Um...I dunno. I guess I just felt like typing something. Lemme think. Well, the window people still aren't done. They've only been on time two days out of 6 or so. Plus, they were supposed to have been done by now. Dammit. Never trust a contractor. They'll just piss you off later. I personally have nothing against contractors, though I would assume by now that that is what you're thinking. Well, it ain't.
That's because I'm just sick of having all of these people in our house. It took a whole month to finish a phone booth of a bathroom, when it only took a week to completely finish recarpeting the entire main floor and stairs, and to finish the kitchen as well. All I want is for the house to be ours again! gonk I can't wait until these people leave. I want my room back. It's making me sad that I no longer have a place to be alone. To listen to my music as loud as I want without making my dad freak. A place to take a god damn nap when you didn't sleep so well the night before. To read, relax, and enjoy the silence there is without someone using a nail gun in the next room. No power tools whatsoever.
Well. I'm hungry. And it's lunch time. So, I'm gonna go eat.
Buh-bye everyone, for now at least.
Good day.
Einhaender · Thu Jul 20, 2006 @ 05:25pm · 0 Comments |