I really want to get out of German now. And it's all my current teacher's fault. I knew that this idiot teacher of mine was going to be teaching the class. But I was too damn stubborn to let go of German. I was also hoping that it wouldn't be so bad. But I was horribly wrong. He can't teach worth s**t. It's been over a month now, and we haven't even gotten through the first chapter of the book. gonk Getting good grades in the class is no problem, though. Considering there is so many damn extra credit points that I already have 130 some % in that class. It's a total waste of my time.
Yet I haven't been able to convince my mother that I should drop it. Good lord, all I'm accomplishing in that class is to PWN all of my classmates at everything. Tests, games, quizzes, you name it. It's an insult to my intelligence by being in this class. He treats everyone (Believe me, we also have a senoir in my class.) like we're back in elementary school. It's retarded on so many levels...I can't even describe how badly I want to stuff an oversized sock down his throat every time he brings up one of his sayings:
"Remember, JGW, Just Gotta Wanna!" "Don't come up a day late and a dollar short." "Flexible people don't get bent out of shape!"
And that's just a few of them...I'm sick of it. I want out, but I can't, because my mom keeps telling me to stay for a few more weeks. No matter how unbearable I tell her it is, she just keeps saying that. So, this Monday, are parent teacher conferences. I'm going to go with them, but, when we get to his room, I'm going to hide around the corner while they hold the conference. I want to see what they think. And, hopefully, it's nothing good.
I want out so badly, it sucks. Not even the allure of Festival of Nations is enough to make me want to stay.
Einhaender · Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 02:52am · 0 Comments |