Sometimes I still feel trapped by what is to come or what has already come to pass. Giving into what fate has pushed into my road. I had many times in the past accepted the dark, accepted the false impression that I was not needed, that I had no reason to continue. I felt misserable because of my past, I didn't want to remember anything about it and everytime someone brought it up I hated them for it, my mom and step dad mostly because they would force me to think of things I wished to forget, wanted me to talk to complete strangers who were 'trying to help me', not caring that I only wanted to be left alone. I would always lock myself up in my room and let my mind wonder, hardly eating a thing and wake in the night from fright because the memories haunted me even in my dreams. I never cared about anyone except myself because they would do the same me, only think of what they could get out of me in exchange for being my friend. You on the other hand, have helped me to return from that darkness that grew, helped those nightmares and those days of nonstop tears, evaporate into non-existance. You had comeforted me and listened, truly listened to what I had to say and what I had felt. You aloud me to lean on your shoulder when it was needed, not once ever taking advantage. You cared for me as a true friend would have, always trying to help me heal my wounds and the scars of my heart through time. You never once left my side and said I wasn't worth your time and when I requested of you, you came without a second thought. I would have died without you if not for real then at least in mind. I would have been a walking shell, no feelings, no care and then just return home to cry and wish for my life to end. I would push others away but you, you were an exception. You were the first person who saw who I really was and though you had never gone through what I had, you tried your best in every way to help me in my progress to become who I am today. I still remember those nights, the detail of everything from begining to end. The pain many had caused me but mostly the man I had once called father. I still feel the pain, the thought that it could happen again reminding me everyday of what I once was and could have still been if it wasn't for you. For this i thank you with all my heart and soul, for holding me tight and never letting me go. I want to thank you for being there when I cried, was angery, or pained from those memories that always returned in my mind. I still have them, those nightmares, I don't sleep that much but it is fine because I know i can make it through and it is all thanks to you. Please remember that from the day I had met you, the day that you broke through my prison hold I had built, since then I have always been happy to know you and that i thank you every single moment, every single second in time. The thought of never meeting you would kills me and reminds me how much I depend on you and your presense. So please remember this, everytime I see you, every time I think about you, as the sun rises and sets, every second that goes by, I am always thanking you and what you have done. I thank you for being there and still staying by my side through and through. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you