Well, since my other journal entry was so.....dark, I descided to put a funny, peppy entry here! About school.....Life......AND BOYS! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! GIRL TALK! Guys, read at your own risk.... twisted (Seriously, somethings are better left unsaid...)
Well, where to begin......Let's start with some deep stuff....Today, before school, before I even got out from under the covers, I did some deep thinking about life. If you just count it up, I only have 4 years left with my parents, 4 years of college hell, 30 or so years of working my a** off, and 20 more years untill it's all over! It's such a short time! But what happens after you die? How are you suppose to prepare for it? What happens? Is there really a heaven or hell. Or is it just....nothing....Darkness for the rest of eternity? Are you reincanated into someone else? Do you have to watch the world go by untill the end of enternity? What happens? The prospect scared me to death(not literally, but close). I really freaked myself out. That's why I'm afraid to die, athough I've thought of the possiblity a lot, and how would everyone I knew would take it. Everything you do is a risk. You could die just by breathing the wrong air, or all of the sudden have a heart attack. Life is not guarenteed.
Well, enough of that crap! I thinks too much sometimes(Ha ha ha). Now to the good stuff! biggrin
Hmmmm.....I have entered the field of preps and lost my originality. I got highlights! I just wish I could of got an unusual color....blonde is so common. But I think it looks really good! It looks more gold than blonde, and it's looks great in contrast to my dark brown hair! I like it shoulder lenght too. Frames my face more.
Lets see....I've realized that I'm actually having my own thought know! Like, when your little, you believe anything your parents said, and you didn't understand anything about the world around you. Well, now I know enough to have my own ideas on touchy subjects! Yay! I can actually have a complicated debate with my parents! I've also noticed that I'm getting more rebelious and speak up to my parents more. Good or bad, I don't know.
Now the really good stuff! Boys! I am a teenaged girl, I do think about these thing ocassionally.
I've never had a boyfriend.....Sad cry ......But I don't think of it much. Half of my friends haven't had one either. (Except for Jenny, Reanna, and Jessica! stressed ) It's not like I'm going to find my soul mate in highschool, but it would be nice to have some experience in those fields.
Neh....my crush is dwindling(Ha ha! Used vocab from English! mrgreen ). I really don't have a big crush.....It lasted two years....It has to die eventually. But still....It would be nice......
HOMECOMMING IS IN A WEEK! EEK! blaugh WHAT WILL I DO? WHAT WILL I WEAR? Even though I already know what I'm doing and wearing, feh. Another fantasy.....It would be cool...If a hot upperclassmen asked me to dance.....EEK! heart heart heart Wait! ACK! Acting waaaaay to girly for my liking.... eek My sisters coming home for the weekend then....she can do my make-up and stuff.......I wonder what my first kiss will be like.......ACK! HAPPENING AGAIN!!!! gonk gonk gonk But still.......
Okay, end of my girly adventure....Enough for me for now.....
I can't wait until next Friday! I get my RahXephon CD! Yay! heart
Okay I'm done! biggrin Oh, and LOVE AND PEACE! heart
Oh, and one other thing. I've noticed that I say "EEK" a lot. Like, in real life. Like, once I was walking down the road to get to my brother's car, I slipped on the side and eeked really high pitched and barely adible. Stupied books and shows.....I did "HUP" every time I hopped somewhere without thinking about it after I played Zelda.....
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The Crazy Life of a Teenaged Idiot
Yeah, yeah.....cheesy title.....But who cares what you think! Anyways.....yeah.....My journal! Where I put all my turmoils of the day! Enjoy!
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