on the other side of the door. What if there are heartless, just ready to take my heart right when I set foot outside.? She asked herself in thought, What if an Organization person is out there? When it hit her she was at dismay to her slight agoraphobia. Celia tried to shrug it off and hesitantly began to reach for the door again. She closed her eyes and grasped the knob. Here I go She thought, twisting the knob and pulling the door to her.

As she opened her eyes she looked around to see the regular town. She walked outside, and the theme of Traverse Town began to play. Celia closed the door behind her, she looked around her to see that there was no sign of heartless. The pessimism from before began to fade and she began to make her way to the beach. She looked around to see that only a sparse amount of people out and about at this time. She let out a gentle sigh and rubbed her arm. Her shoes were gentle against the pavement, making almost no sound. She came to a street lamp with a sign on it. To the left held the sign "Beach" while to the right held the sign, "Marketplace." Seeing as Celia was going to the beach she turned left and continued to the beach. As she continued on the trail she picked up the sound of footsteps behind her. She cocked her head to the side and she saw there was nothing there. A feeling of discomfort came to her face and she began to walk faster. As she was nearing the end of the trail she began to hear the sound of sloshing waves hitting the shoreline. She smiled as the memories from a bright sunny day began to come to her. She was only five at the time. Her parents were enjoying their time together and they played with her and together they built a sand castle. A very good looking one it was. The memories almost made her cry, but she kept it together. Though now it was night and the tide was high. She didn't mind though, there was still a place where she could enjoy the water from a distance. Celia began to make her way onto the soft white sand. Slight crunches came with every step she took and she turned to the sea. The reflection of the pale moon bounced off of the sea. It gave her comfort looking at the moon in the obsidian sky. Few stars twinkled and gently a smile began to lift to her soft lips. Though it wasn't long as footsteps began to crunch in the sand behind her. Celia turned to see a person in a black robe. The hood was over their head. The sound of the Organization XIII theme began to play. The thought of this rang a bell to her. Celia's eyes grew wide and she stumbled back. She tripped into the sand as the came closer. "An... an... Or... Or..." She couldn't get the words out. "An Organization member?" He answered for her. The male's voice was gentle and sounded sorrowful. "I wish I didn't have to do this... I mean... you're still so young." He said, "Forgive me."

He stood over her and heartless began to surround them. As the Organization member began to walk away Celia looked around frantically. The shadows began to walk toward her they began to raise their claws and swung them down. Celia curled up into a ball and covered her head. The claws came to their face, but stopped. It seemed as if time stopped though. Celia looked up and saw that they had stopped. She looked away from the ground with their claws only an inch from her face. Then this light came over her eyes and she closed them. When she opened them she heard this hymn. The End of the World began to play in the background softly. Celia looked around to see darkness then stood and looked down to see she was on a blue platform. Celia's fear slowly subsided when she heard a whisper. "The Station of Serenity." Celia looked around to see nobody, but when she looked down she saw a picture of her on her father's shoulder while her mother was kissing her father's face, just as the picture hung in her house. She gazed at it for a few seconds then began to walk forward. As she came closer toward the edge three balls of light shined in a triangular formation, then appeared a weapon at each point. Celia watched carefully as they came to her vision. The first to appear was a sword. A medium length blade with a curved golden hilt, and a blue handle. The next was a shield. A flat black shield with a red lining on the outer permitter. Lastly was the wand. A blue orb at the top and a green staff. She gazed at the three weapons in slight awe. "Your road ahead is going to be a challenging one. One of these weapons shall assist you on your path, but choose wisely." The whisper came once again, then slowly began to fade. Celia looked at the sword, its strength she could feel from the distance she stood from it. Slowly she walked to it, as it levitated a few feet off of the ground. Celia hesitantly reached for the sword then grasped the handle. She held the blade flat in her hands. "The courage and strength to fight for ones self and for another." Celia's eyes looked at the sword in her hands and felt the strength within her palms and flow through her body as she began to grasp the handle. "Is this what you desire?" Celia nodded, then the other two shattered into light shards that fell to the floor, and slowly faded away. The sword disappeared from her hands and she grew alarmed, then only paces away a double door appeared from shear light. "Be careful... through this door lies your path, but don't be afraid." The whispered began to slightly echo into the darkness. With that said Celia slowly approached the door, unsure of what to expect. When she came in close enough, the door began to shed a little light as it slightly opened. More came through as it began to open more. The light was blinding and quickly Celia covered her eyes.

