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joey's journal
hello everyone! this journal is mostly for the many rp characters i play. XD.
Debt a supernatural rp
First post-

This is the strange and mysterious city of Mego. Here it is said that on the rare nights when the moon turns blood red in color, it means that the strange creature called Mr. Moon has made yet another deal with yet another victium.

Type of rp: literate - advanced lit
genre: Drama, romance, fantasy
Rating: mature

Second post-


Hello and welcome to Mego city. Here in this city all of the children are told of the legend of a strange creature called Mr. Moon. Who has the power of a god, but the sole of a devil. He preys on people with strong and imposible desires and He will grant any wish they desire, but for a devistating price. And if you can't pay the price you will be eaten. Oh youv'e never herd this tale? Please allow me to enlighten you.

Once apon a time there lived a man and this man had a beautiful wife that he loved with all of his heart and soul. Together they lived a happy and simple life together. That is until one day the man's wife became very ill. It did not matter to wich doctor the the two lovers went to, they would always recieve the same daignoses... Nothing could be done for the man's wife. She was doomed to die. All the doctors could do is give the woman medicine to make her more comfortable as she awaited for death to wisk her away. But the man would not give up, he continued to search and search to no avail.

He became very desperate, and one night when the moon was full and light up the city he was walking the streats exhastedly until at last he stopped and screamed aloud, "I will not lose my heart and soul! I will fight god to keep her if I must!"
"Oh? Is that so?" Questioned a strange voice from the heavens. The startled man spun around looking about when his attention was drawn to the sky, where he saw a man bathed in the bright moonlight floating down to the earth wearing a strange smile across his face. "Who... Who are you and what are you?" The man questioned in an astonished manner.
"We are called Mr. Moon." Came the strangers simple reply " As for what we are, if you must lable us you can lable us as a 'friend'. "
"Well what in the hell do you want from me?" Questionedthe man, in his voice one could feel the pain, and distrust he was feeling.
"We could no help but to over hear your cry to the night sky. And thus we came to grant your wish and give you the power to fight god."

"Yeah right. No man has such power. Now leave me be." Replied the man in a frustrated manner. Mr. Moon growled in a angry manner as his feet finnally touched the earth and he stood firmly on the earth. "We are not human friend.We are beyond that. Let us prove itto you... You have a beautiful wife, and together you lived a happy and simple life.. But your wife has become deathly ill, and no matter what you do or where you go you can find no help for her. You do not wish to lose her yet thus your heart has called on us to solve your problem."

Tears welled up in the mans eyes, just who and what was this man who called himself Mr. Moon. How did he know all about the man, without ever meeting the man? Did it realy matter in the end? This Mr. Moon had offerd him something tharall the others did not.. And thatwas a way to save his beloved wife.
"You can help me?" He questioned desperatly. Mr. Moon smiled a most wicked smile. "Yes we most certianlycan help youmy friend. We can take away your wives disease away, and make the whole experience like a dream to her... For a price of coarse."
"Let me guess you want my soul?"
Mr. Moon scoffed at this sugestion. "Do not insult us. Why would we need or want something as dirty as your soul?! We want nothing as such. We simply need you to go hunting for us."
"Hunting?" Questioned the man "Well that sounds simple enough."
Mr. Moon grinned "Oh? Is that so? Not everything as it seems. We need you to hunt a speciel type of creature called a despair... And we need five hundred despair bytheend of the year. And to hunt despair, you will need to transform into a demon. Do you still think that this will be simple?"
The man thought for a second, he honestly didn't care if this requestwas simple or not. He just wanted to save his wife. So the twomade a deal in blood that night and the uwhite moon turned blood red color bathing the city in red light.

And thus Mr. Moon did as he promised and took away the man's wifes illness. When the man found her he hugged her tightly, thinking to himself 'Surly Mr. Moon is a god.' But there were rules on their deal and Mr. Moon was ever so clever. So when the year came to an end, the man still 'lost' his wife and he was unable to fill his debt to Mr. Moon. And the man had to watch as Mr. Moon 'ate' his darling wife and then he was eaten as well. The end.

So what was the moral of the story? Never make a deal with Mr. Moon. But it seems that several children of the story did not head it's warning.. And they, in order to save someone they love made a deal with the strange and bizar Mr. Moon. And their fate is now in your hands, will you be able to fill your debt? Or will you also fall prey to the ever clever and cruel Mr. Moon?

