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joey's journal
hello everyone! this journal is mostly for the many rp characters i play. XD.
anther rp ideA
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Titel of rp: αи∂ тнιѕ ιѕ уσυ иєω ωιfє
type of rp: yuri
genre: fantasy, comedy, romance, arranged marriage
time period: Medieval era

Story: Once upon a time there lived a beloved king and a queen. And together they ruled over the land of Gardania. Unfortunately no matter how hard they tried, they could not have children of their own. Thus they consulted a powerful witch. The witch was so moved by their desperate plea, that she cast a spell on their garden. She turned four of the most beautiful flowers into four beautiful baby girls. The king and queen were quiet happy with the witch's work and rewarded her handsomely. However as the girls grew older and more beautiful the king and queen grew concerned about their girls safety. And they were right to do so, as one of their daughters was kidnapped. (Luckily, she was found and returned) So once again the king and queen consulted the witch again, asking her to create the perfect guards for their precious daughters.

The witch, was once again moved by the pleas of the king and queen, and cast a spell on their garden once more. This time she cast a spell on four of the strongest and sharpest thorns in the garden, making them into beautiful fully grown woman. And using her magic, she made these women the perfect guards for the princesses. Once again the king and queen were pleased, and handsomely rewarded the witch. But then the queen died. And the king became aware of the future that once he was gone, his daughters would be left to rule the kingdom alone. He wanted his daughters to find love just as he had with his late wife. So he began to welcome suitors into his kingdom, but with each suitor he found faults and he turned them all away. For one last time he consulted the witch, begging her to create for his daughters the perfect mates. But love is a funny thing, the witch warned the king that even if she made the princesses mates, that there was no guarantee that they would fall in love. But her warning fell on deaf ears as he continued to plead with her. So, the witch cast a spell on a nearby weed patch, making four wildflowers into beautiful women to wed the princesses.

At first the king was furious with the witch's work, thinking she did this to insult him. But the witch explained, that flowers could only become women,and that their reproductive system worked so much differently then a normal human. She assured him, that even though the mates she made for the princesses were all women, that he would still be able to receive grandchildren. After calming down once again he rewarded the witch, and allowed her to take the for weeds to raise them as her own. For ten years the witch raised the weeds like she would have raised four sons. As the king waited to his princesses mates to grow and mature, he saw that some of the thorns were falling for his daughters. And so to keep his daughters pure for their future mates, he married the thorns to one another. After ten long years, everything was finally ready. The witch brought the four weeds to the castle, at long last the roses turned beautiful woman would meet their mates. But as we all know, love is a tricky thing, and this is where our story truly begins.


I. Follow gaia ToS. That means no God moding, flamming, teasing bullying and so on. I will make exceptions to some of the TOS, like swearing. Just don't over do it.

II. Romance is highly expected and welcome. Just no cybering. When it's time to take off your clothes, use the handy dandy time skip button.

III. Violence and fighting is also encouraged. But again, just don't over do it.

IIII. This is a semi-lit to literate roleplay. All posts must be at least one good paragraph long. One liners are a definate no, no! Also no text talk, or writing in the first person (unless your character is writing a letter, talking, or writing a journal entry.) Make sure you spell check your posts, there's nothing worse then a post filled with spelling errors. As for gramer, just do your best you know proper capitalization, spaceing, and punctuation.

V. I just love pretty posts! So at least decorate your post with a pic of your character, their name, what role their playing, and who they are arranged to marry or married to.

VI. Please fill out the profiles and pm them to me with the title, "I'm getting married!". Please use only anime pictures for your character, and be creative! I just love original characters. Please no perfect characters, or dull as dish water characters. Also please Include a recent role play sample.

VII. Please, please! Remain active! This is a long term rp. So if you are going away, or whatever please let us know vai pm or the Icc. And let me know if you have to drop out, so that I can properly replace you.

VIII. Have fun!

The cast-
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The four roses:

The white rose
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    -Arranged to marry the dandelion

      -Protected by thorn 1

        small blurb will go here


The black rose
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    - Arranged to marry the queen Ann's lace

      -Protected by thorn 2

        small blurb will go here


The red rose
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    - arranged to marry the clover

      -protected by thorn 3

        small blurb will go here


The blue rose
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    -arranged to marry the ragweed

      -protected by thorn 4

        small blurb here


The four thorns:
User Image

Thorn 1
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    -protector of the white rose

      -married to thorn 2

        small blurb here


Thorn 2
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    -protector of the black rose

      -married to thorn

        small blurb here


Thorn 3
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    -protector of the red rose

      -married to thorn 4

        small blurb here


Thorn 4
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    -protector of the blue rose

      -married to thorn 3

        small blurb here


The four weeds:
User Image
The dandelion
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    -arranged to marry the white rose

      -raised by the witch

        small blurb here


The queen Ann's lace
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    -arranged to marry the black rose

      -raised by the witch

        small blurb here


The clover
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    -arranged to marry the red rose

      -raised by the witch

        small blurb here


The ragweed
good trait• good trait• bad trait • bad trait
    -arranged to marry the blue rose

      -raised by the witch

        small blurb here


User Image
The witch
kind• caring • stubron • hot headed
    Samantha Lee Lurant

      raised the four weeds as if they were her own sons

        all of her daughters have her last name.

User Image
The king
intelligent • fatherly • sarcastic • picky
    Edward Samuel Haden

      raised the four roses along side his wife like they were his own flesh and blood

        All of his daughters have his last name

User Image
The queen
loving• sweet • forgetful • naive
    Marie Bella Haden

      raised the four roses like she would her own daughters

        died ten years ago do to disease

The reserves:

[Img] insert. 350x 150 Image of character here. Anime only![/img]
[Size=13][B]insert part you wish to play here[/b][/size]
[Size=10][color=1]Good trait • good trait•[/color][color=2] bad trait • bad trait•[/color]
[List][color=1]insert who you are arainged to marry/ protect here[/list][/color]
[List][list][color=2]insert who you are married to/ protected by/ raised by[/list][/list][/color]
[List][list][list]Hello there! Me name is [color=1][insert full name here][/color]. But you can call me, [color=2][insert nickname here][/color]. I am [color=1][insert age here 19+][/color]. And I stand [color=1][insert height here][/color], and weigh [color=2][insert weight here][/color]. I just love [color=1][insert four likes here][/color], but I hate [color=2][insert four dislikes here][/color], and I'm scared to death of [color=3][insert three fears here][/color]. But can you keep a secret? My heart flutters for [color=1][ insert crush here. THIS MUST BE FILLED OUT! this adds a bit more drama to our rp. So are you in love with a thorn? A rose? A different weed? have fun with this!][/color]. I have a talent for [color=2][list four talents here, be creative][/color]. But I completely stink at, [color=1][list four things your character is no good at][/color]. I hope that we get along well.[/size]
[Size=13][color=3][align=right][Insert gaia name here][/align][/size][/color]

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