Well, I spent most of my day talking to my friend Marie. It was really fun!! We talked about anime, music, hot guys, and stuff that most 13 year old girls would say. And I managed her to join up with Gaia!! I think she's trying to convince her cousin Paula as well. He he. It was so much fun!! Maie talked to me that she's too shy to tell her crush that she likes him. I think it's really cute the way shes ben acting all nervous. I told her that it's retty sae to say that he thinks the same way as her. ^_^

I had dream about this, or something sllightly similar. Marie's crush came up to Nicolle and me and told us that he likd her. He really wanted to tell her how he feels so I suggeted a way that Japanese students do. They write a letter expressing their feelings and then give the letter to the person they like!! If the person responds then it's a safe chance that they feel the same way. But there's also a chance that it may be a decline. But then Marie got the letter and responded saying her own feelings!!! ^_^ So kawaii!!

I think we alo talked about that I no longer like the person I don't like anymore. That's lright. I'm not to fond of men a this current moment. For the past week or two, I've been pretty hostile to almost everyone. I admit that I can be a real loud b***h but that's in my nature. [sighs] Marie and i also talked about Spiral and DNAngel, two shows I introduced to her. I absolutly love Spiral and she absolutly loves DNAngel!!! ^_^ I went onto the official website of Spiral and got an awesome wallpaper for the laptop!!! It's so cool!!!! [drool] Ayumu and Kousuke are so hot...!!!