*squees and does a random dance* :3
I'm in such a fangirl mood right now I'm scaring myself....so be warned...
Okies, starting off: Euroshipping. Ryou/Seto. ....You have to admit it's adorable. I can't get enough of it, I really can't....speaking of which, me euroshipping fanfic needs it's second chapter done....I should probably be writing that instead....but anyways. Speaking of RxS fanfics, The best two you could ever possibly hope to read, ever are on FF.Net called Fairydust and Look the Other Way. While the author's name slips my mind at the moment, I know I have both stories on my favorites list on my FF.net profile. The link's in my Gaia profile. woot!
Moving along [because that couple automatically gets me started on fanfiction].
Irateshipping. Jounouchi/Malik. ....Why don't people do more with this pairing? I luff it lots [even though I have no friggin clue how they'd ever get together....]. Seeing them together makes me feel fuzzy inside. :3
Next! More strange couples! I can't get enough of the 'weird' pairings....it's just...just...they're so much more interesting! Puzzleshipping? *gag* It's practically canon for pity's sake...Tendershipping? EVERYWHERE!!! I swear, every other yaoi couple in this fandom is Ryou and Yami no Bakura. =_= The love's a little thick.
Anyway! Holeshipping: Yami no Yuugi/Seto/Malik ....Not much to say here, seeing as how I just saw it on a shipping list. XD I would love for somebody to to something with it, though.
Powershipping! Seto/Malik. *purrr* This is a new one I've found. It's so very tempting to write a fic on it....somebody stop me...no! Don't! *snugs shipping* It's soooo fluffy!
Oh and there's SO MANY!!!! You want to see for yourself just how many pairings there are? Go here. It's a list of MOST of 'em. I've already thought of some that aren't on there....[Mind you, they're the strangest of strange]. This list is my main inspiration. Xp
Well, now that I've probably scarred anybody reading this who knows anything about Yu-Gi-Oh, I feel better. :3 yay.
[edit] I didn't notice until after I posted that all the couples I mentioned are shounen ai so....here, take this one for the road: MokubaxMai! :O OMG!!!
I'm kidding....you know that....right?....o.O;;
x[Skittle.Me.Green]x · Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 02:54am · 2 Comments |