Stupid Detatchment Laws... and Syllogisms!? Bah, I say! Who came up with this s**t and why are they making me strain my brain? eek
Oh well... ANYWAY! On to more important things! Like that fact that I got lots of money for my b-day, most of the CDs I wanted, Sly Cooper and... *Ahem* Drum roll please.
heart BLEACH!!! EPISODES 1-47 ON DVD!!! *Laughs Manically* heart
I've been watching it over and over and over and over... mostly the parts with Zangetsu, though. whee That guy is so awesome. I don't care if he's 'old'. He's hot. And he's MINE. 4laugh Plus my friends would agree with me anyway... because I am the oldest and they don't call me Grandma Spaz for nothin'. I love my mommy. xd If anyone cares why I haven't been on for days 'n days. I'll just say that I've been doing... stuff. Like watching my precious Bleach and doing my non beloved homework. rolleyes I want more Bleach already. I've seen so much of it that I think if I had the manga following the series I'd at least be in the teens. Lie 17 or 18. Maybe higher. I've only got up to volume 8. And episodes 1-20 have volumes 1-8 covered. I still want the manga though. mrgreen
Einhaender · Wed Sep 28, 2005 @ 02:20am · 0 Comments |