You know what sucks? I have school for one more day until Christmas Break!! It bites!! [sighs] Public School kids are so lucky. They're already out having fun on their Break. Stupid principal of mine keeps us in school for only two days more. What's more is that we have Church tomorrow and I have to wear a damn skirt!!!! It's freezing where I am which is pretty odd. It usually doesn't go down to around 40 degrees....But still, it pisses me off. And I can't even stay here on the computer too long or else I'm in deep s**t...

If I were on Break right now, I'd would have been having fun and chatting in the forums and earning gold...But no...I have to work on my stupid Spanish homework that's due tomorrow!! I really am cranky and pissed but I'll lighten up somehow...

Ugh. I hate Spanish. I don't see why I have to take the stupid language. Screw the stupid thing. I want to take something like German or French. But most of all, Japanese!!! Whoo!! He he. ^_^ I am one obsessed woman. Crap I have to go. I think my dad is up now.