When the light began to dim she uncovered her eyes and looked around to see she was on an orange platform now. She looked down at the figures, there were these people, thirteen of them. She saw her mother and father side by side. Celia grew slightly confused by what she saw, "Don't worry... it'll all come clear in time." Celia said nothing and looked around to see another platform, but not a way to get to it. Celia walked to the edge of the platform and steps began to appear. "Reach the top, for your destiny has only begun." With not a thought about the whisper, Celia began running up the steps. She made her way to the second platform, a green one with the a picture of two people in black robes with their hoods over their heads, back to back, with weapons drawn out. One had two red nunchukus with blade blades sticking out of the ends. While the other had a strange looking weapon that seemed deadly Celia looked at these two for a second longer, before these puffs of black smoke began to appear and three shadow heartless began to rise from them. Celia's pupils began to shrink as fear had stricken her body. They seeped into the ground, coming toward her, and rising out. Celia backed away then turned to run down the steps, but they had disappeared. She turned around facing the heartless. "Don't be afraid." The whisper called to her. "Call to your courage and fight these creatures." The hymn grew stronger and Fragments of Sorrow began to play. Celia tried to not pay attention to the creatures and closed her eyes. She held out her hands trying to grasp her courage. "I'm not afraid... I'm not afraid." She chanted to herself over and over. She could feel it working. A small light began to shine within her, she could feel it, then the sword came to her hands. Celia opened her eyes and grasped it. Her eyes opened and she with one hand swung her sword with one swipe to the right. It sent the heartless flying away, sliding on their backs. Celia charged in on the second one with her sword at her side. She pointed it backward and rushed in pumping her left arm. Celia hopped forward at a three hundred and sixty spin toward the creature. She grasped the sword with two hands and swung it hard into the side of the shadow's head. The blow impacted heavily and it popped into black dust. The other two came at her from both sides seeping into the ground and reappearing on both sides of her. She came to the one at the left first. She brought the sword down on it's head. It drove a clean cut through, then she followed up with a forward thrust. To finish it off she did a front flip and send the sword down through the heartless with all her might. The other seeped through the ground and came up behind her sending it's claw into her back. Wincing slightly she grunted and flipped the blade upside down and thrust it beside her him, piercing the face of the shadow and it popped into black dust. Celia cocked her head to the side seeing the dust fade away.

The sound of the music faded away and it went back to The End of the World. As it did the steps came back and the steps to the top platform appeared. Celia ran up the steps and made her way to the third platform, a red one. Celia looked at the platform and saw a group of thirteen people in black robes. She examined them longer then looked ahead to see a weapon in the stone of a pedestal. The sword transformed back into a ball of light and flew to the weapon in the pedestal. She walked over to it. "The keyblade... a weapon of limitless power. The weapon to save the light. A weapon to both open and seal doors. Celia knew of this weapon, she was told of it from her father when she was younger. Celia walked to the weapon. As she came to the pedestal where the weapon stood; she grasped the handle that stood upside down. She began to pull it out of the rock. "This is where your destiny begins." The voice whispered, as the keyblade was pulled out. Celia looked at the keyblade and gently looked at the scripture on the side of the blade, "Valiant Thorns." It read. The platform started to rumble. Celia quickly whipped around to see a black puddle on the ground. Through it rose a the Darkside heartless. The creature stood tall. Celia backed up from the heartless, "Don't be afraid." The whisper came. Celia's eyes grew firm and she gripped the Valiant Thorns keyblade. Darkside cocked it's fist back and sent it to Celia, but she was ready. Celia rolled out the way of the giant fist and ran up it's arm. She held the keyblade at her side and hopped onto it's shoulder. She began swinging her keyblade at the creature's head, from left to right trying to keep her balance on the shoulder of this dark creature. The Darkside heartless grunted lightly then grasped her by and tossed her up in the air. Celia flipped a few times then began falling. The giant heartless cocked it's arm back locking onto Celia's body. He then sent his fist toward her. Celia's reaction came quickly and she brought her keyblade down onto the fist and pushed it away. The Darksides's arm flew backward and Celia landed on the ground, dropping to a knee once she touched the ground. She stood once again with her keyblade in her hand. The heartless held out it's hand and five heatless soldiers began to appear.

