
Isaac and i went to see The Prestige tonight. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pxa_GPWRXLQ ) It was awsome. <3 Go see it, and we'll discuss it. 3nodding
It was so much fun going to the movies with Ikey. whee We played DDR, that basketball game and air hockey. He won.. crying But i was totally catching up and close to winning... >_>;; Sort've.
After the movie we went to the Old Stone ( it's a pub ) for something to eat and a drink. (Yes, ONE drink. I understand now what it means to have "just a drink." wink While we were chatting and stuff he gets this look on his face i've seen before. The one where his eyes go all sparkly and he's got this smile and it's almost like he's thinking..."I really love this person" kinda looks...
x3 That look really makes me gush. 4laugh He even planned on walking me home until Jay showed up, follwed by Casey. So our date pretty much got interuppted, which wasn't so bad since i hadn't seen them in a while, but i consider this mission a failure. sad Booo, and being walked home woulda been so romantic too. sad

Got to see Darlene tonight though! That was awsome. I missed Darlene. ^^