The Clue
Dihnoro sat in the Demonic fighter club bar with his friend Zehkiel, discussing the latest clue. " 'She rides the winds, but is not air, she lurks below, but still is fair.' " He recited to the man. " It's tricky, I'll give you that," Zehkiel replied. "Let's go through the options. She rides the winds... well at least we know it's a she, any ideas yet Dihn?" He asked. " I have alot of female goddesses, it kinda doesn't narrow down enough," Dihnoro said. " Hm. Well it's not the goddess of wind, the second part says. And what could lurk below? Plus in all of them, she has to be nice to look at too." Zehkiel told his friend. " Here are the options, but then I'll tell you where I get stuck. There's the wind goddess, but it says it's not her. And the god of dark, but he's not a girl or rides the winds. The last one I can think of is the goddess of water, as she was the most beautiful one of all the goddesses, but I don't see where the other clues fit with her." Dihnoro answered. Zehkiel thought a few seconds, then solved the first part. " She lurks below in the ocean depths, that counts right?" Dihnoro's smile had finally returned, and was determined to find out the last piece. " I got it. Her waves ride the winds, that's how they move." Dihnoro stated, standing up and heading out the door. " Thanks for the help!" He called out to Zehkiel, then went out to find his goddess. " No problem I guess," Zehkiel chuckled, then returned to the bar and sat down.