Celia was ready as the soldiers charged in. They swung their claws at her. Celia blocked most, but they surrounded her and she began to take multiple blows at once. She was hit left to right. She winced and grunted as she was hit. She needed to get out of this barrage of blows. As one hit came to, with great haste she blocked it forcing the soldier back. She rushed forward and began swatting it's head left to right with her keyblade. She spun backward, so her back faced the creature and brought her keyblade behind her stabbing into the gut of the soldier and pulling it out. She faced the others as the heartless puffed into a dark dust. With her keyblade grasped with both hands she charged in on the four. The Darkside spectated from his spot with it's arms crossed. She jumped into the air to deliver and dropping slash down onto the head of a heartless and spin around in a three sixty to crush the side of a heartless' head with he tip of her thorn keyblade. She as she did two of the heartless disappeared and reappeared behind her, giving her a kicks and claws from behind. She spun behind her and gave a full swing behind her. It sent the two creatures of darkness flying away. The Darkside heartless grew bored and cocked his fist back and drove it to Celia. With only a few seconds to react Celia hopped backward, but a shock wave came forward and struck her hard. She winced as the force blew her to the edge of the platform. She tumbled to the ground and rolled sideways to a stop. She stood up with pain. Celia used her keyblade to help her stand up. She looked at the enemies with her two firm, yet delicate eyes. She panted lightly and lifted her keyblade back to her hands. She hunched over and held her keyblade beside her face. Valiant Thorns pointed forward toward her enemies. Celia looked to the Soldiers then to the Darkside. She smirked as she got an idea. The Darkside cocked it's fist back, and Celia took off. The fist sent out a shockwave, when striking the ground heavily. Celia was hit by it; sliding to a fall. She picked herself back up and continued on to the first heartless soldier she saw. She brought her keyblade from the ground up and struck the heartless into the sky. As she did she jumped with it and spun in a three sixty; striking the creature heavily into the back. It was sent flying to the head of the Darkside. It connected hard with a strong impact. The giant heartless bobbed it's head back and another came to it as Celia did the same to another soldier. The Darkside grunted and the soldiers disappeared. He quickly grabbed Celia and balled up his left fist. Celia braced herself for the blow; holding her keyblade out in front of her.

The fist came spiraling at her with great speed. It connected with her keyblade, but it was too much. Her keyblade went flying from her hands and she took the hit. It was as if slamming into the wall. Celia winced heavily and the Darkside dropped her. She fell from the grasp and landed heavily on the floor. Her keyblade spun to the ground and landed with the tip into the platform. Celia winced as the pain pulsated through her body. She tried to get up, but couldn't. The pain was too great for her. The Darkside laughed and looked down at her, it rose it's hands in the air and a ball of purple energy began to expand from it's hands. It continued to laugh as it grew bigger and bigger. Celia opened an eye to see the giant heartless' energy flowing into the ball. Celia knew that this just might be it. "Celia!" A familiar voice called to her. It was Zaladin. "Celia don't give up on me!" He said to her as if he were right next to her. Her body felt cold as if she'd already been dead. She turned her head to see her keyblade in the platform with the handle up. "Call to your courage." The whisper formed in her ears. Celia looked at the keyblade a second longer and weakly reached for it. She closed her eyes and held her hand there. She thought back to how she called for the sword. In her mind she called out, "Courage!" The keyblade disappeared in a beam of light formed around the keyblade and it dissipated. It came to her hands and she smiled weakly. She pressed the keyblade into the ground and pushed herself up through her pain. Celia looked up to the ball and got another idea. With all the power she could muster in her right hand; Celia hurled her keyblade at the ball of dark energy. Valiant Thorns spun like a boomerang and into the ball of energy. As it touched it and broke the energy causing a large explosion over the Darkside's head. The creature shouted and tried to keep it's balance, but it was too late. As Celia watched the explosion she fell backwards and watched as the creature fell forward. She tried to inch away, but it was too late. The platform began to form with darkness. Celia's legs began to be consumed by darkness. She flailed her arms and legs for it to get off of her, but it was no use. "Help!" She cried out in her mind. "Help me!" She reached out her hand for it was the only thing that hadn't been consumed by the darkness yet. As she did a light portal broke through the darkness and a pale white hand on the other side grasped her and light began to shine on both sides. Celia's eyes began to close as the light took over. Her body grew feathery and felt as if she was floating. "This is your destiny." The voice called and that was all that remained.

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