Third post-


1. No godmoding! This is a adventure rp, please no controling of other characters and no 'perfect' characters. All characters are flawed, they are bound to trip over their own two feet and get hurt. Or say something they don't mean. They are prone to temptation and so on.

2. Romance is expected, and I know i rated this rp as mature but no cybering. Gaia does not allow such. So keep all romance pg 16. And just because your character might alreadybe in love with someone doesn' t nesarrily mean yiu have to stay with that character. The more drama the better. Also all sexualities are more then welcome here. I will not tollerate any bullying or flaming of other rprs because of the sexuality they choose for their character.

3. Swearing and gore are to be expected. Just please don't go overboard with either. For example don't swear every other word. It's anoying.

4. This is a literate to advanced liturate rp. That means all posts mustbe at least two paragraphs long! Also please check your spelling. And as for gramer, well i'm a bit more forgiving with gramer because i'm not so good with it either. But please make certain you at least capatalise all sentences and put spaces between them. Also i love pretty posts! Just make certisn that your text color is readable ( no bright yellows and pinks) and that your text size is ten.

5. Please copy and fill out the reservation skelitons first! And then pm them to me with the title: i'm ready to deal. Then fill out the profile and send that to me with the title: so are you ready? Also there will be a two day time limit for how long i hold your reservation. If you can not fill out the profile by then, please let me know. I'm a very understanding person i just don't like being kept waiting only to get no responce.

6. Please, please, please! This is a long term rp! Please inform me before you have to drop out or are leaving for a while!

Forth post-


The artist and the fighter

Talk about how opisites attract! This couple is certianly a good example of that! They met just about a year ago and even though they where so different their romance blossumed like a rose. However the artist was a cancer patient, and her cancer came back with a vengence. She was at the brink of death when the fighter finnally found Mr. Moon and made a deal with him.

The fighter:
geder-male age- 20+
- roomates with the model.
- curently dateing and very in love with the artist.
- works with the pastery chef at the bakery
- best friends with the diabetic
- is the managers next door neibor
- doesn't like or trust the singer
- is friends with the normal student

The Artist:
Gender- female age-20+

- curently dateing and very much in love with the fighter.
- goes to colledge and is the roomate with the normal student
- the model curently works for her
- Is friends with The pastry chef
- has done artwork for the singer
- works at the art museam
- has to often visit the doctor
- Is best friends with the patient

The singer and the manager

These two men are actually relatives, and have known eachother all of their lives. However the manager dosn't just love the singer like a relative.. He's in love with the other man, but thus far has been far too shy to reveal his fealings. Unfortunatly one day the singer was attacked by a rabid fan and stabbed in the neck. The singer survived but became perminatly scarred because of this and could no longer talk let alone sing. And singing is the singer's life.... Thus the manager made a deal with Mr. Moon.

The Singer:
gender- male age-20+
- has a small infatuation for the artist and ocasionaly hires her to do album artwork
- completly unaware of the managers feelings for him
- shares an apartment with the patient
- is friends with the model
- dislikes the fighter
- often goes tothe pastry chef's bakery and eats there
- is curently dateing the diabetic

The Manager:
gender- male age-20+
- is completly in love with the singer but too shy to admit his feelings
- dislikes the diabetic and the artist
- roommates with the fighter
- is friends with the model
- feels sorry for the normal student

The docter and the patient

These two arn't exacttly a match made in heven. They were constantly fighting, that is until the doctor saved the patients life and the patient fell head over heals for the doctor. But the doctor got into a car acident and broke both her hands.. Thus to save the doctors carrer the patient made a deal with Mr. Moon.

The doctor:
gender: female age-20+

The patient:
Gender- wildcard age- 20+

The model and the normal student

He's beautiful and slightly narsasistic, and she... She's average looking and highly deluded. The model is only dateing the normal student out of curiosity and so that he can use her for her money. Nevertheless she still loves him. But one day the model got caught in a fire and his beauty was taken from him. The normal student still loved the model despite this, but he became suicidal... And so the normal student searched out and made a deal with Mr. Moon.

The pastry chef and the diabetic

These two women are also family members and have know eachither for most of their lives. There is one thing the pastry chef has a crush on the diabetic but thus far has not revealed her fealings. They lived a happy life until the pastry chef had a tumer found in her brain that took away her sight and sence of smell. So to save her relative the diabetic made a deal with Mr. Moon

Fith post-

Non playable characters and important places faq

Sixth post

Current weather date and time

Seventh post-

The deal

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