This is probably the only thing on Earth I cannot comprehend even a little bit. Religion. Putting it nicely, we are not friends by any means.
(This is the time when if you can't be open minded, you leave. I don't want any comments condemning me for saying how I feel. I'm attacking no one. I'm just expressing my beliefs)
I was raised in a Catholic household - I am no Catholic. When my mother went to get me baptized the preist refused, called me the spawn of the Devil, and threw holy water at me. I was an infant. Just saying - wtf???
Next, the only good thing I ever say religion give anyone was hope that there was something watching over them, and reassurance of what happens after we die. But that's it. A lot of religios people walk on eggshells that I know afraid if they aren't perfect the mighty Lord will strike them with a thunderbolt straight to the fiery pits of H***... Is that any way to live??? Serious???
And then all the preach that comes along with having relgious friends when you aren't religious. OMG. I don't believe it, and yet I get lectures on it? Why? Am I supposed to suddenly see the light or something? Oh, and they wanted to save my soul. One day at lunch at my high school, my friends took a vote and decided they were going to save my soul. Just a hint - it doesn't need saved, and if it does, I'll find someone to do it on my own thanks.
And the Bible... I don't believe in that at all. It's been proved the Earth is over 6000 years old and yet if you read that book, it says that's the oldest it is. And dinosaurs aren't in the bible, but we have proof of them being OLDER than 6000 years old. And who wrote the Bible anyways? How do we know some guy in ancient times just didn't sit down and say to himself 'Oh let's have a laugh and write this thing and see who follows it?' How can we ever know the truth?
And so many religions seem so similar. Why do we need so many when they say almost the same thing to begin with? Seriously?
If God is so amazing, why is the world such a mess? Isn't there murder? Rape? Theft? Incest? Abuse? Where's God to fix all that and keep people safe? I once asked a religious friend of mine, and he said that 'the Devil is currently in charge of the Earth'. But this stuff has been going on for as long as the world has been inhabited by people. You can't tell me people all used to be perfect way back in the day. Does that mean God just created the world and then handed it over straight away to the Devil without trying to protect it???
But the thing that really gets me going is the intolerance I've seen first hand from religious sects of people around me. I thought religion was supposed to be tolerant. Apparently not. I thought God loved all this children, but that's been proven wrong time and time again. Look at the battle of homosexuals and religious groups. If religion is so tolerant, why are they such jerks to homosexuals? And if God loves all his children, why do religious people act like he's turned his back on homosexuals? Serious? How does that make sense? I bet if there is a God up there, he loves homos and his followers are jsut too stubborn to notice that little fact. After all, doesn't he love everyone? I know, it says in the Bible that thing about not being gay, but since I think the Bible was probably written by a MORTAL MAN I think that man must have jsut been a homophobe frankly.
Respond if you want, but seriously, don't go off on me. No one MADE you read this, and I warned you if you would get angry to just please leave. I'm not trying to make trouble. I just want answers that make sense.