...is THE single most BORING thing EVER! T.T I don't see HOW anybody's able to treat it as a holiday (especially after a three-day weekend). Seriously, it should be a form of punishment. There is nothing to do...(obviously why I'm choosing to update my journal now) I've only been home for about twenty minutes now but I still feel like my brain is going to leak out my ears. Nobody's online (obviously) and there's nothing on the raido. >.< All that's on T.V. are some very old soap operas....unless I feel like watching any of the movie's my charter-thinger has. IN other words: GUMAPHAPHA! >.<U
...So, what to talk about...Oh, because I left during second block (Gym) I now have to make it up during the next AAA. >.< Which sucks, because AAA's the only time I get to talk to friends who aren't in my classes or Lunch hour. ...I wonder if Ms. Wallberg's going to count my project late now. o.O I should have left it in her classroom before I left. *facepalm* Grah!
Oh, but now the part you've all been waiting to hear: The symptoms. Basically it feels like I'm being gagged everytime I swallow. One side of my throat is sore, which is really weird and makes yawning (which I'm doing a lot of...) very difficult. >.oU Ever try forcing only half your mouth to yawn? It doesn't work out so well, and I probably look like some deranged moose. Oh yes, but that's not all. Fever, stomach aches and a stuffy nose to top it off. The only thing I don't have his a headache...oddly enough...Though If I had one I prolly wouldn't be on the computer, seeing as how it is one of the more painful things to stare at when one is under-going brain construction.
...I probably should stop talking about myself, but seeing as how I've nothing else to do, I'll continue.
...But....what to talk about?....It's nice outside today. A balmy 31 degrees! :3 Yay for that, the snow is finally melting! *random dance* ...I like the snow too, but, spring is most definately better....save for the fact it's squishy....veeery squishy. >.o...
...I think I'll wrap that up and go watch Days of our Lives for the next three hours. >.<U
x[Skittle.Me.Green]x · Tue Feb 20, 2007 @ 05:02pm · 1 Comments |