Oh my goodness! So much drama! dramallama Seriously! You guys are my friends, and I love you, but honestly? Watch out for yourselves ok? I'll be your guardian forever k berry-chan? Be good. Be true. Be loving. Oh, yeah right, haha, this coming from the girl who doesn't want to love any boy in particular... ugh! sorry boys, but I got to love my freedom! haha, so try me... You might just get lucky... wink Got to love those online pervs eh? haha its just fun to get the chance to hang around with all my amigos (friends in spanish)! I love you all, but i'm not in love with any of you, honestly? Have I ever once said such a thing? No right? So try your luck and see if you get lucky... If your man enough! haha be forewarned! Be very forewarned! I've got a razor-sharp personality! I've seen too much of the world to want to go back to the being the angel we are all born as... eh, it's not like they'd accept me anyway... oh well! I'll continue writing this journal for as long as I feel like it, so stfu to anyone who says I must do otherwise! haha jk! I don't mind you sharing your opinions! I'm totally fine with it, so don't feel bad if you call me crackers, or something vulgar, because craziness runs in the family! Haha, but there's a thin line between insanity and intelligence...
SereofChaos · Wed Jan 05, 2011 @ 01:40am · 0 Comments |